spore evolution

Chapter 258 Food Crisis

Chapter 258 Food Crisis
Ancient ape tribe.

On the edge of the mountain wall, there was a large open space, and densely packed small fires were set up on the open space.

There are human-like creatures crowded around the fire, and there are only three or five people holding barbecue in their hands and roasting on the fire, but the meat on the wooden stick is really pitiful, only a few pieces of dried tofu The sized chunks of meat are skewered on top.

Surrounding them was a group of children, clinging tightly to them, staring straight at the barbecue above the fire.

Small pieces of meat don't need to be roasted for a long time, they are ready in almost a few minutes.

The children looked at the barbecue eagerly. When the adults took the barbecue off the fire, a child immediately stretched out his hand towards the barbecue.


The little hand was slapped lightly by the adult, stopping the opponent's movement.

"Tianxing, the meat is still hot, don't worry, everyone has meat to eat." The adult shouted softly.

Tianxing scratched his hair and smiled awkwardly. Of course he knew that everyone could get a piece of meat, but he could only get a piece of meat, nothing more.

Tianxing has experienced such days for many days, how can a piece of meat fill his stomach, if he can not occasionally get some fruits to eat, he would have starved to death long ago.

Those fruits are very sour, it's okay if you don't eat them, but after eating them, you will feel even hungrier.

He often wonders when he will be able to live a life of eating meat.In his memory, he has never been full. Before, he could eat a few pieces of meat if he couldn't be full. With other foods, he could barely fill his stomach.

Now it is time for him to grow his body, without food, how can he strengthen his body.

Seeing that the warriors in the tribe can eat meat, he also wants to become a warrior in the tribe and hunt for food, so that he can also eat meat and be full.

The adult left the barbecue for a while, waited for the barbecue to cool down a bit, and then rolled the barbecue off the skewers.

Distribute to the children who have been waiting for a long time, including the adults who are grilling meat, each with a small piece.

The temperature of the barbecue has dropped a lot, Tianxing only feels warm when holding it in his hand, and it is a little greasy when holding it in his hand, but he doesn't care.

Gently put the piece of meat in his mouth, then took a small bite, then picked up a washed leaf from the side, and started chewing.

The bitter taste of the leaves filled his mouth, causing his face to wrinkle involuntarily, and then relieved, as if the bitter taste of the leaves had been washed away by that small bite of flesh.

In this way, he ate his dinner with a bite of bitter leaves and a bite of roast meat.

The younger child on the side didn't eat like Tianxing, picked up the portion of barbecue, and immediately stuffed it into his mouth.

There are not many barbecued meats the size of dried tofu, but it is enough to fill the little guy's mouth.

The little guy bit the barbecue in his mouth with difficulty, and after a while, he wiped out the barbecue.

He didn't eat the unpalatable leaves at all, and immediately looked to the side after eating the barbecue, wanting to see who still had the barbecue in his hands.

Seeing the little guy's appearance, Tianxing didn't know what the other person meant, so he immediately turned his head and quickly ate the barbecue in his hand, he didn't want to go hungry.

Not only Tian Xing was like this, other children also avoided his gaze when they saw it, speeding up their eating speed.

Seeing that there was no hope for the other brothers and sisters, the little guy turned his head to the adult who was grilling meat, and looked pitifully at the barbecue in their hands: "Mom, I'm still hungry."

The mother stuffed the remaining half of the barbecue into the little guy's hands: "Here's another piece, eat it quickly."

And she herself silently picked up the leaves in her hand and ate them.

The man on the side tore off a small piece of barbecue in his hand and handed it to the mother.

Tianxing's mother chewed a few times, took a sip of water, swallowed it, and asked in a low voice: "Huang Yan, when do you think we will be full?"

"Come on, I heard that we are going to fight the dinosaur tribe recently. As long as we win against them, we will have food and we will be full by then."

Huang Yan, the owner of the fire, responded softly.

It seemed that when she heard that winning would bring food, her mother's eyes became firmer, and then she seemed to think of something: "Well, didn't Elder Gu bring a gift to the dinosaur tribe this morning? Why did you turn into a war with them again?"

"Elder Gu started off in the morning and hasn't come back yet. I'm afraid it's a bad luck. He said earlier that he just fights with them. There is no peaceful solution." Huang Yan is the main combat faction in the tribe. Not optimistic about Gu Dayong's peaceful approach.

The most important point is, can living in peace with the dinosaur tribe solve the tribe's food crisis?Can everyone have a full stomach and live a good life?
If he could, he wouldn't mind allying with the dinosaur tribe at all. As a member of the main combat faction, his greater hope is to solve the food crisis in the family.

In the ancient ape tribe, similar scenes have been happening.

Every family is caught in a food crisis, and even the barbecue in the hands of each family is distributed as a whole.

In the middle of many fires, there is a larger fire, surrounded by a dozen adults, each holding a skewer of roasted meat in their hands, and slowly rolling the roasted meat.

The few people sitting here are the chief and several elders of the Australopithecus tribe.

Obviously, they heard the words of the surrounding clansmen. Their voices were very low, but the few people present here were all experts. There was no pressure at all to hear their words clearly, not to mention their voices were not too low.

Hearing their words, the originally silent atmosphere became even more silent.

"Chief, Elder Gu didn't come back today. It seems that the alliance has failed. Let's attack the dinosaur tribe tomorrow."

Suddenly a voice came out.

As soon as his words fell, someone immediately echoed: "Yes, chief, look at the tribes around, there is nothing to eat. If we don't attack the dinosaur tribe, then we may never have the strength to defeat them in the future."

Gu Changlin, the chief of the Australopithecus tribe, stood up and looked towards the east. That was the direction of the dinosaur tribe, and it was also the direction where Gu Dayong led his tribe to negotiate.

He looked deeply for a while. He is a member of the peace faction. If he had the opportunity, he would not want his own people to make such a fearless sacrifice, so he sent Gu Dayong, who is also a peace faction, as an envoy to the dinosaur tribe to seek Peace, seeking an alliance, so that he has more time and energy to go deeper into the forest to find food.

The surrounding creatures have been slaughtered almost, and the large creatures around them are for them to eat. The food chain in this area has collapsed, and it is no longer enough to feed so many tribes.

It's just that Gu Dayong, whom he placed his hopes on, has not appeared since he set off in the morning. He was silent for a while: "We will set off tomorrow to attack the dinosaur tribe."

"Chief, wait a little longer, we haven't reached the rest time yet, let's wait and see." The peace faction on the side suggested.

Gu Changlin slowed down for a while and said, "Then wait a little longer. If we haven't come back after our break, then follow the original plan."

Several members of the main combat faction originally wanted to object, but after thinking about it later, it was almost time for a break anyway, so they didn't make a sound.

Even if Gu Dayong came back and brought good news, it would be a good thing for the whole tribe.

It's just that they changed from attacking the dinosaur tribe to looking for food in the depths of the forest. For them, there is not much difference.

Both parties are people who are dedicated to the development of the tribe, and there is no big conflict in private.

(End of this chapter)

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