spore evolution

Chapter 235 Enemy attack?

Chapter 235 Enemy attack?

Abandoned other miscellaneous things, only took the energy spar.

The Yiren tribe lives on the mountainside. They only go out to hunt when they are looking for food. There are not many energy spars stored in the territory. On average, each person has less than one piece. The energy in many energy spars has already was consumed.

Chen Tianhao looked at the energy spar in Yiren's hand speechlessly, he didn't expect that there was so little in stock, well, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat, he waved his hand and said, "That's it, perfect start."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Attention everyone, let the children take priority."

Wing stood at the exit, calling out to the crowd.

Yiren's quality is still very high, inheriting Chen Tianhao's fine tradition of respecting the old and caring for the young, the adults stepped aside and let the children start to follow Chen Tianhao's figure and walk towards the entrance of the cave.

The hole is not big, about 3 meters high and 2 meters wide, allowing two children to walk side by side.

The passage was not long, Chen Tianhao came out quickly, parted the vines outside, spread his blue wings, and stood in mid-air.

Then came out the little winged man that Chen Tianhao just pointed at. The little winged man happily looked at the outside world, pushed aside the vines, and jumped vigorously.


The little winged man didn't have time to spread his wings, and his whole body fell rapidly.

Seeing this, Chen Tianhao secretly yelled, that's terrible.

A blue figure quickly flew to the side of the little winged man.

He remembered that although the Wingman in the past had wings, those wings could only support the Wingman to glide for a short distance.

Little Wingman was not as anxious as Chen Tianhao, as if he was enjoying the thrill of falling, he opened his mouth and laughed so hard that he had already changed his teeth and caused holes to leak out.

Chen Tianhao was very fast, he arrived next to Xiaoyiren in a while, and hugged him.

Little Wingman's curiosity shifted from the weightlessness of the fall to Chen Tianhao's body. His black eyes kept turning in their sockets, looking at the new patriarch.

Before Chen Tianhao had time to comfort the little winged people, he looked up and found that groups of little winged people jumped down one after another from the entrance of the cave.

The little wing figure fell towards the foot of the mountain like a dumpling.

not good.

There were too many little winged men, Chen Tianhao only had one pair of hands, so he quickly flew to one of the little winged men and scooped it up.

As for the other Little Wings, he could only watch them fall.

Damn it, no way, could it be that the newly subdued Yiren tribe just perished like this?

Facts proved that Chen Tianhao's worries were unnecessary.

There are no creatures that can live on the cliffs of the top of the mountain for a long time. They really can't fly, and they won't settle in such a high place.

Many winglets, after falling for a certain distance.


He spread his wings, paused, and then soared into the sky, happily flying between the cliffs, enjoying the joy of flying.

Between the cliffs, the cheers of the little wing people resounded. They usually live in the cave, and the little wing people rarely go out to fly. This is the reason why Chen Tianhao fell after seeing the little wing people coming out. They need a little time to get used to it. fly.

The two little guys in Chen Tianhao's hand saw other winged people happily flying in the air, the first little winged man raised his head and asked: "Patriarch, can you let me down, I also want to fly like them. "


I just thought they couldn't fly, so I caught them in a hurry, but now that I know they are all right, I let them fly naturally.

At the beginning, the passage of the cave can accommodate two little winged people walking side by side, but when it comes to the adults behind, they can only go forward one by one.

When all the Winged Men left the cave and came to the air outside, it took a lot of time.

More than 2000 wingmen spread their wings, covering the passage between the cliffs as if covering the sky and the sun. Some birds that originally passed this way, after seeing it from a distance, detoured from other places.

"Fei Yi, check to see if everyone is here?"

Seeing that no one came out of the cave behind, Chen Tianhao found Fei Yi.

In fact, in Chen Tianhao's consciousness, he sensed that all the winged people had already come out, and there were no traces of other winged people inside, but the absence here did not mean that there were no other places, so it was the most appropriate to ask Fei Yi in the end.

Fei Yi flew to the Yi crowd and ordered everyone to count their own number.

After a while, after gathering the numbers, Fei Yi returned to Chen Tianhao's side and replied: "The patriarch, the Yiren tribe, a total of 2300 people, all of them have arrived."

"Let's go then."

He checked the cave again with his consciousness, and found that there was indeed no one there. With a big wave of his hand, Chen Tianhao flew ahead, heading towards the direction of the Linsen Tribe.

I don't know how fast the Wingman is flying, and we have to take care of the little Wingman. Chen Tianhao's flying speed is not fast, only [-] kilometers per hour.

This speed is just right, and the wingman behind can easily keep up.

Chen Tianhao in front of him was like a blue meteor streaking across the sky, followed by a dark cloud.

Wherever they went, some weak creatures were trembling with fear from the breath coming from the sky, unable to move. When the dark cloud passed, they looked at the direction where the dark cloud disappeared with lingering fear, and re-entered a new life.

two hours later.

Over the Linsen Tribe.

Chen Tianhao saw from a distance, in the middle of the forest, a large group of human beings, under the command of the builders, wooden houses were slowly taking shape.

Around the open space, lumberjacks can be seen everywhere, and the sound of iron saws can be heard from a long distance away, and the sky is full of heat.

"Patriarch, is this the tribe you are in now?"

Fei Yi widened his eyes and looked down, asking eagerly.

Chen Tianhao nodded and said, "Yes, how do you feel?"

"It's much better than that cave." Fei Yi sighed.

Yiren has always lived in a cave. After years of living in a cave, Yiren has also found a way to reduce the humidity and darkness, but this cannot be compared with living in the sun.

"Let's go down and say hello to them first, and arrange your accommodation later."

After finishing speaking, Chen Tianhao took the lead to speed up and fly to the ground.

When Chen Tianhao moved, the Yiren behind him also accelerated.

The Winged Man was like a dark cloud, covering the sun's rays, and the humans working below thought they had encountered a white cloud, just to enjoy the shade.

Until one of them accidentally looked up and found Chen Tianhao approaching. After a few days of getting along, everyone already recognized Chen Tianhao's face.

Seeing Chen Tianhao followed by a group of Yiren, he thought he was being attacked by the Yiren tribe, so he opened his throat and shouted: "No, come quickly, the patriarch has been hunted down by the Yiren."

"where is it?"

When the workers next to them heard it, they shouted in unison.

Before the man could answer, someone pointed to the sky and replied, "It's in the sky."

All of a sudden, the well-ordered construction site turned into a mess. Everyone picked up the weapons around them and gathered in the middle of the open space, looking angrily at the Winged Man in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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