spore evolution

Chapter 244

Chapter 244
After the Chen Feng brothers and sisters completed the magic test, Chen Tianhao also watched the other students take the test.

According to his observations and inquiries to Chen Cheng, the completion of the educational tasks is probably on the verge of passing the line.

There is no way, those people in the tribe at the beginning basically would not be unqualified, but now Chen Tianhao's tribe is no longer a single tribe, there are also newly joined Linsen tribe and others.

Those people don't have energy cores in the first place, and it is quite difficult for them to reach "100" in a week. This passing line is also a relatively difficult thing.

It is no longer an easy task for them to get the lightning ball attack, let alone achieve a certain damage ability.

Through a lot of observations, Chen Tianhao discovered that most of those who failed were those who did not have energy cores, and only a small number of them failed with energy cores.

This made Chen Tianhao a little worried about completing the task of "popularization of skills". If he failed, this task would disappear.

In Chen Tianhao's uneasy mood, he followed the last student to complete the test.

"Congratulations on completing the educational task: 'Skills Popularization'."

"Congratulations on your reward: 10 skill points."

"Congratulations on getting the reward: Thunder Shield, Fire Shield Tutorial."

A long-lost system sound appeared in Chen Tianhao's mind, and a series of reward reminders knocked him dizzy.

After all the magic tests were completed, it was completely dark, but on the playground, there were street lights, illuminating the entire playground extremely brightly.

This school does not seem to have appeared in primitive tribes at all. It seems that the learning that only appeared in the 21st century is very different.

The students and the people around them have long been accustomed to these situations.

After the students of the school finished the test, they all rested aside. After the last person finished the test, the staff removed the magic test stones, and the students lined up to rest below.

"All the students have completed their own magic tests. I believe that everyone who took the test already knows their results." Standing on the high platform, Chen Cheng looked around at the audience.

Then he raised his voice again, "To be honest, I'm not very satisfied. I didn't expect the pass rate to be so low. Among the 5000 people, only 3274 passed, and the pass rate is less than 70%."

Under Chen Cheng's watchful eyes, those who failed to pass the exam lowered their heads in shame, and secretly made up their minds that they must work harder in their future studies so as not to hold back everyone.

"However, it is worthy of congratulations that among the 3274 qualified candidates, more than 1000 have reached a potential value of 300 points, which is quite a remarkable achievement."

Chen Cheng didn't blindly criticize those who are not qualified. The look around just now just let them know that they are behind and let them catch up. The praise now is also the greatest encouragement for those who have achieved good results.

"Especially there are a few geniuses whose potential value has reached 500 points, which is quite rare. These people are: No.1 Feiyang with 589 points, No.2 Jin Liuhua with 575 points, No.3 Chen Wuyue with 573 points, No.4...and No.8 Chen Feng scored 500 points. The above eight students have excellent grades, I hope everyone can learn from them."

Chen Cheng pointed out the students who got excellent grades one by one.

Every time a name is read, a series of cheers follow.

Chen Feng who was in the audience heard his name, jumped up from the ground, and couldn't help shouting: "Yeah."

After waiting for a while, Chen Cheng shouted from above: "Students, be quiet."

"Principal, do you have anything to say?" Chen Cheng turned his head and asked in a low voice.

During Chen Cheng's speech, Chen Tianhao had already activated the remaining magic skills with the skill points he had obtained. There were two more skills, the thunder skill: thunderstorm, and the fire skill: fire dragon. Under 12 skill points.

These two skills still belong to the second-level magic skills, and the third-level magic skills need to be activated by the number of users of the second-level magic skills reaching 500.

Chen Tianhao has been observing the newly learned magic skills, and has not listened carefully to Chen Cheng's words.

Seeing Chen Tianhao staying there, Chen Cheng leaned into Chen Tianhao's ear and said, "Principal, do you have anything else to say today?"

Only then did Chen Tianhao come back to his senses, and said: "It's nothing, let's end the test, everyone is hungry."

Regarding learning and education, Chen Tianhao knows that he is not a professional, and has always delegated power to the professional education robots headed by Chen Cheng. Things can be.


Chen Tianhao's house.

Five people, Chen Tianhao, Chen Feng, Chen Ling, Chen Tianhua, and Titan Python sat around the table, and in the middle was a huge root-digging animal leg.

Now life in the tribe is much better, and they can eat meat and all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits almost every day.

This was due to Chen Tianhao's large amount of points investment in the early stage. Knowing that Chen Tianhao settled here, Titan Python also followed from the original tribe.

Chen Tianhao and the others silently tore off their own portion of meat from the root-digging animal leg in the middle.

The titan python grabbed the root-digger's leg and asked, "Do you want anything else? If you don't want it, I'll keep it."

Titan python has a special liking for root-digger legs. It seems that because the first time he eats barbecue is root-digger meat, so every time he will take a root-digger leg by himself.

For a python with a length of 50 meters, a root-digger leg weighing only about 100 kilograms is not much weight at all, and even a few complete root-digger animals will have no pressure.

However, it was impossible to provide him with so many root-digging beast legs every time, so every time they ate, after everyone ate their own part, the rest would belong to him.

Chen Ling was still young, so she finished eating in a while.

She pulled Chen Tianhao's clothes and said coquettishly: "Father, didn't you say that after testing the magic skills, let me go to the school's laboratory?"

Chen Tianhao took a few mouthfuls of porridge with the bowl in his hand, "Okay, after dinner, let Uncle Tianhua take you to the laboratory."

The titan python opened its mouth wide, took a bite of the meat, and said, "Xiao Ling, what experiment are you doing, eat meat." After speaking, he tore off a piece of meat and handed it over.

"Thank you Uncle, I'm full." Chen Ling waved her hand, "That's great, thank you Dad."

"Xiaoling, shouldn't you thank me? I took you there, not your father." Chen Tianhua pretended to be jealous.

"Thank you too Uncle, Uncle, have you finished eating?" Chen Ling ran to Chen Tianhua's side and grabbed his clothes.

"Okay, let's go now." Chen Tianhua put down the bowl and chopsticks, picked up Chen Ling and walked out.

The remaining three people drank the porridge in the bowl silently.

Xi Xi Suo Suo.

"Dad, I'm done eating, I'm going outside to play."

Chen Feng put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and before Chen Tianhao could answer, he would head outside.

This time in the evening is the happiest time for Chen Feng and other children, they can play freely.

The daytime is the time for children to learn, and the nighttime becomes their source of happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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