spore evolution

Chapter 238 Skill Inheritance

Chapter 238 Skill Inheritance

Skill points?

This time, the system kindly gave out how to obtain skill points.

Like the religious system, it has an independent task system.

The corresponding skill points can be obtained by completing educational tasks.

Task Name: Skill Popularization.

Mission description: The strength of a race requires the strength of individual races. Hurry up and popularize combat skills in your race, so that everyone can become a soldier. The future is beckoning to you.

Task requirements: The number of personnel using primary combat skills reaches 1000.

Task reward: get two skill points.

The task has just been issued, and it shows the completion status.

Immediately, the system's prompt sounded in Chen Tianhao's ear: "Congratulations on completing the task: popularize your skills and gain two skill points."

While completing the task, a new task is issued again.

The new tasks are related to the number of skills. With the support of Chen Tianhao's large number of people, he completed several tasks in a row and got ten skill points.

It didn't stop until the number of popularization reached the task requirement of 30000 people.

The ability to complete the task quickly is due to the fact that in Chen Tianhao's tribe, except for the Linsen tribe, they can freely cast magic skills, but even if there are more, the number of 30000 people has not even reached the total number, let alone complete the task.

Chen Tianhao, who has ten skill points, did not point out the follow-up skills immediately, and there are still cultural modules that have not been checked, so it is not too late to make a decision after checking later.

The Culture module is divided into two courses: Vocational Skills and General Knowledge.

These two kinds of knowledge form a complementary role in the later stage. General knowledge serves as the basis of professional knowledge, and professional knowledge deepens the impression of general knowledge.

"This should be the inheritance method of running a school mentioned earlier, right? Go through ordinary school education first, and then learn professional knowledge."

Chen Tianhao thought to himself, "Isn't this learning method similar to the previous reading? Although the education in the previous life has been belittled, it is still a learning method for the tribe. You can't use the points to learn from the system every time. Bar."

Although this method is fast, the consumption of points is not a small number. A tribe with only 3 to [-] people needs to consume so many points.

Only letting the members of the tribe learn the corresponding knowledge by themselves is the ultimate kingly way. Of course, at some critical moments, Chen Tianhao is not opposed to learning with points.

Cultural modules are similar to combat skills, and are divided into many categories below.

Compared with the fighters who can stand alone, there are many more cultural skills.

For example: research technology, mining technology, smelting technology, farmland technology, breeding technology, management skills, etc. under professional technology.

Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry under General Skills.

Regardless of professional skills, he found that the classification of ordinary skills is not the same as what he learned in his previous life?
In addition to no need to learn foreign languages, there are many other subjects.

In fact, Chen Tianhao guessed right, the system is divided according to those experiences in his previous life.

Of course it doesn't mean that Chen Tianhao can't discover other disciplines, when he discovers something of a higher level, he can naturally replace it.

The basic subjects presented before Chen Tianhao's eyes are all within his comprehension range.

Combat skills belong to the knowledge that Chen Tianhao has mastered in this world, which is why there are so few types of tutorials.

For Chen Tianhao, being able to have these basic subjects is the best thing.

Like combat skills, cultural modules also have corresponding tasks.

Task name: Build a school.

Mission description: Good knowledge inheritance will make the race stronger. It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. For the future of the race, come on!
Task requirements: build a school for 5000 people to study.

Task reward: ten robot teachers.

Just now Chen Tianhao was still thinking about how to solve the problem of teachers after the establishment of the school. After all, he was just an ordinary person in his previous life. Even based on his discipline at that time, he could not explain so much theoretical knowledge.

With the robot teacher, this hidden danger is perfectly solved.

Building a school is the same as building a temple. You only need enough resources to exchange the corresponding buildings from the system.

Building a school that can accommodate 5000 people requires a lot more resources.

1000 tons of quarry, 100 tons of iron ore, 100 tons of copper ore, and 1000 tons of wood.

In the system interface, there is a place to display the various resources currently owned by Chen Tianhao.

Although many resources are required to build a school, at present, they are commonly used resources.

After owning the buildings provided by the system and the workers learned through the system, all resources are growing at an average speed.

At present, there are only 900 tons of quarry, which is still close to 1000 tons, and other resources are quite sufficient.

However, the growth rate of the quarry is very fast. Chen Tianhao estimates that the required quarry will be reached in about an hour or so.

There is no need for skill points in the cultural module, Chen Tianhao plans to spend all the skill points on combat skills.

He first gave up his physical skills and set his sights on magic skills.

Regardless of whether it is an electric-type skill or a fire-type skill, there is an icon behind it, but it is hidden behind, and it is impossible to see what the skill is. Only after clicking on the skill can there be a specific explanation.

Chen Tianhao must have chosen electricity-type skills first. His tribe is all humans who use electricity-type skills.

"Congratulations on using two points of skill to unlock the second-level lightning skill."

"Congratulations on unlocking the lightning skill: Chain Lightning."

"Congratulations on unlocking the Thunder skill: Thunder Shield."

Chain Lightning: Lightning energy forms a chain of lightning, which will cause damage to multiple enemies. The first target will cause full damage, and the damage of subsequent enemies will be reduced accordingly.

Thunder Shield: Form a shield with lightning energy to protect yourself.

Two skill points point out two skills, one attack and one defense, which can be regarded as very good.

Chen Tianhao mastered these two skills the moment he clicked on the skills.

Chen Tianhao, who had newly acquired a skill, couldn't help but want to see the effect of the skill.

Fortunately, he knew that he was in the dormitory now, and the skill he chose was Thunder Shield.

Chen Tianhao stretched out his left hand and shouted Thunder Shield. Following his shout, he felt a surge of energy burst out from the energy core. After passing through a certain channel, a medieval shield-sized quickly formed in front of his left hand. It is entirely composed of blue energy, and sparks are radiating from it, as if to swallow everything around it.

However, those sparks were controlled within a certain range by a wave of energy and could not escape.

Holding the shield, Chen Tianhao went outside, found a piece of wood, and inserted it into the shield. The moment the wood touched it, it had already turned into black charcoal.

Other materials were used for experiments. Objects such as stone tools and iron tools were not melted, but they were also very easy to stop.

When Chen Tianhao was holding the Thunder Shield, he was not powerless to fight back. His right hand could still cast other skills. The Thunder Shield only used a part of its control ability. until consumed.

The effect of Thunder Shield is so amazing, which makes Chen Tianhao look forward to the effect of Chain Lightning even more.

(End of this chapter)

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