spore evolution

Chapter 262 Accepting Children

Chapter 262 Accepting Children
By noon, Gu Dayong had already transported the amethyst to the Kodo vehicle.

The car that was originally used to carry the meat had turned into a slow amethyst on the return journey.

50 cans of amethyst were not enough to fill the vehicles of the Kodos. Later, Gu Dayong added nearly 30 cans, and each vehicle was filled with four cans of amethyst [-] centimeters high.

"Patriarch Chen, the amethysts are all here." Gu Dayong pointed to the hundred children of the ancient ape tribe behind him, "These children will trouble Patriarch Chen."

A hundred children squeezed behind Gu Dayong, their eyes widened, and they looked at Chen Tianhao and the others curiously.

These children are actually not too young, basically they all look about 10 years old.

The height is about 1 meter. It seems that due to malnutrition, every child is sallow and emaciated, leaving only skin and bones.

Children of their age are the most embarrassing. Older children and taller ones can go hunting with the adults, while younger children will subconsciously distribute more food at home to them.

And this group of ten-year-old children did not have enough strength to learn to hunt, and the food was naturally the least distributed.

There are also a lot of people in the Australopithecus tribe who have a group of people who can use healing skills. Whenever someone is sick, most of them will get better after being healed by that group of people. But there are not many.

The existence of amethyst allows this group of people who can use healing skills to heal the clansmen to the maximum extent.

It's just that healing skills can only cure diseases, and they can't solve things like hunger.

Huang Tianxing looked enviously at the group of friends behind Gu Dayong, why wasn't he in there?
He remembered that when Elder Gu came to their house to select candidates, he once said such a sentence: "Follow that lord, you can eat delicious food until you are full."

As for Elder Gu's other words, Huang Tianxing didn't hear a single word, he only heard that the adults who came with yesterday could eat enough.

After Huang Tianxing heard about it, he immediately recommended himself to Elder Gu, but there were too many children in Huangyan's family, and a family could only have one person at most.

Huang Yan thought it over and over again, and finally chose his younger brother Huang Tianyun, who was one year younger than Huang Tianxing, but Huang Tianxing, who was already 11 years old, was not selected.

In fact, 100 people is not a lot for the Australopithecus tribe with more than 2000 households. On average, each household has less than one person.

Huang Tianyun, who was squeezed behind Gu Dayong, stood up and asked in his soft voice: "Master Chen, will we really be able to eat there? Elder Gu said, as long as we follow Master Chen, we will be able to eat." Eat your stomach."

When Gu Dayong heard Huang Tianyun's words, he was immediately very embarrassed: "Patriarch Chen, please forgive me, I am coaxing them, you take it there, and just give them something to eat."

He knew that the people of the Australopithecus tribe were very edible. If they really wanted to open their mouths to eat, they might be able to eat four or five catties of meat.

"Of course you can eat enough. As long as you can eat, you can eat as much as you want."

Chen Tianhao didn't take it seriously at all, walked up to Huang Tianyun's side, and stroked his hair.

"Are these people also?" Chen Tianhao asked when he saw many children of similar height beside him.

Gu Dayong shook his head: "No, there are already 100 people here, and they are here to give someone away."

Chen Tianhao looked at the children around him, there were about 500 of them, and he waved his hand: "Let's follow these too."

Now that 100 people have been accepted, the remaining 500 people are not bad. It's just that the remaining proportion is a bit large. Forget it, just treat it as cultivating talents for yourself in advance.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Gu Dayong on the side laughed and cursed, "Master Chen, please."

The 600 people have almost concentrated most of the children at this stage here.

Huang Tianxing, who was watching, was overjoyed when he heard Chen Tianhao's words. It's great, he can finally fill his stomach.

Huang Tianxing followed the children beside him and shouted in a mess: "Thank you, Mr. Chen."

After waiting for a while, the scene calmed down.

Originally, Gu Dayong wanted to keep Chen Tianhao and the others after lunch, but Chen Tianhao had long been used to the delicious food in the tribe, so he couldn't stand the food here.

Especially when the other party was short of food, he decisively rejected the other party's kindness.

"We're going back. If you need our help, you can find me in the Huaxia Tribe." Chen Tianhao waved goodbye.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, please, when we find food, we will take them back."

In Gu Dayong's heart, these children went to borrow for a while, and after they went to find food, they would pick them up.

But in Chen Tianhao's heart, he had already regarded these children as his own people, not only them, even the people from the Australopithecus tribe had already been regarded as his own people by him, and now it was just a delay.

The team coming here is huge, and the team going back is even bigger.

Without Gu Dayong and other 600 elites from the Australopithecus tribe, they got more than [-] children from the Australopithecus tribe.

Those children were already very weak, and their progress was very slow. They were incomparable with those elites, even with Kodo beasts.

When I came here, my speed was restricted by Kodo beasts, but when I went back, my speed was restricted by children.

When Chen Tianhao returned to the dinosaur branch, it was already evening.

This is the result of Chen Tianhao notifying the dinosaurs to come and help in the chat group. If they come over by themselves, they will be in the Year of the Monkey.

When Chen Tianhao arrived at the square in the center of the tribe, Chen Wu had been waiting by the side for a long time.

"Patriarch, meals are ready in the cafeteria."

Chen Wu originally worked in the Linsen branch, but now he was transferred by Chen Tianhao to manage the internal affairs of the dinosaur branch.

It's not that Chen Tianhao doesn't trust Kong Wu and others. For him, as long as they are recognized by the system and included in his tribe, he is worthy of trust.

It's just that the dinosaurs have just joined the tribe, and they are not very familiar with many things.

Chen Tianhao nodded and said: "Very good, you can arrange these children to have dinner, they have been hungry all day, they must be starving."

"Patriarch, don't worry, I have prepared a lot of food, I am not afraid that they will not be full."

Chen Wu nodded in response, and then said loudly to the drowsy ancient ape-man beside him: "Everyone, come here, let's go in for dinner."

The drowsy Australopithecus immediately became more energetic when they heard that there was something to eat, and entered the cafeteria one by one.

The tables in the cafeteria were already filled with all kinds of food, most of which were mainly meat.

Compared with the practice of the ancient ape tribe, the meat practice of the dinosaur branch is much more.

The rich aroma of meat awakened the long-suppressed appetite of the ancient ape man.

One by one, they scrambled to pick up the food on the table and began to bite.

At this moment, Huang Tianxing only had one thought in his mind: Sure enough, following Mr. Chen, there would be meat to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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