spore evolution

Chapter 252 Ancient Ape Tribe?

Chapter 252 Ancient Ape Tribe?

Mornings in the forest are always smoky, making it difficult to see the surroundings clearly.

Most of the forest around the dinosaur branch has been plucked out, but the view is much better.

No matter what time it was, even though the Huaxia Tribe was now the most powerful tribe in the forest, Chen Tianhao still did not relax the warnings around him.

On the edge of Linsen, patrols have been patrolling.

"Good morning, Lord Jin."

The patrol captain at the edge of the forest saw Jin Yong coming out of the forest and saluted.

For Jin Yong, the Dinosaurs admired him very much. In the military camp, the petite Jin Yong was able to fight against the Tyrannosaurus Rex who was rising in strength.

"Morning, why don't we practice it?"

Jin Yong is a guy who can't sit still, and he especially likes violence. After Chen Tianhao subdued the dinosaurs, he would find dinosaurs everywhere to fight him.

It’s just okay once in a while, but if there are too many times, no one can stand it.

The most important point is that Jin Yong finds people to fight regardless of time and place. This is what other people can't stand.

Those with strong strength ran away when they saw Jin Yong far away, while Jin Yong was too embarrassed to fight with other people with weak strength, and it was okay to play occasionally.

Hearing Jin Yong's words, the patrol captain turned pale with fright, and quickly waved his hands: "Master Jin, please spare me, look at my small arms and legs, how can I beat you."

Jin Yong looked at the opponent's height of [-] meters, and joked: "You have small arms and legs, so my [-]-meter figure is smaller?"

"Uh, this..." The patrol leader was silent for a moment, he was bigger than the other party in terms of body size, but he couldn't help being inferior to the other party.

"Okay, I'm joking with you." Jin Yong smiled.

"Who is it?" Jin Yong looked at the depths of the forest vigilantly, and stretched out his hand to pull out a one-meter-long machete from his side. This machete was made from a weapon factory, and it was extremely sharp.

The patrol team became nervous when they noticed Jin Yong's movements, picked up the weapon in their hands, and watched the depths of the forest vigilantly.

"Master Jin, what did you find?"

The patrol captain approached Jin Yong and asked in a low voice.

Jin Yong shook his head and pointed to the place where he just came out: "There seems to be a creature coming over there."

"Any other creatures? Could it be that other people just came back from the outside like the adults?" The patrol leader looked carefully into the depths of the forest. The dense forest blocked his sight, so he walked in without impulse. Although he didn't hear or see it, he didn't doubt Jin Yong's judgment too much.

"No, I went outside alone this morning and found no one else. Leave one of you behind, and the others will follow me." Jin Yong shook his head, and then walked cautiously into the forest.

After walking for a while, Jin Yong and the others did not find any large creatures, only the occasional movement of some small animals.

Jin Yong thought to himself: "Did I hear it wrong? This is similar to the movement when I met the dinosaur tribe. It is definitely not the movement of a small wave of creatures walking."

After walking for a while, but still did not meet other creatures, Jin Yong waved his hand, and the marching team stopped.

"You go forward on the ground, I'll fly to the tree to have a look." After finishing speaking, Jin Yong waved his wings and flew up to the branches above his head.

The dense leaves covered most of Jin Yong's vision, but the vision on the tree was much better than on the ground.

The team continued to move forward for more than 100 meters, and Jin Yong finally found the opponent.

A human-like team appeared in his field of vision. There were about fifty people, each holding a 20-centimeter-high clay pot in front of them, and slowly advancing.

"Strange? Is this a member of our tribe?" Jin Yong couldn't help wondering if he had made a mistake. Didn't he enter the forest alone this morning, and there were other partners?

Jin Yong flew down from the tree and asked the patrol leader: "Did you see other people entering the forest with clay pots when you were patrolling?"

The patrol captain shook his head: "We have just taken over, and I don't know how many people have entered the forest."

"I just noticed that there seems to be a team walking towards us in front of us. Since you don't know if it's ours, let's go and have a look."

The patrol captain whispered: "Will this be too dangerous?"

If he hadn't had this kind of thinking before, he used to be the boss in this area, and all kinds of creatures would have to run away when they saw it, but when they met Chen Tianhao, they gave up this kind of thinking. Still very dangerous.

"No, if it's ours, then we'll help transport the things back. If not, that's even better, just kill them." Jin Yong was indifferent. If it was an enemy, he would be happier.

Going into the forest from time to time is just to find the enemy to fight, and it is even more impossible to give up when encountering this time.

The patrol captain and the others looked at each other with helplessness on their faces, so they had no choice but to follow Jin Yong's pace and head towards the suspected human team.

The distance between the two teams is not far, and the reason why they haven't met before is because of the slow speed of the two teams.

Jin Yong decided to meet the other party, and the speed of travel increased.

While Jin Yong was advancing, he was also guarding his surroundings to prevent traps from appearing.

The journey was very peaceful and there were no traps.

2 minutes later, without any fanfare, Jin Yong appeared in front of the opponent with a patrol team, and the two teams officially met each other.

"Which tribe are you from? Why haven't I seen you?"

Jin Yong jumped out and asked loudly.

In fact, Jin Yong didn't know if the other party was a member of his own tribe. Now that the tribe has more and more people, it is impossible to know everyone.

The other party seemed to be frightened by Jin Yong and the others, and the clay pot in his hand was almost thrown to the ground.

However, these people seemed to have been prepared for the appearance of Jin Yong and the others, but their hands trembled a little at the beginning, and soon stabilized.

A leader standing in front of the opponent stood up, with a flash of panic on his face, and then smiled and said: "These friends on the opposite side must be from the nearby Huaxia tribe, right? We are from the nearby ancient ape tribe. people, this time deliberately brought gifts from our tribe to seek friendship."

When Jin Yong heard that the other party was from the Ancient Ape Tribe, he couldn't help thinking to himself: "The Ancient Ape Tribe? Isn't that the last big tribe in this forest? The patriarch has been looking for the other party, and now it's easy to come here."

"Come, come, a few, we invite you here. We always welcome people with a friendly attitude." Jin Yong pointed in the direction of the dinosaur branch and invited.

When you get to the branch, no matter whether you are from the Australopithecus tribe or not, you can't pretend in front of the patriarch. Even if you are not from the Australopithecus tribe, it is an opportunity to increase the population of the tribe.

This is a rare opportunity to obtain a large amount of contribution points. Jin Yong is one of the few top members of the tribe, but most of his contribution points have been exchanged for health-enhancing medicines.

His strength, comparable to that of Tyrannosaurus rex, is also due to his frequent use of strength-enhancing herbs.

Usually, he can get a lot of contribution points by fighting and exploring outside, which is why he often runs around outside.

In this way, he can not only obtain contribution value, but also exercise himself.

"Please lead the way ahead." The leader still smiled and nodded, so that Jin Yong couldn't see if the other party was cheating.

(End of this chapter)

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