spore evolution

Chapter 246 Dinosaur Attack

Chapter 246 Dinosaur Attack
Li Yuanhong is just one of the ordinary people among the many tribesmen.

Contribution value, this is the first order issued by Chen Tianhao through the tribal center.

This is to make it easier to manage the entire tribe. With the crusade against the surrounding tribes, more and more creatures joined his tribe brigade.

Everyone has different abilities, and the various facilities developed by the tribe cannot keep up with the overall expansion speed.

When there are few people, unified scheduling can be adopted, but when there are more and more people, this kind of scheduling will become much more difficult.

This is how the contribution value is generated. Everyone completes their own work, and the system will record it.

The contribution value is equivalent to the money in the previous life.

People in every tribe have basic living conditions, but if they want a better standard of living, they need to exchange the contribution value they earn from their usual labor at the tribe center.

There is a large screen on the wall of the tribal center, on which there are various houses and their prices. Everyone can find the staff of the tribal center to exchange according to their own needs.

This system was exchanged by Chen Tianhao with 1000 points. If he wanted to research it by himself, he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

After being nurtured by the school, everyone is familiar with this kind of screen.

tribal center.

In front of the exchange interface, there are all kinds of people lined up, including humans, tauren, winged people, and tiger-headed people. It is like a species exhibition center here.

"Hello, I want to exchange for a wooden house." The sheep-headed man at the front pointed to the first one in the first row above the screen.

The log cabin is currently the most expensive item, worth 1000 contribution points.

The 1000 contribution value probably requires the goatman to work hard in his position for half a year. If there are other contributions, it will inevitably increase a lot faster.

Apparently, this sheep-headed man, while working hard, has also done other jobs. Otherwise, not many ordinary people can afford a wooden house just by relying on ordinary jobs.

The reception staff skillfully used the instrument, and transferred 1000 contribution points from the sheep-headed man's account, "A total of 1000 contribution points have been spent, and you have 70 contribution points left. Excuse me, is there anything else you need?"

"Then give me another root-digger leg, as a celebration of moving into a new house." The goatman exchanged another root-digger leg.

Root-digger is the most commonly used food in the tribe. A root-digger leg can sustain a family of five for three or four days. After all, not everyone has the appetite of a titan python.

At the exchange desk in the tribal center, there are five receptionists to receive everyone's material needs at the same time.

Everyone is exchanging the items they need. This is also because after several months of development, all kinds of materials have been completed, so that they can have a lot of materials.

Thanks to various facilities such as meat processing plants, all kinds of meat and other foods are best preserved.

In this way, the exchange center located in the center of the tribe continued to play its role, making the development of the tribe faster.

Chen Tianhao has also stayed in the tribe for several months, and the scattered tribes have conquered quite a few, but for some reason.

Originally, people from the ancient ape tribe and dinosaur tribe mentioned by Lin Sen had never encountered them. People from other tribes had only met them before, but they didn't know where they were.

According to the information provided by Lin Sen, Chen Tianhao only found the Yiren tribe, and did not find any other tribes, as if they had disappeared in this forest.

He had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​finding these two tribes, and conquered the surrounding tribes, which also increased his territory a lot.

On this day, Chen Tianhao inspected the surrounding environment as usual.

Suddenly, Jin Yong shouted in the group: "Patriarch, I found a group of unknown creatures attacking our tribe."

As the Minister of War, Jin Yong usually trains soldiers in the barracks.

But he was not a person who could sit idle at all, he felt too boring in the barracks, so he handed over the training task of the barracks to Chen San, while he himself fought outside with the large army.

"how many?"

Chen Tianhao quickly rushed to Jin Yong's side. Jin Yong is usually a person who likes to fight. He can usually solve it by himself, and he never troubles others. Fighting makes him more excited.

However, Jin Yong is not a brave and foolhardy person, and he usually doesn't show it. This time, it seems that he must have encountered a biological attack that is difficult to resist.

Chen Tianhao rushed to Jin Yong's side again, and at the same time notified Chen San who was in the barracks.

"I don't know, a group, so many, unrecognizable." Jin Yong replied quickly.

They used consciousness communication, and Chen Tianhao couldn't feel Jin Yong's tone.

The holographic map has a positioning function, and it took Chen Tianhao less than 5 minutes to arrive at Jin Yong's location immediately.

At this time, Jin Yong was covered in blood, and he looked extremely miserable. He was accompanied by ten soldiers, whose bodies were also covered in blood, and several soldiers were even torn from flesh and blood. They were so painful that they could only tremble.

"Jin Yong, are you injured? Hurry up to the hospital and let Jin Jinghong treat you."

Chen Tianhao was taken aback, he didn't expect Jin Yong to suffer such a serious injury.

Jin Yong touched the blood on his body, grinned and said, "Patriarch, I'm fine, my body is full of enemy blood."

"It's fine, where is the enemy?" Chen Tianhao looked around, but found no other creatures, and then he said to the obviously injured soldiers: "Go to the hospital for treatment first, and new soldiers will come later."

The soldiers responded, and four of them left the team and headed towards the hospital.

"Over there, I'll take you there."

Jin Yong flapped his wings and flew into the sky, heading towards the forest outside the tribe.

"You guys are waiting here for the arrival of the big troops. I'll go and have a look first."

After finishing speaking, Chen Tianhao stepped up and walked side by side with Jin Yong.

The two flew for about ten minutes.

Without Jin Yong's introduction, Chen Tianhao had already seen the scene ahead.

"What kind of creature is this? A plesiosaur?"

Chen Tianhao widened his eyes and looked ahead. In front of him were dozens of giraffe-like creatures with long necks, patrolling high in the air.

I'll go, how high is this?The height of the trees in this forest is basically about 20 meters. Looking at it from a distance, the other party's neck is at least ten meters higher.

Chen Tianhao immediately used a detector to detect the opponent's attributes.

Name: Giraffe
Height: 38 meters

Weight: 80 tons

Affiliation: Dinosaur Tribe
Only simple information can be found.

Chen Tianhao didn't move forward, he didn't expect that the dinosaur tribe he had been looking for for a long time would dare to attack him.

The movement of the dinosaur tribe advancing was very loud, like an earthquake, startling the birds resting on the trees.

No wonder Jin Yong couldn't estimate the opponent's number, even he himself couldn't accurately estimate the opponent's number.

I admire Jin Yong for being safe and sound under such a huge monster, and leading the soldiers to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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