spore evolution

Chapter 241 Rapid Expansion

Chapter 241 Rapid Expansion

"Dad, you are talking nonsense, where are the experimental tools you mentioned? Why didn't I see it?"

After returning from class on the first day, Chen Ling snuggled into Chen Tianhao's arms and acted like a baby.

The courses in the school for the first few days are mainly to collect everyone's ability to master various basic subjects. Chen Tianhao only shared basic information with the robot teacher, and the mastery of the courses still needs to be collected.

After all the information is collected, the robot teacher will divide the classes according to each person's knowledge and ability, and concentrate on giving lectures.

Too many people are not conducive to the mastery of knowledge. Just like in college, some relatively common and insignificant courses are taught in a large classroom, while important basic courses are taught in a small classroom.

These classifications have been going on for the past few days, so the experiment that Chen Ling wants cannot be carried out alone for the time being.

"Ling'er, be good, it will be ready in a few days." Chen Tianhao hugged Chen Ling, took a bowl of porridge in his hand and fed it, then changed the subject and said, "Come, have a sip of porridge."

Chen Ling opened her mouth wide and took a sip: "Well, it's delicious."

After all, Chen Ling is still young. Although she likes to do experiments, she quickly diverted her attention under the delicious food.

During the chat, a bowl of porridge suddenly bottomed out.

From the original tribe, he not only brought those children, but also spent some points to transfer his own residence and two research institutes to the Linsen tribe.

Chen Yi and Chen Wen, the two directors, also came together, as well as some personnel with intermediate skills in the previous test.

These personnel are important reserves, and as the tribe becomes larger and larger, the number of personnel required will gradually increase.

Except for the three research institutes that are currently carrying out the most important research, everyone else is stuffed into the school by Chen Tianhao to study.

As the most important researchers, they are full-time students like those children.

In the next few days, the three research institutes completed the tasks of their own research institutes. So far, all the blueprints in Chen Tianhao's hands have been completely studied.

Without the research task, Chen Yi and Chen Wen also went to the school to learn new knowledge. As the director of the research institute, they are quite skilled in completing systematic research tasks.

However, as the chief research institute director of the tribe——Chen Yi, he must not simply complete the task of specifying blueprints. , he always remembered that now that he had more free time, he challenged this research again.

Not only Chen Yi, but Chen Wen also had such a knot in his heart. If he wanted to surpass Chen Yi, he could only obtain it from the use of energy spar.

Chen Wen is not a challenge to Chen alone, but an academic challenge.

Naturally, Chen Tianhao didn't know the psychology of the two of them. He reserved the energy spar just because he remembered the use of energy spar in the magic world in his previous life. Even if he knew the psychology of the two, he would still agree with it.

All research tasks have been completed, and no new tasks have been updated in the task system, but the task chain still exists.

It seems that there is no condition to trigger the new task. Now in the task bar, one is the main line task, one is the tribal side task, one is the education task, one is the religious task, and there is an unfinished task, but there is no task requirement. construction tasks.

After completing all the construction tasks, Chen Tianhao's originally scarce points gradually increased a lot, reaching 5000 points. However, he used these points to exchange for some new buildings.

Each of the weapons factory, furniture factory, and meat processing factory has built one building, and the rest of the buildings can be freely adjusted according to demand.

After the number of people increased, the construction speed was much faster. In just over half a month, the Linsen tribe has taken on a completely new look.

In the eyes of others, miracles are happening in the Linsen Tribe.

In Lin Sen's eyes, these things happened as a matter of course. In just half a month, Lin Sen participated in every construction in the tribe. During this period, he also consulted the robot teacher many times.

The robot teacher contains a lot of knowledge, no matter what kind of questions Lin Sen has, he can get answers from it.

In the past half month, not only Lin Sen has made great progress, but the others have also made great progress.

The school spent two days collecting information for everyone, and then began to tell them the basics.

In the past half a month, human beings have a certain understanding of some basic knowledge. In terms of the amount of knowledge in basic subjects, the lowest is at the level of first grade, and the highest is almost at the level of high school.

Of course, it does not mean that all their knowledge has reached such a high level, and many of them have only reached that level in one or two of their homework.

Among the basic subjects, Chinese is the most difficult and mathematics is the fastest.

It's not that mathematics is easier than Chinese, but compared to the recognition of Chinese characters, mathematics uses Arabic numerals from previous lives, and learning is not as complicated as Chinese recognition.

Chen Tianhao doesn't intend to let everyone give up Chinese characters. As Chinese characters have been passed down for a long time, there is a reason for it. What's more, he himself is a native of the country. It is more difficult for him to create new characters than to kill him. He left the difficulty of learning to his people.

Although Chinese characters are difficult to learn, they become much easier after they are learned. The members of the Chen Tianhao tribe have used Chinese to communicate since before, but they have never written it. This time it can be regarded as a change from spoken language to written language.

So for the tribal people, Chinese characters are not as difficult to understand as imagined.

After regaining the Yiren tribe, the Linsen tribe has been focusing on various infrastructure constructions without large-scale external expansion.

The dinosaur tribe in the south and the ancient ape tribe in the west, I don’t know what rumors they received, and they have never violated the territory of the Linsen tribe. As for other weak tribes, if the Linsen tribe does not attack them, they will burn incense and worship Buddha. How dare you come to provoke them.

Everyone has their own business, Chen Tianhao also has his own business, his business is to lead Jin Yong and a few more militant elements to fight with some surrounding tribes.

Jin Yong didn't like cultural knowledge very much, he preferred that kind of fierce battle. After mastering a few magic skills in school, he went out with Chen Tianhao to play wild.

In the surrounding weak tribes, many creatures were no longer Chen Tianhao's branches, so Chen Tianhao couldn't win their loyalty without doing anything like the Jinyong tribe, Linsen tribe, and Yiren tribe in front of them.

Since it's impossible not to fight, let's fight, just for Chen Tianhao to test the power of various magic skills.


The expansion team led by Chen Tianhao beat the surrounding tribes to the point where they didn't know where to go. After a month, the number of members of Chen Tianhao's tribe more than doubled to 7, and the territory reached 100 square kilometers.

Now there are various races in Chen Tianhao's tribe, and these races were all conquered by Chen Tianhao with force.

In the past month, with a small team, Chen Tianhao wiped out the scattered tribes around the Linsen tribe, and the remaining tribes fled far away.

Within a month, Chen Tianhao's number and territory had been greatly expanded, and the school's test was about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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