spore evolution

Chapter 248 Counterattack

Chapter 248 Counterattack
The first attack by the mages led by Chen Tianhao seemed to have caused a lot of damage to the dinosaur tribe.

But compared to the dense crowd of dinosaurs coming in behind, the number of deaths can be regarded as insignificant.

However, he made a more important discovery. Up to now, he has not seen the opponent use magic attacks, and most of them still use primitive moves.

Teeth and claws attack, and some of the weapons used are also ordinary wooden sticks, bone sticks and other objects.

No wonder Jin Yong was not injured before, not all tribes are like him, so fast with all kinds of tools, buildings to help.

This gave him greater confidence in the sudden attack.

Dinosaurs are huge in size and not necessarily powerful in combat.

Although he is quite sure that the opponent's combat power is not strong, but now all the people present are magicians, and they still can't compare with those thick-skinned and thick-skinned fighters in terms of physical fitness.

Decisively ordered to retreat.

After the first wave of magic attacks, the distance between the two was widened.

After giving the order, the mages retreated quickly, out of the opponent's attack range.

How could the people of the Dinosaur Tribe let Chen Tianhao and the others leave, and chased after them with all their might.

Although the physique of the magician was not as good as that of the warriors, it didn't make the dinosaurs catch up for a while.

Chen Tianhao led the magicians to dodge all kinds of obstacles vigorously in the forest, without slowing down at all. Some people even used the trees as toys, playing on various branches like cool running.

If it weren't for the dinosaurs approaching from behind, I would have thought these magicians were playing.

The dinosaurs chasing behind were not as leisurely as they were. For some relatively small trees, their strong bodies crushed them like tanks.

All kinds of roars and coaxing sounds kept ringing in the depths of the forest.

Some weak creatures around have already been frightened and left their hometown.

Lin Sen led the soldiers and could vaguely hear the sound coming from the front, and shouted loudly, "Patriarch, hold on, we are coming."

Then he shouted to the people around him: "speed up, the patriarch is ahead."

Lin Sen didn't want the good life of his tribe to be destroyed like this. The development of the tribe for several months could not be separated from his single-minded management, let alone the efforts of all the people of all ethnic groups.

Hearing an enemy attack, he immediately jumped up and organized people to fight.

Not only Lin Sen didn't want his achievements to be ruined, but all the participants didn't want to.

Don't want to, just work hard.


Chen Tianhao did not follow the large army to retreat on the ground, but flew in the sky.

In the air, you have better vision and can better detect the surrounding situation.

In fact, Chen Tianhao's consciousness energy can also do this, but consciousness energy is more suitable for use in quiet times, and the effect is not so good when traveling long distances like this, and the distance is also limited.

Chen Tianhao, who was in mid-air, immediately spotted the Lin Sen people who came to support him, and immediately shouted: "Brothers, our reinforcements are here, slow down, prepare for magic attacks, and fight back."

Everyone listened to the order, immediately slowed down their speed, and began to gather their strongest magic attacks.

This kind of release of magic while walking is completely stress-free for the magicians, and this kind of operation is done in normal training.

Just after releasing the first wave of magic attacks, the magic power in his body is still very high, so he has no pressure at all on Chen Tianhao's orders.

A red and blue energy ball rose in front of everyone.

The dinosaurs who were chasing saw the front suddenly lit up, and remembered the thunderous explosion just not long ago, which killed countless compatriots by the explosion.

The reason for the desperate pursuit just now was because anger overwhelmed fear. Now after chasing for a while, this bright light appeared again, making them fearful.

The leading dinosaurs in front, seeing this, immediately turned around and moved to the side.

It's just that the dinosaurs, who were already advancing at high speed, couldn't turn around and dodge so easily.

The dinosaurs that were moving forward, because they turned their heads, many of them collided with each other, and fell to the ground fiercely together, hitting several dinosaurs that were advancing, and the scene was in chaos.

Chen Tianhao did not expect that his unconscious action would have such a great effect.

If you don't fight at this time, when will you wait?


With an order, red and blue rays of light shot at the dinosaur.

This time Chen Tianhao did not choose Thunderbolt Strike, but chose the group attack skill "Fire Sea".

Sea of ​​Fire does not consume as much energy as Thunderbolt Strike, but the effect it produces is very good. It is not as shocking as Thunderbolt Strike, but it does not cause much damage to the enemy at all.

Almost every ten seconds a sea of ​​flames was released on the ground.

The chasing dinosaurs did not expect the enemy to be so powerful, and once again replayed the scene of the first encounter.

Without Chen Tianhao's long-time condensed lightning strikes, many dinosaurs were attacked by magicians' magic. Not many dinosaurs died instantly, and most of them were knocked down or injured.

But coupled with Chen Tianhao's continuous sea of ​​flames attacks, countless dinosaurs were injured screaming and running around.

Dinosaurs scurrying around made the already unorganized team even more chaotic. Dinosaurs were constantly injured by magic, burned, and even crushed by their companions.

Perhaps it was because of the sudden magical counterattack that the opponent did not expect it, or maybe it was because many dinosaurs escaped in a panic.

The dinosaurs who were originally chasing turned around and rushed back.

Chen Tianhao, who was unleashing the sea of ​​flames, was stunned when he saw the fleeing dinosaurs. Why did the dinosaurs run away?

According to his visual inspection and the number of consciousness energy detections before the battle, the number of deaths caused by the two magic attacks is less than 5% of the opponent's total number, especially the second wave of magic counterattacks is less than 1%. The number, most of them are still injured, why did the other party run away.

"I'm going, where to run, brothers, chase me."

Chen Tianhao didn't think about the reason, and seeing Lin Sen and the others less than 100 meters behind him, he immediately called out to his brothers to chase them out.

The dinosaurs of the dinosaur tribe are fast in pursuit and faster in escape.

The dinosaurs who were originally in the rear became the front, and the dinosaurs who were originally in the front became the rear.

They didn't care about the dinosaurs behind, and ran back desperately. Those injured dinosaurs couldn't run fast at all, and they were caught up by Chen Tianhao and the others after a while.

Chen Tianhao didn't care about the injured dinosaurs, while chasing after them, he told Lin Sen through the chat machine: "You leave some people to finish."

It's not that easy to run.

How can a duck with a full mouth be flew by you so easily.

For a moment, the relationship between the dinosaur tribe and the Huaxia tribe turned around, from a chaser to a runner.

(End of this chapter)

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