spore evolution

Chapter 257 Going to the Ancient Ape Tribe

Chapter 257 Going to the Ancient Ape Tribe
The Australopithecus tribe is in the west. This planet is similar to the earth, and the sun also rises in the east and sets in the west.

At this time, the sun has shifted to the west, and the sunlight is not so fierce. Under the cover of the leaves, it is almost not hot, but a warm feeling.

Under the leadership of Gu Dayong, a group of 100 kodo beast vehicles and more than [-] people shuttled through the forest mightily.

Because of the existence of Kodo beast vehicles, Gu Dayong sometimes takes a long detour.

But fortunately, there are basically not many weak people in the team. Each of them carries a weight of 50 catties, and they walk at a slow speed.

The main reason is the complicated road conditions in the forest, which limit the speed of Kodo beasts, thus limiting the speed of the entire team.

Chen Tianhao was also carrying a wooden barrel, and walked at the front of the line, walking with Gu Dayong.

Along the way, the two chatted very happily. Through chatting along the way, Chen Tianhao also got a general understanding of the situation of the ancient ape tribe.

We all know something about the food crisis of the ancient ape tribe, the struggle between the two factions, and even the amethyst vein in the gift.

For a long time, Chen Tianhao used the energy of his consciousness to detect all kinds of mineral veins around his tribe clearly.

However, he has never found any similar energy veins, until now, he did not know that such veins exist in this world.

He suspected that similar veins existed in his territory, but because his detection range was limited, he could not detect deeper places.

The amethyst veins of the ancient ape tribe were discovered by them because they were on the edge.

Energy is an important factor in the development of civilization. In the previous life: the appearance of flames brought mankind into the tribal age, the use of coal brought mankind into the feudal age, and the discovery of oil brought human civilization into an era of rapid development.

In this harmonious tribe, Chen Tianhao didn't know whether the appearance of mana technology meant the use of energy crystals, but he knew that he had to grasp these energies in order to better develop his tribe.

The discovery of coal mines has greatly developed his tribe. He is not satisfied with this, he needs to make greater progress.

Chen Tianhao had a hunch that the remaining 30 points of friendliness towards the Australopithecus tribe would most likely be resolved during this trip.

A group of people walked for almost three hours.

The walk was very quiet along the way, and no creatures without eyes came to rob them.

That's right, their two tribes are the top food chain here, and it's pretty good that they haven't troubled the surrounding creatures, so how dare they bother them.

I also encountered some small creatures on the road. If it was normal, Gu Dayong might have to catch up with these small creatures. Now he doesn't have the mood to care about them, he just wants to transport the food back quickly.

Chen Tianhao reckoned that the group traveled about [-] kilometers.

It was dusk when we set off, and after three hours of rushing, the last ray of light had already fallen, and the sky was already dark at this time.

The entire marching team slowed down, Chen Tianhao looked up at the sky, the sun had completely set, but the sky was indeed dyed orange, although it was much darker, but he could barely make out the road in front of him.

Gu Dayong was quite familiar with the forest here, so he barely recognized it, so he walked forward, while Chen Tianhao stood aside, he didn't see any difference at all in the place he just passed, even if he had the assistance of conscious energy, he couldn't recognize it.

From the moment he left the tribe, Chen Tianhao spread the energy of his consciousness around to act as a warning.

After traveling another three kilometers, Chen Tianhao discovered a patrol team appeared within the warning range of his consciousness ahead.

If you take a closer look, it looks similar to Gu Dayong, and you should be in the ancient ape tribe.

Chen Tianhao remained calm, and asked in a low voice: "Gu Envoy, are you going to your tribe soon?"

Gu Dayong nodded: "Yes, it will be there after a little more."

The three-kilometer road passed quickly, and a team of more than 100 people was very noisy, especially in the quiet night, it was very loud.

The patrol team in Chen Tianhao's consciousness, there are a total of ten people, seemed to have heard the movement here, and immediately looked at this side vigilantly.

The distance between the two sides was very close, but the sky had already darkened. Without the conscious energy to explore the way, they couldn't see the faces of Chen Tianhao's people clearly.

One of the leaders of the patrol team pointed at Chen Tianhao and his party with a spear in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Who are you? This is the territory of the Ancient Ape Tribe. Please leave."

Chen Tianhao and his party were beyond the expectations of the patrol team, so they could only yell loudly, hoping that the other party could leave here after hearing that the ancient ape tribe.

At the same time, he also motioned to the people on the side, stepped back slightly, and prepared to leave to report to the tribe.

Hearing the leader's voice, Gu Dayong stopped in his tracks, and also yelled: "The one in front is Captain Gu Mingfeng? I'm Gu Dayong."

Hearing Gu Dayong's voice, the person who was about to leave the team also stopped, but did not return to the team, and was ready to run at any time.

"Elder Gu? Are you really Elder Gu? Come here alone and let me see."

Gu Mingfeng heard the voice of Elder Gu, and knew that it was indeed Elder Gu, but he remembered that when Elder Gu set off this morning, he only brought fifty people with him, but now the team on the opposite side has more than fifty people at all. human appearance.

It is possible that Elder Gu was kidnapped by the other party, so he proposed to let Elder Gu come over. If it is really a hostage, he can also rescue the elder by the way. If not, then everyone will be happy.

As the captain of the patrol, he must always be aware of the dangers around him.

"Patriarch, let me go over to negotiate first, the other party may not recognize me." Gu Dayong explained with a smile.

Chen Tianhao waved his hand to let him pass.

The distance between the two sides was only 50 meters, which was very close. Gu Dayong arrived after walking for a while, and laughed and cursed as he walked: "Mingfeng, you kid, you can't even hear the voice of your parents."

Seeing Gu Dayong coming, Gu Mingfeng hurriedly asked in a low voice: "Elder, did the other party kidnap you and hand them over to us, and when they came to our territory, are you still afraid of them?"

"What are you talking about, kid, no one is holding us hostage, this is our distinguished guest." Gu Dayong laughed loudly, not afraid of Chen Tianhao and the others hearing it.

"VIP? What VIP?" Gu Mingfeng asked suspiciously, and then seemed to remember something: "Are they from the dinosaur tribe?"

"Yes, no, they are from the Huaxia tribe."

"Huaxia Tribe? Didn't the elders take people to the Dinosaur Tribe to give gifts today? Why did the VIP brought back become the Huaxia Tribe?"

"It's a long story. The people from the Dinosaur Tribe were subdued by the people from the Huaxia Tribe, so the people from the Dinosaur Tribe also became people from the Huaxia Tribe."

"What? The people from the dinosaur tribe were subdued? When did it happen?" Gu Mingfeng was taken aback. He didn't expect that the dinosaur tribe with similar strength as his own tribe would be subdued.

"It's just a matter of these few days. Well, don't think too much about it. Hurry up and find some people to help carry the gifts." Through today's knowledge, Gu Dayong found that being incorporated into the Huaxia tribe is not without benefits, at least he can eat it with big mouthfuls Meat, thinking of the delicious meat, couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Okay, I'll call someone right now." Gu Mingfeng ordered the person who left the team just now, but just now he was asked to notify of an enemy attack, but now he is notified of a gift acceptance.

After dispelling the misunderstanding, Gu Mingfeng and the other nine followed Gu Dayong back to the transportation team.

With Gu Mingfeng's notice, there was no misunderstanding along the way, and they resisted the ancient ape tribe safely all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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