spore evolution

Chapter 242 Test

Chapter 242 Test
early morning.

The sun was shining brightly, and in the depths of the forest, a town with mainly wooden structures stood in it, and there were ten towering high-rise buildings in the middle, as if they were the patron saint of this area.

The flow of people below is surging, adding a bit of excitement to the town.

Especially under the towering building in the middle, when you look at it, it is full of human heads.

Today was the school's first exam in this world. Chen Tianhao brought Chen Ling and Chen Feng to stand at the school gate, and many parents also came to see off their children.

"Relax a bit, just fill in what you usually study." Chen Tianhao patted Chen Feng on the shoulder and comforted him.

Chen Feng was very nervous, lowered his head, and kept making circles with his fingers.

The exam this morning was cultural class. Chen Feng had no interest in cultural class. After a month, he had learned only a handful of basic knowledge.

Compared to Chen Feng, Chen Ling, the top student, seemed extremely happy. The person who has reached the high school level in basic subjects is exactly the top student like Chen Ling. In Chen Ling's hands, the culture class is easy to grasp. She is not worried about the next test at all. What cares more is the experiment after the test.

Chen Ling was completely immersed in those novel experiments. In school, she was one of the few high-end academic masters. Regardless of her young age, she possessed the same knowledge as others.

A person like Chen Ling was called a genius in her previous life.

Today's test is mainly divided into culture class and magic class. The morning is the test of culture class, and the afternoon is the test of magic class.

Originally, the culture class and the magic class could be tested together in the morning, but due to the large number of people, they had to be tested separately.

bell bell bell.

The bell rang that the test was about to start, and the first batch of test takers began to enter the test room.


Chen Tianhao patted the heads of Chen Feng and Chen Ling, and pushed them lightly.

"Daddy, goodbye."

The two said goodbye and followed the crowd into the school.

bell bell bell.

The first test has begun.

The test is done with white paper and pencils for writing.

Blank paper and pencil Some time ago, Chen Tianhao successfully appeared in this world based on his only knowledge and the content taught by the robot teacher.


The sound of the pencil rubbing against the paper. After Chen Ling got the test paper, she glanced at it. After filling in her name, she immediately entered the answering state.

As for Chen Feng, after getting the test paper, he carefully wrote his name on it.

Compared with Chen Ling's fast answering state, Chen Feng seemed to be struggling extremely, often scratching his head and ears, and took a long time to write down the answer on the test paper.

bell bell bell.

The first test is over.

Hearing the closing bell, Chen Feng let out a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his brow with his hand. This exam was a torment for him, but he finally passed it.

The personnel were evacuated, and there were special personnel to clean up the test papers left by the students.

After cleaning up, the second batch of examiners entered the examination room one after another.

As soon as Chen Ling finished the exam, she immediately ran to the laboratory. Obviously, she was more interested in the various experiments in the laboratory.

One exam lasted one hour and was divided into three exams.

The morning exam was spent in various moods of everyone.

In the afternoon, a hundred one-meter-high translucent stones were lined up side by side in the middle of the school playground.

Robot teacher Chen Cheng, as the leader of the teachers, stood beside the transparent stone as the explainer of the magic test this time.

"Attention everyone, the stone next to me is a stone that can test the strength of magic. Later, you can attack this stone with the most powerful attack. After attacking the stone, the stone will display a number. The number is greater than 100. Pass, there is no upper limit for the number, and less than 100 means fail, do you hear clearly?"

As a robot, Chen Cheng has a built-in speaker function, the sound is not loud, but the surrounding examiners can hear clearly.

"Listen clearly."

The surrounding people answered in unison.

Powerful sound waves spread out through the air, and people working on the construction site outside could hear their shouts.

"What kind of rock is that? Why haven't I seen it before?" Chen Tianhao was also in the middle of the playground, and asked Lin Sen in a low voice.

Lin Sen shook his head and said, "Patriarch, I don't know either, Chen Cheng is in charge of everything in the school."

Lin Sen just sent some people as staff to assist Chen Cheng. After all, there were only ten robot teachers, and it would be a waste of time to ask them to do some irrelevant tasks, so Lin Sen sent some people to assist the teachers.

While Chen Tianhao was speaking, the first batch of magic testers had already started to play, including humans and winged people.

Everyone began to brew their own attack magic. Humans used electric magic, while winged people used fire magic.

Under the control of the energy core, the magic energy began to gather in the hands. The magic level of the first batch of testers was different, but everyone was doing their best to show their strongest strength.

Almost everyone used Chain Lightning and Sea of ​​Fire, and the berserk energy raged in their hands, as if they were about to explode if they were not careful.

Huh, the first person released his magic attack first, it was a chain of lightning, and a blue light shot out from his hand, like a bolt of lightning, and rushed towards the stone in the middle.

There was no imaginary explosion, as if the chain lightning had no attack power.

In fact, it wasn't that his chain lightning was ineffective, but that all the energy of the chain lightning was absorbed by the stone in front of him.

After the stone absorbed the energy of the chain lightning, the originally translucent stone began to flash a blue light from the top of its head, constantly refreshing.

He looked at the stone in front of him in disappointment, and he didn't understand why the skills that he usually practiced well had no effect at this moment.

Before he could think about it, the testers on the side also released their magical skills and smashed at the target in front of them.

Swish swish.

Electric sparks and sparks dance in the air, as if they are having a feast of fireworks, and they look extraordinarily beautiful.

It's a pity that these beautiful magics, after touching the stone in the middle, were extinguished and disappeared into the air like a spark meeting a river.

After the stones absorbed the magic energy, they were refreshed from top to bottom like the stones of the first person.

After a few seconds, a number appeared on the stone in front of all testers.


A hundred numbers are displayed in front of everyone one by one.

Chen Tianhao has been watching from the sidelines, but he didn't find out how these numbers are calculated. If it is based on the strength of power storage, the number of the first tester is higher than that of most people.

In terms of attack damage, the figures of some fire seas are much higher than those of Chain Lightning.

"Please prepare for the next group of test members."

Chen Cheng didn't care how other people guessed how these numbers were calculated, he shouted loudly from the side.

Those numbers on the playground have already been recorded in the file information by him.

(End of this chapter)

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