spore evolution

Chapter 245 Li Yuanhong

Chapter 245 Li Yuanhong

After the first test, the students basically knew their hobbies.

Everyone's performance was recorded one by one, and Chen Cheng didn't make the students have to choose any courses.

Some people like culture classes and spend more time on culture classes.

For example, Chen Ling, under the leadership of Chen Tianhua, she entered the supporting laboratory of the school, and she almost took root in it, and sometimes she even settled for meals in it.

But she is a special case. After all, she has just started the culture class, and basically hasn't found her favorite direction yet.

Some people like magic classes, so they spend a lot more time in magic classes.

But no matter what kind of person you are, unless you find an extreme direction like Chen Ling, otherwise, you have to take both courses, but the emphasis is different.

In addition to the school's fixed 5000 students, there are also a lot of adult students who flow every day, even much more than regular students.

Especially the second-level magic courses unlocked by Chen Tianhao, these magics are too esoteric for underage students, but for adults who have already mastered first-level skills such as electric balls and fireballs, they already have the foundation for learning.

No matter what the purpose was, there were so many more people in the second-level magic course that the robot teacher had to send a teacher to educate them.

Although robot teachers don't know magic, but because they are produced by the system, their teaching level is extremely high. As long as they follow the method taught by the teacher, almost all of them have learned second-level magic skills.

It seems that there is no pressure at all for the second-level magic skills in their hands.

This also made it very easy for Chen Tianhao to unlock the third-level magic skills of the Thunder and Fire systems.

It took 3 skill points each to unlock the third-level magic skills, a total of 6 skill points. He originally had 12 skill points, but only 6 skill points were left.

There are many more options for third-level magic skills. Thunder skills: "Thunderbolt", "Thunder Net", "Static Barrier", etc. Fire skills: "Blazing Sun", "Serial Fireball", " Rain of Fire" etc.

Each series has several choices, one skill needs to consume 3 skill points, Chen Tianhao can only choose two skills.

After looking at their skill introductions, he chose "Thunderbolt" and "Blazing Sun".

"Thunderbolt: Use powerful electric energy to create a dark cloud in the sky, and lightning strikes appear in the cloud to attack the enemy. Depending on the energy, the intensity and number of lightning strikes will vary."

Thunderbolt is equivalent to the advanced version of Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm is a single non-sustainable lightning attack, while Thunderbolt is a continuous attack.

"Blazing Sun: Use powerful fire energy to create a big fireball in the air to attack the enemy. Depending on the size of the energy, the intensity will change in different ways."

Blazing Sun is equivalent to an enhanced version of Fireball.

As long as the skill tree is opened, Chen Tianhao will automatically learn these skills, but if he wants to teach these skills to others, he needs to wait for the second-level magic skill test to be activated.

Chen Tianhao tested the strength of the two magic skills. According to his current energy level, Thunderbolt Strike is not as easy to use as the Thunderstorm he just learned, but Raging Flame Sun was beyond his expectation. The fire-type skills for single-target attacks are stronger. Quite a few.

Ordinary flames and scorching suns are much stronger than compressed fireballs.

Chen Tianhao has not been idle these days, he wandered around the tribe, hoping to trigger some missions.

After building the buildings on the new tribe's side, he only had 1000 points left, and there were only mainline tasks and religious tasks in the task bar, and none of the tasks that could earn points.

It can't be said that there is no such thing, at least there is still a "building a homeland", but this task chain, after completing the previous tasks, has never been updated. If it is not possible to see this task from the task bar, Chen Tianhao will Thought this mission would never be triggered again.

Although no new mission was triggered, Chen Tianhao who stayed in the tribe was not without gain.

First of all, some small tribes around were conquered one after another. Not many tribes were conquered, but it also expanded the territory of the tribe several times. Now its territory has reached 960 square kilometers.

960 square kilometers, a very good figure, compared with China in the previous life, a difference of [-].

In his territory, he has explored most of the resources on the ground.

He shared the map marked with various resources with various managers, which made it very convenient for the managers to manage the tribe.

After all, not everyone is like Chen Tianhao, who can build corresponding buildings directly through the holographic map.

Only authorized personnel can view the corresponding resource distribution and personnel distribution through the system.

In this way, the work of managers is greatly reduced.

The entire tribe is carrying out construction work in full swing. After two or three months, 80% of the population has lived in wooden houses.

Li Yuanhong, a tauren, was born in an ordinary tauren of the Tauren tribe, and is currently working as an ordinary lumberjack in a lumber field.

In this central forest, a large area was originally ruled by the four major tribes of the Linsen Tribe, the Dinosaur Tribe, the Ancient Ape Tribe, and the Wingman Tribe.

Among the original four tribes, the Linsen tribe and the Yiren tribe have been incorporated by Chen Tianhao.

After the compilation, Chen Tianhao moved the base camp to the original Linsen Tribe and called himself the Huaxia Tribe. Now there are only three major tribes in this area, namely: the Huaxia Tribe, the Dinosaur Tribe, and the Ancient Ape Tribe.

The Niutou tribe is like other tribes that survive in the three major tribes, it is just a small tribe.

Most of the resources are monopolized by other tribes, and they have to guard against biological attacks from other tribes all day long. That life is not enough, and they often have meals without meals, and they are also afraid.

In the first few days when Chen Tianhao moved here, he often attacked the creatures in the surrounding tribes. This was not only a good way to expand the territory, but also a good way to expand the population.

Facing the magical attacks of humans, the tauren's robust body was not worth mentioning at all, and they were defeated without any resistance.

Li Yuanhong, as a member of the Tauren, also participated in the battle at that time.

Before he could rush in front of the humans, an ordinary electric ball attack was mixed with a huge impact, and he felt that his internal organs were about to be shattered, and he flew backward like a kite.

Not long after the battle, Li Yuanhong, as a member of the Tauren, was incorporated into the Huaxia tribe as a whole.

And his internal injuries in this age of no treatment are bound to die.

But after coming to the Huaxia Tribe and cooperating with the doctor's treatment in the hospital, less than a week later, he appeared in front of everyone alive and well.

After coming to the Huaxia Tribe, he realized how bad his life was before.

Here, as long as you work hard, you will have the opportunity to learn magic skills.As long as you contribute enough, you can still let your children enter school.

That was the place where the patriarch's children studied.

The school's first test, one of Li Yuanhong's children, was also in it.

When he saw his child release the electric ball, he was so excited that he cried.

Although his child's final score was only 96 points and did not meet the passing standard, he knew that as long as he continued to work hard, his child would eventually become as strong as the previous adults.

He himself also has the opportunity to take turns to enter the school to learn magic skills and professional knowledge. It may be that he is old, and he has never learned magic skills.

But he was not sad at all, because he knew that as long as he worked hard, he would be rewarded accordingly.

After his hard work, he exchanged his contribution for a small wooden house, bid farewell to the damp and dark cave, and lived in a bright wooden house.

(End of this chapter)

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