spore evolution

Chapter 259 The food is here

Chapter 259 The food is here
Gu Changlin and the others quietly ate the barbecue in their hands, and settled their dinner hastily with the bitter leaves.

Because the dispute was resolved, everyone had nothing to discuss and just waited quietly.

I don't know whether I am waiting for the rest time or waiting for Gu Dayong's arrival.

The firewood in the fire was crackling, and in this dark night, everyone around the fire was clearly illuminated.

"Why don't we go back to rest now?" The original person who proposed to attack the dinosaur tribe said again.

"Yeah, anyway, there is no hope now. It's better to rest early, recharge your energy, and fight against the dinosaur tribe tomorrow."


Several other members of the main combat faction agreed.

Gu Changlin raised his hand to signal a pause: "It's still the same work and rest time as usual, and it's not too short of time. Let's wait a little longer."


Just as they were discussing, there was a burst of shouting in the distance.

That voice was extraordinarily loud at night, even in the midst of everyone's discussion after dinner, it was extraordinarily loud.

Tianxing's mother, who was sitting powerlessly on the ground, immediately sat up straight and asked Huang Yan next to her, "Is Elder Gu back?"

Huang Yan stood up and looked at the direction from which the voice came from. He could only vaguely see a figure running towards him, but he couldn't see who the figure was. Then he shook his head slightly towards his wife: "I don't know, but at this time , even if Elder Gu is not back, there is still news about Elder Gu."

Gu Changlin and the others also heard this voice, and they were shocked immediately. They all stood up and looked at the speeding figure.

The speeding figure was Gu Tiejing who was sent by Gu Mingfeng to notify in advance.

Gu Tiejing ran fast along the way, exerting all her strength, and came to Gu Changlin's side in the blink of an eye.

"Report...report the good news to the chief." Gu Tiejing was so excited that he ran over and was out of breath for a while.

Gu Changlin came over, patted Gu Tiejing's back lightly, and helped him calm down: "Tie Jing, what's the good news? Tell me slowly."

Gu Tiejing stood in place for a while, and took a few breaths: "Report to the chief, good news, Elder Gu has returned with a lot of gifts, a long line, everyone is carrying a big bucket, and there are people from the Huaxia Dinosaur Tribe. The distinguished guests also came along."

When Gu Changlin heard that Gu Dayong was back, his eyes lit up, and he didn't care too much about the gift behind: "Elder Gu is back, and he brought people from the dinosaur tribe? That's great, let's hurry over to greet him, we can't Lost manners."

He didn't hear clearly that Gu Tiejing was talking about the Huaxia tribe, and subconsciously thought it was the dinosaur tribe.

However, the people from the dinosaur tribe were subdued by the Huaxia tribe, and those who called the Huaxia tribe a dinosaur tribe barely made sense.

The other elders were also surprised when they heard Gu Tiejing's words.

"Unexpectedly, Gu Dayong really managed to do this." The leader of the main combat faction sighed.

"Yeah, tomorrow's plan has to be canceled again."

Gu Changlin ordered loudly: "Elders, please follow me to meet the distinguished guests from the dinosaur tribe."

Under the leadership of Gu Tiejing, Gu Changlin and his party walked eastward.

The speed of Chen Tianhao's team has never been slow, and most of the road behind is flat, and the kodo beasts are much faster when they pull the goods.

When they came to the edge of the ancient ape tribe, they happened to meet Gu Changlin and others led by Gu Tiejing.

Gu Changlin looked at the transportation team in front of him in surprise. He thought that there were not many gifts, but he was completely stunned, especially the huge Kodo beast. He thought it was the food sent by Chen Tianhao and the others. He completely ignored the wooden barrels on display and the wooden barrels in everyone's hands.

He couldn't help thinking to himself: "If these creatures are killed, I'm afraid they can last for several days, enough for the tribe to find new sources of food."

Chen Tianhao didn't know that the Kodo he used to transport the goods had been regarded as food by the other party, and he looked at the other party with a smile on his face.

Gu Dayong crossed the line and walked up to Gu Changlin, with an excited expression on his face: "Chief, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life and completed the task."

Gu Changlin also nodded happily: "Just come back."

Then he turned his head to look at Chen Tianhao, excitedly held Chen Tianhao's hand and said, "This must be a distinguished guest from the Dinosaur Tribe, thank you for the gift from your tribe."

Chen Tianhao didn't know that the gift the other party was talking about referred to "kodo beasts", so he thought the other party was talking about the meat in the wooden barrel, and responded with a smile: "You're welcome, courtesy is reciprocated."

Gu Dayong hurriedly introduced each other to the side, so far, the two sides finally had a preliminary understanding, of course, the two sides only introduced the main characters.

At this time, Gu Changlin finally understood that the Huaxia tribe that Gu Tiejing just mentioned was not a slip of the tongue, but really a tribe's name.

Knowing that the former dinosaur tribe was actually conquered by the Huaxia tribe, Gu Changlin's mood became even better after being able to gain the friendship of the Huaxia tribe.

Perhaps, instead of going to the depths of the forest to find food, there might be a way to obtain food from the Huaxia tribe.

In Gu Changlin's eyes, tribes that can use huge creatures like Kodos as gifts must have no shortage of food in the tribe. Like their tribe, in order to make friends with the dinosaur tribe, what they gave was only useless amethyst .

"Elder Xiong, you arranged for people to kill three unknown beasts to welcome the arrival of the patriarch of the Huaxia tribe for us."

Gu Changlin arranged for Elder Xiong to borrow flowers to present Buddha and kill a few kodo beasts to welcome Chen Tianhao. Originally, he wanted to say that killing one would be enough, but after seeing so many people on the other side, when he said it, it became three.

"Yes, Chief."

Gu Dayong heard Gu Changlin's voice, and quickly stopped him: "Chief, it's wrong, these kodo beasts are not gifts for us, they are just pulling the cart, and those wooden barrels behind are gifts for us."

"Ah, those barrels are."

Gu Changlin was embarrassed and blushed. Fortunately, it was night and no one could see it.

It's not that no one has noticed that under Chen Tianhao's consciousness, the surrounding environment is like a high-definition camera, shooting 360 degrees without dead ends, and even slight changes cannot escape his consciousness.

Elder Xiong, who was planning to arrange people, also stopped.

"Elder Xiong, then you arrange to carry these wooden barrels into the cave." In order to hide the embarrassment on his face, he quickly ordered Elder Xiong to accept the gift.

Gu Dayong quickly explained from the side: "Patriarch, I'm sorry, our side is starving, and we don't really want to kill these Kodo beasts."

He knew that these kodo beasts were forbidden to be slaughtered even in the Huaxia tribe. If someone really wanted to slaughter the kodo beasts, it would probably cause everyone to besiege them.

However, Gu Dayong also knew that the chief was hungry and scared, so he thought that these Kodo beasts were also one of the gifts, so he made such a move.

Chen Tianhao waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I can understand."

The number of Kodo beasts is small, but its strength and physique are the strengths of transportation. Before vehicles and other means of transportation were invented, Kodo beasts were rare creatures, so they are also protected in the Huaxia tribe. one of the animals.

(End of this chapter)

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