spore evolution

Chapter 237 Religion

Chapter 237 Religion
Does the religious system want to implement religious management?
In the feudal society of the previous life, those emperors often used religion to manage their people. Good religious beliefs taught people to do good, and it was also convenient for the rulers to manage.

If it is reflected in the game of Spore, the religion of the tribal era seems to be a means to conquer other tribes.

There are generally two ways to conquer other tribes, one is to use powerful force to directly conquer, and the other is to use religious ideas to assimilate the other party.

Chen Tianhao used force to conquer the most, but religious methods were never used.

Using different means in each stage will affect the hero skills of the final universe stage.

But in this completely different world, it may have been different long ago.

The newly added religious system is very simple, just like other systems, it just has one more branch.

Religion: Collect beliefs and strengthen your own consciousness energy.

Chen Tianhao stared at the system interface with wide eyes. It turns out that the enhancement of consciousness energy is here.

Shortly after traveling to this world, Chen Tianhao discovered consciousness energy, this special and useful energy, but he has never found a way to enhance consciousness energy, relying purely on natural growth.

When he didn't know that the power of belief can enhance the energy of consciousness, he refused, and when he knew it, he became proactive.

To absorb the power of faith, you need a statue for people to worship and admire. The statue will absorb the power of faith that is sincerely worshiped, and it can be absorbed to a certain extent. After absorbing the power of faith, the energy of consciousness will naturally evolve accordingly.

Of course, there is no need for a temple. Normally, as long as someone has a strong worship towards Chen Tianhao, they will have faith and be absorbed by Chen Tianhao. However, this way of absorption is very inefficient.

When Chen Tianhao subdued the Lin Sen tribe, the energy of his consciousness changed, which was the result of Lin Sen's strong worship.

At that time, Lin Sen thought that Chen Tianhao and the others were gods sent by heaven to save the tribe, and the power of worship and reverence for him was extremely strong.

Chen Tianhao regretted it a little now, he let them no longer call him a god, it was a waste of faith.

There are corresponding religious tasks in the religious system, religious tasks:

Mission Name: Build a Temple

Mission description: Religion is helpful for domination, and it helps to increase the energy and strength of consciousness. Please establish it as soon as possible.

Task reward: 100 points of faith.

Matching the corresponding tasks, the rewards are also different. Although he knows that worship will produce faith power, and he has experienced the effect of faith power, he has no way of knowing how much faith power he got from subduing the Linsen tribe at that time.

100 points of faith, I don't know how much it is, but no matter what, even if there is no such task, after knowing that faith can enhance one's consciousness, you will definitely build a temple.

Chen Tianhao checked it out. Building a temple is different from other buildings, so there is no need to research it first.

Only 10 tons of quarry can be exchanged for a complete temple from the system.

Ever since Chen Tianhao built the mine, there was a mine dedicated to mining stone ore.

10 tons of quarry is not difficult for Chen Tianhao who does not have a mining farm, but with a mining farm, it is simply powerless.

A temple was exchanged from the system, and through the holographic map, Chen Tianhao completed the construction of the temple without leaving home.

In the center of the Linsen Tribe, there were some people who were working or walking on the road.

Suddenly, they felt an irresistible force, and everyone was swept away and fell dizzy.

Everyone thought they had encountered the enemy, but when they turned around, they found a new building appeared in the center.

Before they could ask, a voice appeared in their minds, telling them the purpose of the building, and after a while, everyone understood.

"Congratulations on completing the religious task: build a temple and gain 100 faith points."

As soon as the sound of the system fell, Chen Tianhao felt as if he was bathed in the warm sunshine in winter, and his whole body was extremely comfortable.

He felt the energy of consciousness in shock, and under the effect of 100 points of faith power, the energy of consciousness has been greatly enhanced.

He tried his best to radiate consciousness energy, and the detection range quickly reached 3.3 kilometers, which was the previous limit range, far from reaching the limit.

3.4 kilometers, 3.5 kilometers.

In the end, the limit range of his consciousness reached 3.5 kilometers, although it was only 0.2 kilometers more than before, but the overall scanning range increased by a large part.

By comparing the effect of subduing the Linsen Tribe enhancement, 100 points of Faith probably increases the detection distance by 200 meters.

After completing a religious quest, a new quest appears.

Task name: The number of believers reaches 10000.

Mission statement: To encourage more people to worship themselves, what are you waiting for?Broad Avenue is waiting for you.

Task reward: 200 points of faith.

Although the number of people in Chen Tianhao's tribe has far exceeded 10000, but to achieve worship and generate faith, a violent emotional outburst is required.

Even though the number of people in the Linsen Tribe has exceeded 10000, there are not that many people who have truly achieved the power of faith, but it is almost the same. After checking the mission, it has reached 8650 people.

This is all thanks to Lin Sen. If it weren't for his misunderstanding, Chen Tianhao would not have gained such faith.

Chen Tianhao studied the religious system carefully, and found no other new functions for the time being.

He took aim at the education system.

The education system is mainly divided into two parts: the military module and the cultural module.

The force module is divided into physical attack and magic attack.

In physical attack, there is currently only one tutorial: wooden gun skills.

There are two tutorials for magic skills: electric skills and fire skills.

Seeing this, Chen Tianhao also saw some signs.

It seems that the tutorials are all things that are already owned by the tribe, such as wooden guns, electric skills, and the fire skills that have recently been added to the Wingman.

What does it mean?I already have it, so what's the use of education?

Unable to figure it out for a while, Chen Tianhao continued to check other information.

The tutorial below the electricity-type skills only has a single electric ball attack, and the following fire-type skills are a fireball attack.

However, Chen Tianhao keenly discovered that behind those skills, there were some hidden skills that seemed to require something to unlock.

Chen Tianhao clicked the icon behind the electric ball, and the system popped up a prompt "Not enough skill points, please get enough skill points."

Skill points?

He knows the skill points. In the previous games, many games will have a skill point to learn when learning new skills.

It seems that the system has also unlocked this mode. He wanted to have other skills for a long time. Electric ball attack was the only simple skill he thought of. Keeping an eye on other things.

This has led to the fact that although human beings are powerful, there is only a single method of electric ball attack in terms of magic attack.

In the absence of other creatures with great strength, this simple and crude method is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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