spore evolution

Chapter 256 Gifts

Chapter 256 Gifts
Gu Dayong has no desire to go back at all, and the unlimited supply of all kinds of delicacies makes him completely reluctant to leave here.

Gu Dayong did not propose to go back, and the accompanying people would not propose to go back, and Chen Tianhao, as the person who wanted to increase the friendliness of the other party this time, was even less likely to let the other party leave.

It's just that the friendliness of the Australopithecus tribe seems to have reached a bottleneck. After reaching 70, no matter how Chen Tianhao provides good things to the other party, the other party's friendliness will not change.

It can't be said that there is no change at all. It is a great credit to see the state of Gu Dayong and the others who don't want to go back at all.

Chen Tianhao guessed that it was easy to increase the friendship level because Gu Dayong and others represented the ancient ape tribe to show friendship to the Huaxia tribe.

And the friendliness he proposed to Gu Dayong and the others was naturally counted into the friendliness of the ancient ape tribe, and the friendliness could not be improved later. It should be that this method could no longer continue to improve and reached the peak.

It seems that if you want to make the friendliness of the ancient ape tribe reach 100, you can only find a way from other places.

Lunch and tea time, until the end of the evening.

Gu Dayong looked at the cakes on the table reluctantly, his stomach was full all the time, and at the back, he gulped down the tea that he had originally criticized.

He finally felt the benefits of tea. The greasy taste caused by the large amount of meat used before was eliminated. After drinking the tea, he became more appetizing. Unknowingly, he ate a few more snacks.

It turns out that tea is the effect, and only here can you experience the deliciousness of tea. In other places, even survival is a problem, so there is no time to eat meat.

But no matter how much you like this place, you still have to go back to your own tribe. This time the harvest is huge, and you must be in a friendly state with the other party.

"Thank you Patriarch Chen for your hospitality, we should go back."

Gu Dayong said politely.

Chen Tianhao nodded: "The reception is not good, please forgive me, the supplies that Jin Yong promised to give to your tribe have already been prepared, you just take them back."

When the group left the cafeteria, they saw that the originally empty square was now filled with various supplies.

But basically it is based on meat food. Chen Tianhao himself doesn't have much like tea and rice, and the people of the Huaxia tribe don't have enough to enjoy it, so he didn't provide it to the other party.

All kinds of wooden barrels are neatly placed on the square in rows, like a small hill.

"Patriarch, all the supplies you want are here." A dinosaur walked up to Chen Tianhao and said respectfully.

Gu Dayong looked at the hill-like supplies in front of him in surprise, and turned his head with difficulty: "Patriarch Chen, are these foods given to us?"

Chen Tianhao smiled and nodded: "Of course, these are the supplies that Jin Yong promised to give you before, including 500 catties of bacon, 500 catties of magic rabbit meat, etc."

"This... is this true?" Gu Dayong couldn't believe it, and he stuttered when he spoke.

He didn't expect that the other party really gave them all the meat. His tribe was in a state of food shortage at this time, and the tribe was divided into two factions. It was precisely because of the lack of food that the main combat faction wanted to attack the dinosaur tribe. , naturally hope to obtain part of the food through this method.

As a peace faction, he hoped that the two sides could coexist peacefully so that they could find food through other means. He had no idea that he would not only successfully complete the task of peaceful coexistence, but also obtain a large amount of food.

Transporting these foods back can completely feed the people in the tribe for several days.

"Of course it's true. Since I promised to give it to you, I will give it to you." Chen Tianhao laughed.

Then he took a small basket from the side, handed it to Gu Dayong, and said, "This is a set of tea sets and some tea leaves, which are for you alone."

Originally, he didn't intend to give tea sets, but to give tea to people who don't understand tea, it's like chewing peonies. Later, he enjoyed watching Gu Dayong drink tea, so he sent a catty of the first roasted tea leaves to Gu Dayong. Gu Dayong.

"Thank you patriarch." Gu Dayong happily took the basket and carried it on his back.

He seemed to miss the taste of tea a little: "Boys, bring these to me to carry the tribe."

With an order, 50 people scrambled to lift the wooden barrels on the ground.

The wooden barrels placed on the square are 50 centimeters high and [-] centimeters in diameter, and each barrel contains [-] catties of meat.

An arc handle is made on the top of the barrel for easy lifting.

I have to say that the human strength of these ancient ape tribes is still very good. Each person carried two wooden barrels in one hand, and one person carried 200 kilograms of meat, and 50 people carried a total of 10000 kilograms of meat.

However, even if 200 wooden barrels were lifted, nearly half of the wooden barrels on the square could not be lifted.

Gu Dayong anxiously looked at the unfinished wooden barrels, and let some stronger people carry two more barrels. After all, the strong people are a minority, and it is a drop in the bucket for the materials like hills.

It is absolutely impossible for him to give up the supplies he got. Not to mention the delicious food he ate this afternoon, even ordinary food, when the tribe is facing a food crisis, it is absolutely impossible to give up.

Gu Dayong thought of asking Chen Tianhao and the others to help, but he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Do you want to ask the other party to help move the meat to your own tribe?
It is very embarrassing to exchange some common amethyst for such a large amount of food this time, and it is a bit unreasonable to ask the other party to help carry it.

"Gu Envoy, do you need our help to transport these foods?"

Chen Tianhao saw the embarrassment of the other party and asked in advance.

"Then... I am very grateful to the patriarch for his help." Gu Dayong replied rather embarrassed.

Although he really wanted to carry it by himself, but he couldn't refuse Chen Tianhao's help, he just comforted him in his heart: "After we go back, bring some more amethysts here, it can be seen that the patriarch likes amethysts very much."

Amethyst is full of energy. There is an amethyst vein in the ancient ape tribe. Although it is a bit troublesome to collect it, it is very good to be able to exchange for so much food.

No matter how many amethysts there are, it is useless to have no food. Food is the foundation of survival.

Chen Tianhao called over twenty "carriages". The "horse" pulling the "carriage" was not a "horse", but a creature called "Kodo". Normally, it possesses great strength, and after being discovered by Chen Tianhao, it was domesticated and became the main force of transportation.

A Kodo pulls a carriage and can pull 1000 catties.

It's just that there is no flat road to walk in the forest, and most of them still go over mountains and mountains, but there is no problem in transporting 500 catties of food.

If there is a flat road between each tribe, and the carriage is a little more advanced, it is no problem to pull 1200 catties accordingly.

With the help of 50 Kodos and [-] people from Gu Dayong, they finally removed all the barrels on the ground.

The Kodos needed someone to look after them, and Chen Tianhao also wanted to see the situation of the ancient ape tribe, so he decided to follow Gu Dayong and the others.

Chen Tianhao took Jin Yong, 52 coachmen, [-] magicians, and [-] dinosaur warriors, a total of [-] people, and followed them together.

With the addition of 52 people from Chen Tianhao, the entire transportation team became much easier.

Gu Dayong was grateful again, and the two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while before starting to set off in the direction of the ancient ape tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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