spore evolution

Chapter 261 Rejection and Hope

Chapter 261 Rejection and Hope

That night, Chen Tianhao's sleep quality was very poor, and he hardly fell asleep.

I am used to sleeping in a system that provides warmth in winter and coolness in summer, as well as comfortable beds, so I can’t sleep in a dirty, messy, poor cave.

Not only Chen Tianhao didn't sleep well tonight, but the other magicians who came with him didn't sleep well either. As for the dinosaur warriors who came together, they slept soundly in this sleeping environment. After all, it took only a few days for them to be subdued by Chen Tianhao. It's not their turn to enjoy the spacious and warm house.

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao and the others were in relatively good physical condition, otherwise they would be so afraid of seeing people as pandas the next day.

The next morning.

As soon as the sun came up, Chen Tianhao walked out of the cave unable to sleep.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, he met Gu Changlin arranging affairs.

Seeing Chen Tianhao, Gu Changlin gave some instructions to others, and came over to say hello: "Patriarch Chen, good morning, how are you sleeping?"

Chen Tianhao nodded and said, "Well, that's right, thank you Chief for your hospitality."

"This is the best room in our tribe. I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well." Gu Changlin said with a smile.

What?Is this the best room?Chen Tianhao resisted the urge to curl his lips, remembering his biggest purpose for coming to the Australopithecus Tribe, he decided to take the initiative and asked, "Chief Gu, I heard that your tribe is in a food crisis?"

Finish the mission early, and go back early, the accommodation conditions here are so bad that he doesn't want to stay for one more day.

Hearing Chen Tianhao's question, Gu Changlin sighed and said: "Yes, many creatures around have left this place, and it is difficult for us to find food. Speaking of this, I would also like to thank you for the gift yesterday, allowing the people of our tribe to eat full."

Chen Tianhao heard Gu Dayong's food crisis from the very beginning. He subdued the dinosaur tribe, but he didn't find that the dinosaur tribe had a food crisis. Is it just that there are no creatures in the forest here?

In fact, it wasn't just the Australopithecus tribe that had a food crisis, but the dinosaur tribe also had a food crisis, but their crisis was not that serious. The main reason why the dinosaur tribe attacked him before was because of food.

Chen Tianhao had just subdued the dinosaur tribe for a few days, and there were not many dinosaurs in the dinosaur branch. Most of the injured dinosaurs were sent to the Linsen branch for treatment. In addition, Chen Tianhao used a lot of points to establish a The livestock farm, with the support of the Linsen Tribe, Chen Tianhao solved the food crisis that was going to happen in the dinosaur branch invisibly.

The Australopithecus tribe has a large number of people, and there are no buildings with system bonuses like Chen Tianhao. Before his arrival, the food crisis had already occurred for several days.

"What caused the surrounding creatures to flee in large numbers?"

The originally safe and stable natural environment suddenly fell into a food crisis. There must be some serious accident, otherwise it would not be possible to have a big food crisis like now.

After all, there was not enough food, how could it be possible to support so many ancient ape-men.

Gu Changlin shook his head and said: "I don't know, not long ago, all of a sudden, the surrounding creatures fled from this place one after another."

"Is there any special phenomenon?"

Chen Tianhao raised his consciousness to the extreme, and he knew all the movements within a radius of more than four kilometers, but he didn't find anything special.

However, they found the vein of amethyst found by the ancient ape tribe. It was not far from the cave. It is estimated that the amethyst was accidentally dug out when digging the cave.

Gu Changlin lowered his head and thought for a while: "A special phenomenon? It seems that there was an object in the sky that day, and then that object emitted a beam of light, and the creature that was shot flew into it with the beam of light, and then disappeared."

"An object appeared in the sky? And a beam of light was emitted to capture the object?" Chen Tianhao was secretly surprised. Is this another spaceship?

He thought of the spaceship he encountered in the biological age, when he controlled the captain through the energy of his consciousness to scare them away.

Could this spacecraft be the culprit for the food crisis?
Chen Tianhao is temporarily unknown.

"Patriarch Chen, I wonder if you can help us?" Gu Changlin asked in a low voice, remembering that Chen Tianhao's Huaxia tribe could subdue the dinosaur tribe and send out so much meat.

The food for 20000 people, for him who has been upgraded to a second-level livestock farm, only needs to be exchanged for a few more, but for him who now has a lot of points, it is not a problem at all.

It's just that his goal is to make the Australopithecus tribe's friendship reach 100, unlock the magic technology system, and easily agree to the other party. For the last 20 friendship points, it will definitely not be so easy. Chen Tianhao refused with a look of embarrassment: "Sorry, Chief Gu, our tribe's food is also limited, especially those who have just accepted the dinosaur tribe, the meat given to you this time is still saved by us."

After hearing this, Gu Changlin sighed and apologized to Chen Tianhao: "I'm sorry, Patriarch Chen, it's me, Meng Lang. It seems that we need to go to the depths of the forest to the west to find food."

"Why did you go to the forest to the west to find food?" Chen Tianhao was very surprised. When they knew that the other party's food was in crisis, Gu Dayong and the others had planned to go to the forest to the west to find food.

Is there any difference in that place?How can you be sure that there is food in that place?
Gu Changlin looked at Chen Tianhao strangely, and then explained: "The direction that those creatures fled is to the west, so there must be food there."


Chen Tianhao never thought that the reason why the other party went to the west forest was this, he thought there was something special about the west forest.

But most of the creatures here are fleeing to the west, so there is nothing special about it, right?

Later, you can go over there and have a look.

"Patriarch Chen, take a rest here, I'm sorry."

Failed to get aid from Chen Tianhao's side, Gu Changlin could only continue to implement the original plan, but he never thought that he could get food aid from Chen Tianhao's side. 20000 people.

After Gu Changlin left, Chen Tianhao wandered around the Ancient Ape Tribe.

Early in the morning, many people hadn't gotten up yet, the fire had been extinguished, and the remaining ashes were blown up by a gust of wind, blowing all over the sky.

"Patriarch Chen, thank you for your help yesterday."

Gu Dayong, who just got up, looked like he was still asleep, and half-closed his eyes to say hello.

Chen Tianhao nodded and said, "You're welcome, we are friends."

Gu Dayong suddenly faltered: "Patriarch Chen, that... I have a small request, I wonder if you can agree to it."

"What's the matter? If it's about helping you solve the food crisis, I'm afraid I don't have the ability for the time being."

Chen Tianhao seemed to see the other party's request and refused in advance, but he didn't say he was dead, he just said that he was incapable for the time being. After all, he still wanted to subdue the ancient ape tribe, so he wanted to leave some hope for the other party.

Gu Dayong quickly waved his hands and explained hastily: "No, I also know that it is impossible to save so many people, but can you bring some children from our clan there?"

Afraid that Chen Tianhao would refuse again, he quickly said: "Not many, there are only 100 people, all of whom are very young children. There is really too little food in the clan. I am afraid that these children will not be able to hold on anymore."

Chen Tianhao didn't refuse this time, but he didn't agree immediately, he just lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Patriarch Chen, as long as you can bring these children there, we will take them after we find food. As a reward for this time, we can provide another 50 jars of amethyst stones."

Gu Dayong thought that Chen Tianhao was more interested in amethyst, so he immediately added amethyst as his bargaining chip.

"Okay then, get your staff ready, and the amethyst you promised yesterday and today."

"Okay, no problem, I'll get ready right away."

Hearing that Chen Tianhao agreed to his request, he happily left to prepare supplies.

In fact, Chen Tianhao agreed to the other party's request this time not because of the amethyst stone. In his mind, he guessed that when the ancient ape tribe owned the amethyst vein, it had already been classified as his property.

This promise is just to provide the other party's friendliness and complete the task.

Sure enough, when he agreed to the other party's request, the friendliness of the ancient ape tribe increased by another 5 points, reaching 85 points.

(End of this chapter)

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