spore evolution

Chapter 249 Dinosaur Lair

Chapter 249 Dinosaur Lair
Chen Tianhao led Jin Yong and several humans who could fly, and flew forward quickly.

Did not go beyond the middle of the dinosaur tribe, followed closely behind the large army of the fleeing dinosaur tribe.

From time to time, he gave the opponent an electric ball, and Chen Tianhao's electric ball has reached the state of instant.

The electric ball is like a machine gun, constantly harvesting the mobility of the dinosaurs behind.

The electric ball can't kill these dinosaurs, but it can make the dinosaurs lose their mobility.

In order for Lin Sen and the others who were chasing after him to catch him.

For creatures that have evolved to the tribal age, Chen Tianhao would choose to injure the opponent, capture the opponent, and then conquer the opponent, making the opponent a member of his tribe, if not necessary.

After all, Chen Tianhao is still far from the number of people who have completed the tribal era, and injuries are easier to treat for Chen Tianhao.

If all those people were killed, even if the opponent was conquered, there would not be much increase in the number of people. This would not be of much benefit to Chen Tianhao's conquest plan.

When he met the dinosaur tribe, he immediately chose to kill it because there were too many of them.

If you don't scare the opponent, you can't conquer the opponent at all. This is Chen Tianhao's biggest feeling for other non-human creatures after returning to the tribal era.

The others, seeing Chen Tianhao's movements, also used magic to attack the lagging dinosaurs.

Chen Tianhao, Jin Yong and the others, there were only a dozen or so people in total, but the continuous use of magic attacks made most of the dinosaurs single out from the main force.

"Brothers, beat each other half to death first."

Lin Sen, who was organizing the finishing work in the back, beat a struggling Ankylosaurus.

"You see, this is the only way to catch them better. Remember not to kill them." Lin Sen, who is the overall logistics manager of the Huaxia tribe, is already familiar with this kind of thing.

Before rushing here, I was afraid that the other party would hurt the patriarch, but now that the enemy couldn't hurt the patriarch at all, I was relieved and began to work hard to do the overall logistics work.

Originally, there was no need to injure the captives, but now the number is really not enough, and it is only convenient to manage them if they cannot move.

He also knew these dinosaurs, and they would most likely become members of his own tribe in the future.

One more person is a labor force. During this big construction, every person is extremely precious.

Apart from leaving some people to deal with the wounded, Chen Si took most of the fighters to the battle ahead.

While chasing, Chen Si directed the crowd to capture the injured dinosaur.

He was also secretly surprised when he rushed over along the way, and he couldn't help but respect Chen Tianhao's admiration. The rest of the people chased after him, causing such a great result, which made him admire it endlessly.

Chen Tianhao vaguely heard a system prompt, he didn't think about it, and concentrated on dealing with the dinosaurs below.

Chen Tianhao has already used up all his energy. Fortunately, there is a magic potion invented by Chen Zhiwen, and the energy consumption of the energy wings is relatively small, otherwise, even the energy wings would not be able to maintain.

But even with the supplement of magic potion, after killing more than 5000 dinosaurs in a row, everyone's magic potion has been used up.

Later, Chen Tianhao and the others just kept flying and did not attack again.

Although Chen Tianhao and the others did not continue to attack, their attacks along the way frightened the fleeing dinosaur tribe, and they ran desperately towards their lair.

The dinosaurs of the dinosaur tribe have been running away with all their strength, and Chen Tianhao couldn't help but admire the physical strength of these dinosaurs.

It has been nearly two hours since they stopped attacking. According to the escape speed of the dinosaur, they have already run nearly 80 kilometers.

The running speed of the dinosaurs dropped somewhat, but Chen Tianhao and the others following closely behind made them dare not stop.

"Patriarch, shall we keep following? Do you want to kill a few more?"

Jin Yong on the side licked his chapped lips. After more than two hours of flying, the blood on his body had already coagulated, and when he exerted force, many blood clots fell down one after another.

"Yeah, patriarch, when are we going to follow like this." Several other people also responded one after another. The previous magic attack made them feel refreshed to try to hang each other.

Chen Tianhao raised his head and looked ahead. There was still an endless forest, and he couldn't see where the dinosaur tribe's lair was. It seemed impossible to find the other party's lair at once.

"Follow for a while, if the other party hasn't reached their lair yet, kill a few more to stimulate them."

At this time, not only the speed of the dinosaurs slowed down, but also Chen Si and the others who were chasing after them couldn't bear this speed anymore.

At the beginning, Chen Si and the others could barely keep up with Chen Tianhao's speed, but they couldn't keep up at the end.

One side walks a straight distance in the sky, and the other side walks various mountain roads and circuitous routes on the ground. They are not at the same level at all.

As a precaution, Chen Si finally organized a flying team, with about 5000 people, basically all human followers, and Chen Si returned to the back to finish with Lin Sen for other types of humans.

Without the drag of the ground troops, the speed of the flying troops suddenly increased.

After about half an hour, the troops flying at full strength finally caught up with Chen Tianhao and the others.

"Patriarch, Chen Si led the flying troops, a total of 5000 people, to report to you." Chen Si, who flew to Chen Tianhao's side, was panting, and the long-term full-flying flight caused him a lot of pressure.

"Just come." Chen Tianhao nodded.

The arrival of Chen Si and the others caused panic among the exhausted dinosaurs.

Originally, it was impossible to resist the magical attacks of more than ten people. Now that more enemies are coming, can they still escape?
The fleeing dinosaurs couldn't think about it, they just fled to their homes according to the instinct of creatures.

The traces of the dinosaurs fleeing all the way seemed to open a road in the forest.

This reminded Chen Tianhao of a saying, "There is no road in this world. If there are many people walking, it will become a road."

The arrival of Chen Si made it easier for Chen Tianhao and the others, and made the dinosaurs even more fearful.

Half an hour after meeting Chen Si and the others.

Suddenly, people screamed from the front, as if they were sounding an alarm.

Every creature has its own alarm signal to remind its companions. Most creatures use sound to convey their information, while a small number of creatures choose other ways to convey their information. Dinosaurs also use their calls to convey their information.

Hearing this sound, Chen Tianhao accelerated his figure and flew forward.

I saw that about five kilometers ahead, Chen Tianhao discovered a huge group of dinosaurs that he had been chasing, and he couldn't count them at a glance.

There are probably no less than [-] dinosaurs living here. All kinds of dinosaurs, big and small, can almost be found in the fleeing team.

Most of the dinosaurs reserved here are young dinosaurs, which can be seen from the size ratio of the chased dinosaurs.

After hearing the roar of the dinosaurs, these dinosaurs gathered together in a panic, at a loss.

The arrival of Chen Tianhao was also seen by the giraffe left here.

After a while, the fleeing dinosaur finally joined the original dinosaur, and Jin Yong and the others also joined Chen Tianhao and stopped in midair.

(End of this chapter)

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