spore evolution

Chapter 251 Construction

Chapter 251 Construction
Although the tribal center made of stone has four floors, the overall transmission speed has not increased at all due to the increase in height.

It took about 5 minutes to appear perfectly in front of everyone.

A secondary tribal center was created.

The main structure of the tribal center is a kind of brown stone, a simple brown stone, which makes people feel that the four-story stone house seems to be crumbling.

Chen Tianhao knew that this was only a superficial feeling, even the previous wooden house had so many functions, he was full of expectations for the second-level tribal center.

Kong Wu stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. What happened in front of him was beyond his imagination, and a house appeared out of thin air.

Jin Yong and the others at the side were no strangers to it. They had seen similar scenes no less than ten times.

Chen Tianhao pointed to the tribal center that had just appeared, and raised his hand to invite Kong Wudao: "Do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Ah? Can I still go inside to see? Is it empty?" Kong Wu was very curious.

In the past, dinosaurs lived directly under the woods. Occasionally, they encountered some small caves, which would allow small dinosaurs to live in the caves.

Their bodies are too tall, not many caves can be so tall.

From this point of view, the people of the dinosaur tribe seem to be creatures who have just left the biological era and entered the tribal era.

In fact, it's not just the people of the dinosaur tribe. When Chen Tianhao came to the tribal era, most of the creatures had just entered the tribal era and had just learned how to use tools. Like the Huaxia tribe, they were already proficient in using tools as early as the biological era.

Under the leadership of Chen Tianhao, the dinosaurs and magicians entered the tribe one after another to check.

As soon as he entered the tribal center, a spacious and bright space appeared in front of Chen Tianhao's eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge screen about five meters long and two meters high, hanging on the wall at the main entrance.

"Hey, this is what the contribution center looked like before." Chen Tianhao saw at first glance that the layout of the tribal center was exactly the same as the previous first-level tribal center, and it looked like it after his transformation.

The huge screen displayed a few lines of "Huaxia Tribe Contribution Value System", and below it was a dense exchange list of items, with corresponding values ​​behind each item.

After Kong Wu and other dinosaurs entered the center of the tribe, they were very curious about everything around them. After a while, they ran to the bottom of the middle screen and stroked the screen, as if they were looking at why the stone was shining. Inside the house, there are various desks.

They also sit on chairs and tables from time to time.

After Chen Tianhao finished reading the first floor, he went to the second floor to check.

The layout of the second floor is different from the first floor, but divided into many rooms, similar to the office buildings Chen Tianhao saw in his previous life.

The layout of the third and fourth floors is similar.

Generally speaking, compared with the first-level tribal center, in addition to changes in materials and storey heights, the proportion of the space inside has also been enlarged a lot.


The work efficiency in the tribe center has also increased by 20%. When there was no contribution value system before, Chen Tianhao still felt that improving work efficiency was a tasteless skill, but after he set up a contribution value system, the work efficiency of the reception staff in the tribe center The provision of means that the tribe develops more rapidly.

Otherwise, the staff at the reception position will be inefficient and waste more time and energy on things other than business.

As for more aspects, there is no more detailed discovery for the time being.

After subduing a new tribe, it is naturally impossible for all the original people to develop here. Except for some main personnel, the other personnel will still develop according to the current progress.

Chen Tianhao used the system to assign corresponding positions to Kong Wu and the others.

Kong Wu continued to lead the dinosaurs and became the head of the dinosaur branch of the Huaxia tribe, in charge of various affairs of the dinosaur tribe.

Then he used 1000 points to directly record all the dinosaur information, which can be regarded as a reward for conquering other tribes.

When conquering other tribes, you can spend a certain amount of points to collect tribe information. If the conquered tribe has only a small number of people, then spending points is a bit of a waste.

But if it is like this time to subdue the dinosaur tribe and spend 1000 points to get information about all the dinosaurs, it is simply not too cost-effective.

You know, the collected information will be unlocked correspondingly with the unlocking of occupations and buildings.

The most important thing is that 1000 points is just a small amount of money for Chen Tianhao who currently has 10 points.

In order for Kong Wu and the others to better undertake the task of building the dinosaur branch, Chen Tianhao spent another 1000 points to let them master the various technologies and magic levels so far.

Chen Tianhao, who has become a wealthy man, spends his points without mercy.

"Kong Wu, take someone to clean up the surrounding trees, and I'll put up some buildings." Chen Tianhao ordered.

Kong Wu led the people away from the tribal center and went outside.

A large number of dinosaurs recovered their real bodies, and a few people were a tree. After a while, the trees next to the tribe center were cleared up.

Niu, he is a strong dinosaur man. Chen Tianhao spent a lot of effort to clear the open space.

Unlike now, those trees were uprooted by the dinosaurs.

Fortunately, the buildings exchanged from the system do not need to level the site, as long as there are no other large plants on it.

While the dinosaurs were stunned, Chen Tianhao, who was carrying a huge sum of money, began to exchange various buildings from the system, flooding the land.

A series of buildings such as the second-level logging camp, the second-level mining field, the second-level smelting plant, the second-level workshop, the second-level farmland, and the second-level livestock farm were all moved to this land by Chen Tianhao.

In less than 10 minutes, a small town that was a little more advanced than the original Huaxia tribe was born in this forest.

"There seems to be something missing?"

Chen Tianhao looked at a piece of stone buildings and muttered for a while.

"Patriarch, can we also build a school here? It's too far to go back to the school here."

Chen Shitou, who had just been transferred by Chen Tianhao to be the director of the research center, ran to Chen Tianhao's side and suggested.

After Chen Shitou studied several blueprints, his research knowledge has been greatly improved. After the establishment of the school, he saw Chen Ling often doing experiments in the school, so he also went to the school to study.

He learned a lot of different knowledge at school, and the more he learned, the more eager he was to acquire new knowledge from school.

Every day and night, I eagerly learn new knowledge. When I came here, I found that there is no school here. If I want to go back to school, the way back and forth is too far.

"Yes, I just said that something is missing. There are also schools and temples. These two things, every branch of the tribe must not be missing."

Chen Tianhao exchanged another school and temple from the system and placed them in the dinosaur branch.

The school is still that school, the same as the school in the Linsen branch.Did not change with upgrades to tier [-] buildings.

Then he used the points to upgrade the various building facilities in the Linsen branch.

Because the first-level buildings have already spent points once, when upgrading, the system deducts the points originally spent, and only needs to make up the corresponding difference points.

After subduing the dinosaurs, the surroundings returned to calm, and the entire Huaxia tribe was also developing rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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