spore evolution

Chapter 236 Misunderstanding

Chapter 236 Misunderstanding
"What's wrong with you? Are there enemies?"

Chen Tianhao, who had just flown down, was immediately surrounded by people, and Fei Yi, who came down together, enjoyed the same treatment, but it was also accompanied by a sky full of wooden sticks.

Fei Yi, who was the pioneer together, was stunned. He was greeted with huge sticks, and he had no time to fly away from the battle. He protected his face with his hands, and wrapped his wings tightly around his body.

"Hey, stop, what are you doing?"

Didn't they subdue the Yiren tribe? Why did they hit it? They quickly pushed aside the crowd and went to Feiyi.

At this time, Fei Yi was horrible, covered with scars, bright red blood stained his whole body, and there were some wounds of unknown depth everywhere, and the right wing was pulled aside, obviously fractured.

Fei Yi looked at Chen Tianhao miserably, and wailed loudly: "Patriarch, it hurts so much, what's going on?"

Fei Yi was beaten in an instant, and the Yi people who flew behind watched their chiefs being surrounded and beaten. All of a sudden, he also got angry.

Groups of flames lit up from the winged man's hands. This was the winged man's attack method, a fire energy attack.

But seeing Chen Tianhao walking to Fei Yi, the fireball in his hand did not throw down, but stagnated in the air and waited quietly.

Different from the humans in Chen Tianhao's current tribe, who can use electricity-type energy, this group of winged people eventually turned into fire-type energy due to different environmental influences during the evolution process.

Regardless of whether it is electric energy or fire energy, the ultimate origin is the energy core in the body. The energy core has no attributes. In different states of creatures, they have different attributes. the result of.

The movements of the winged man aroused the vigilance of the human beings, and the human beings on the ground, one by one, stared at the top as if they were facing a big enemy.

The flames in the hands of the Winged Man radiated huge energy, like shocking bombs, which would cause a powerful range attack when dropped.

Even though they knew that the opponent's attack would fall on them, the humans of the Linsen tribe did not leave, and tightly protected Chen Tianhao in the middle.

Looking at the fireballs all over the sky, one can tell that the Yiren tribe can occupy a seat in this area, and it is by no means a vain name.

Chen Tianhao quickly took out a bottle of Nine Transformation Blood Ointment from his side, handed it to Fei Yi, and said, "Take this bottle of medicine quickly."

Fei Yi took the Nine Transformation Blood Ointment, without any hesitation, raised his head, and poured it directly into his mouth.

The tongue exudes a rich sweet taste, and the taste buds of Flying Wings are mobilized, and they can't wait to shake the bottle with their hands so that the ointment can be poured out faster.

After the nine-transformation blood ointment was swallowed, it was sent to all parts of the body through the blood. Fei Yi felt his wound, as if there were ants, and it was extremely itchy. Fei Yi couldn't help but touch his wound with his hands.

Chen Tianhao hurriedly followed Fei Yi's restless hand, and said: "This is growing flesh, bear with it, it will scab over later."

He also saw the situation in the sky, and was taken aback. When these fireballs came down, my family property was gone, and he quickly shouted: "It's all a misunderstanding, quickly put away the fireballs."

The nine-transformation blood ointment that Chen Tianhao took out belonged to the second generation after Chen Zhiwen improved it, adding some effects of accelerating blood clotting.

In just a short while, the wounds on Fei Yi's body have slowly scabbed over. This is also related to the fact that Fei Yi's injuries are all traumatic. If the attacker had an electric ball, he would not be so lucky.

Fei Yi, who was a little better, also waved to the wing man above and said: "Put the fireball away, these are the patriarch's clansmen, we are all friends."

After hearing the words of the two, the Wingmen put away the fireball in their hands pervertedly, and the pressure all over the sky disappeared without a trace.

The onlookers below gave way to an area, and the Yimen flew down and surrounded Feiyi.

Humans and Yiren form a state of confrontation invisibly, and in the middle are Chen Tianhao and Feiyi.

Seeing that Fei Yi's problem was not serious, Chen Tianhao asked the humans behind him with a sullen face, "What's going on? Our new ally was attacked by you just like this?"

The surroundings suddenly fell silent, and after a while, the first person who noticed Chen Tianhao stepped forward, knowing that he had done something wrong, bowed his head and replied: "I'm sorry, patriarch, I thought you were attacked by them, so I yelled."

Chen Tianhao also knew that there must be a misunderstanding. Knowing that they were doing it for his own benefit, he patted the man on the shoulder, smiled and encouraged him: "It's okay, you did the right thing."

Lin Sen was relatively far away from Chen Er and the others, and rushed over immediately after discovering that there was an emergency here.

Everyone moved out of the way, Lin Sen and Chen Er rushed over, they were shocked when they found Fei Yi covered in blood, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Chen Tianhao was safe and sound.

"Patriarch, what's going on?"

As the main person in charge here, Lin Sen asked first.

Chen Tianhao pointed to Feiyi beside him and said: "This is our new ally Feiyi, who used to belong to the Yiren tribe, and now officially joins our tribal alliance."

I'm going, so fierce, it really followed the development of the gods, that's good, and subdued the fourth-ranked Yiren tribe in one fell swoop.

Lin Sen passed his hand over and said, "Welcome to the Yiren Tribe, and welcome to Feiyi."

"Thank you, let's follow the patriarch's development together."

Knowing that Lin Sen in front of him was the patriarch, he didn't dare to be arrogant, and hurriedly stretched out his hand, but when he saw his hand that was poured with blood, he shrank back in embarrassment.

Lin Sen grabbed Fei Yi's hand and said solemnly: "The people below have caused you harm, I'm really sorry."

"Okay, you guys have gotten to know each other, stop talking here, and send Fei Yi to the dormitory as soon as possible."

Chen Tianhao interrupted their continuation of greetings.

"Fei Yi, this way please." Lin Sen pulled Fei Yi and walked towards the dormitory. After being appointed by Chen Tianhao, he already knew that the dormitory has the effect of recovering from injuries.

Ignore the two of them and let Chen Er arrange the other Yiren's accommodation.

These details are not managed by Chen Tianhao. He is only responsible for the general direction, such as which creatures to ally with, which creatures to attack, and to build some important buildings.

If everything had to be taken care of, it might not be enough to divide him into two.

Perhaps this is why the system has established a stable authority in the mission of the tribe stage, and these authorities are to share the details for him.

Now there are only two tribes, and there are already so many things. If there is no such a team to help him manage, let alone 100 million people, I am afraid that 10 people will be enough for him to keep busy.

From the departure to the return, half a day passed, I ate lunch casually, and returned to the exclusive room of the dormitory.

The exclusive room was specially reserved by Lin Sen. Regardless of whether Chen Tianhao couldn't live there, he still reserved a room for him in the end, but Chen Tianhao couldn't hold back the other party in the end, so he let him go.

Back in the comfort of my room, I started looking at the two new systems that came up.

(End of this chapter)

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