spore evolution

Chapter 239 School

Chapter 239 School
After testing Thunder Shield, continue to test Chain Lightning.

With the same shout of "Lightning Chain", a burst of energy also burst out from the energy core, and after a series of transformations in the body, it burst out from Chen Tianhao's right hand.

The speed of the lightning chain is extremely fast, Chen Tianhao has not seen the appearance of the lightning chain yet.

The target prepared in advance in front of Chen Tianhao's right hand seemed to be swept by lightning at this time, it was hit to pieces, it was pitch black, and the fragments flew everywhere. The energy mixed with those fragments was not small. Only escaped behind the object.

The surrounding onlookers were all stunned. They didn't expect Chen Tianhao's attack to be so sharp, and their hearts of worship for him strengthened a lot.

There are powerful heroes in the tribe, which will always make people feel at ease.

The power of faith generated by the worship of the crowd was immediately absorbed by the statues in the temple.

Chen Tianhao never expected that his own experimental skills could also produce faith power, but now he has not felt the existence of faith power, and it will be fed back to him only after the statue has collected 100 points of faith power. Know nothing.

Compared with Chen Tianhao's lightning ball attack, the attack effect of chain lightning is not as great as that of thunder ball, but the casting speed of chain lightning is really too fast.

It is said that the attack effect is not as great as that of the thunder ball, but if it is based on the same energy, the effect of the chain lightning is definitely better.

After testing the Thunder-type skills, Chen Tianhao was full of expectations for the Fire-type skills.

Also used two skill points to activate the next two skills of the fire skill.

It is similar to the Thunder system skills, and it is also one attack and one defense.

Defensive Skill: Fire Shield.

Attack Skill: Sea of ​​Fire.

The fire shield is similar to the thunder shield, but the energy used is different.

The difference is the sea of ​​fire. Although Chen Tianhao didn't know the fire-type skills before, after subduing Yiren, he also naturally learned the fire-type skills.

Of course, this kind of benefit is only for Chen Tianhao alone. It is not impossible for others to learn skills. He needs to learn from scratch.

Visually speaking, the effect caused by the sea of ​​flames is much stronger than that of Chain Lightning.

As soon as the sea of ​​flames came out, a huge, scorching fire energy covered a square area of ​​two meters by two meters, and the area was burned by raging fire.

The energy used by the sea of ​​fire can last for about 30 seconds. 30 seconds may seem short, but the high temperature during this time is enough to burn everything within the range.

Compared with the chain of lightning, the sea of ​​fire gave the onlookers a deeper feeling, which gave rise to a lot of faith.

After clicking the two magic skills, there will still be new hidden icons in the follow-up.

After using up four skill points, there were still six skill points left, so Chen Tianhao clicked the hidden icon again.

"There are less than 500 people who can learn the skills of the previous level. Please learn after reaching the level."

Well, Chen Tianhao can only give up and continue to light up the skills. After the skills are selected, only Chen Tianhao can learn successfully, and the other clansmen still need to learn slowly.

After several tests, the hour passed quickly.

All the resources needed to build the school were already in place. When testing his skills, Chen Tianhao had already informed Lin Sen to prepare a large enough open space.

After an hour of preparation, the open space for building the school has also been prepared. It is not far from the logging camp and not too far from the tribal center.

There is only a large enough location next to the lumberyard, and an hour in other locations is really not enough to clear the site.

Chen Tianhao came to the open space, told the others to leave, and immediately exchanged for a school.

A school appears out of thin air in front of the empty land, unlike other buildings that are built slowly, the school appears directly out of thin air.

After the school appears, detailed information about the school also appears in the system.

The school is not simply a single building, but a combination of multiple buildings.

These buildings are divided into multiple areas, such as teaching area, dormitory area, office area, experimental area, etc.

These buildings are not the same as wooden structures, this is a modern building full of previous life.

Each building is made of stone, up to 40 meters high, ten floors high, and each floor takes into account the height of human beings, with an average height of four meters.

Lin Sen and the others stared dumbfounded at the building in front of them, they were stunned.

Not only were they stunned, but Chen Tianhao was also stunned. Looking at this school, Chen Tianhao felt as if he had returned to his previous life, when he went to school in his previous life.

The school currently has a total of ten buildings, each building is 40 meters high, and there is only a ten-meter logging field on the side, which looks like a child.

Ten buildings were built side by side. The school was surrounded by stone walls, and in the center was a ten-meter-high stone gate.

There are four Chinese characters written on the middle of the stone gate: No. [-] School.

Ten people stood side by side under the stone gate, as if they were welcoming some important person.

These ten people were five men and five women. They were dressed in dark clothes. The clothes were not the same as the animal clothes worn by Chen Tianhao and the others, but made of cotton, which made them look extra energetic.

Chen Tianhao knew that these ten people were not human beings, but ten robot teachers rewarded by the system.

If he hadn't known in advance that the other party was a robot, Chen Tianhao couldn't believe that these people in front of him were actually robots.

But he knew that Chen Tianhua was also a robot, so he was relieved about it, and there was something that the system couldn't do.

"Welcome the principal to visit the school."

The ten people standing at the door bowed collectively and shouted in unison.

After the school is established, the system defaults to Chen Tianhao as the principal of this school. Of course, Chen Tianhao can also designate someone else as the principal.

"Tell me about this school."

Startled by the sudden voice, Chen Tianhao instructed.

In fact, all the school's situation is introduced in detail in the system. This time, it is mainly for Lin Sen and the others.

"The name of this school is No. [-] School..."

One of them came over to introduce, before he finished, Chen Tianhao interrupted: "What kind of broken school name is this, can it be changed?"

The man was not affected by the interruption at all, and continued to say calmly: "Of course, I may ask the principal, why do you need to change your name?"

"What's the name?" Chen Tianhao grabbed his hair tightly and couldn't think of a good idea for a while, "Forget it, since it is the first school in the world, it should be called the first school."

"Okay, principal, this school has a total of ten buildings, covering an area of ​​[-] square meters, two cultural teaching buildings, one magic experiment building, one physics experiment building, one chemistry experiment building, and student dormitories. There are two buildings, one teaching and office building, and the other buildings are for use.”

The teacher introduced calmly, and every detail about the school was presented in the hearts of everyone in Lin Sen who followed.

After the introduction by the robot teacher, Chen Tianhao shared the detailed information about the school in the system with Lin Sen and his management.

Although Chen Tianhao has the name of a principal, it is more appropriate for Lin Sen and Chen Er to assign the specific implementation.

The first school, not only can learn cultural knowledge, but also can learn combat skills.

After Chen Tianhao unlocked new skills, the robot can be taught to students.

Lin Sen and the others started recruiting students after obtaining authorization.

The next few days will be hard for those children. They only need to study for a while, but now they really have to spend most of their time studying.

But fortunately, Chen Tianhao also knew that haste makes waste, and learning requires a combination of work and rest. Based on the experience of going to school in the previous life, he divided the time for them.

And it's not just a cultural class, but also the learning of those magic skills, which are basically divided into half and half.

(End of this chapter)

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