spore evolution

Chapter 263 Evolution potion

Chapter 263 Evolution potion
The fighting power of the 600 Australopithecus tribe children was very strong. After they were full, Chen Wu calculated carefully, and they actually ate 3000 catties of various foods.

This food is enough for the same number of adult ordinary humans to eat for three days.

Fortunately, Chen Wu had prepared enough food, and it was also fortunate that Chen Tianhao had built a canteen, otherwise there would not be enough places for them to eat.

After eating, it was Chen Wu and the others who forced the ancient ape man to stop, otherwise they would be full of food.

Chen Wu knew how uncomfortable it was to eat to fill his stomach, especially uncomfortable.

If Huang Tianxing knew that Chen Wu stopped him because he was afraid that he would be full, he would definitely say loudly, I would rather be full.

Huang Tianxing, who has been hungry for a long time, will not let go of the food that he can't finish.

Huang Tianxing felt that he was favored by the heavens, no, it was not favored by the heavens, it was thanks to Mr. Chen.

After dinner, Master Chen Wu took him to the bathhouse to take a bath.

There was warm warm water in the bathhouse, and that stone-like thing, which was fragrant. At first he thought it was delicious, so he almost took it into his mouth and ate it.

Fortunately, the adult who was helping to take a bath stopped him and told him that it was for bathing.

After he used it, a lot of bubbles appeared, and his body became very clean.

This made him put it down so much that he almost used up the soap.

For things like soap, since the establishment of the school, Chen Yi and other researchers have learned a lot of knowledge from Teacher Chen Cheng, and many things, big and small, have appeared in the tribe, and things like soap are made by them. kind.

After washing with soap in the bath, many people like the fragrant smell.

Not only the trivial matter of taking a bath, but also the soft bed made Huang Tianxing very happy.

Thinking of the cave covered with twigs and covered with stinky animal skins, this is a fairy-like enjoyment now.

Before falling asleep, Huang Tianxing's last thought: Am I in heaven?
After Chen Tianhao brought the ancient ape man back, he had arranged everything for them to go to school with the dinosaur man here.

It just so happened that the Dinosaur School had just been established and was able to keep up with the progress.

The general direction has been established, and it is natural for someone to help him consider the details.

Now is not the era of biology, everyone's brains are not working well, and those who have been instilled with knowledge by Chen Tianhao with points, all of them have not bad IQ.

Just like humans and orangutans in the previous life, in fact, there is almost no difference in genetics between humans and orangutans. If orangutans can also pass on knowledge like humans, it may not know how many years later, orangutans can also develop like humans.

This night, Chen Tianhao slept in his own home, with a comfortable pillow, covered with a soft cup, and slept very comfortably until noon.

With the cafeteria, Chen Tianhao was too lazy to cook by himself, so he went directly to eat in the cafeteria.

"Patriarch, you are here, what do you want to eat today?"

Just as Chen Tianhao entered the cafeteria, Jin Hongliang, the manager of the cafeteria, walked over quickly.

"Eat light food today, you can figure it out." The cafeteria has just opened, and Chen Tianhao doesn't know what dishes are available. He ate so much greasy food yesterday, and today he only wants to eat light food.

"Okay, Patriarch, please come from above."

After Jin Hongliang took Chen Tianhao to his special box, he left.

Originally, Chen Tianhao didn't intend to do something special, but the people below would not agree, even the patriarch didn't have a box, so who would dare to use the box set up.

In the dinosaur division, only Chen Tianhao was here, Chen Ling and Chen Feng's brothers and sisters both went to school in the Linsen Tribe, and the Titan Python was also there and did not follow.

The largest box on the second floor, a box that can accommodate more than a dozen people for dinner, is only for Chen Tianhao.

Fortunately, the food in the cafeteria has been prepared all the time, and now it is time to eat.

In just a short while, a pot of lean meat porridge and a plate of Wuhai vine leaves were served.

Then a few plates of exquisite snacks were brought up.

"Patriarch, luckily, the lightning evolution potion has been successfully researched."

Chen Tianhao, who was slowly drinking lean meat porridge, received a message from Chen Zhiwen.

After researching it, Chen Tianhao was shocked. Although this evolution potion can only be used by lightning-type creatures, it is definitely a good thing looking at the huge body of the titan python.

After quickly finishing the lean meat porridge, he put down the bowls and chopsticks, spread his blue wings, and flew out of the window of the box on the second floor.

Jin Hongliang, who was serving at the side, saw it, and naturally said to himself: "Does this window need to be installed with some anti-theft nets? You must know that there are many people in the tribe who can fly. When the time comes, they will fly away from the window like the patriarch." But it’s hard to chase the food money.”

The distance between the dinosaur branch and the Linsen branch is not too far. With Chen Tianhao flying at full speed, he arrived in just over an hour.

Linsen tribe.

A four-story stone building covering an area of ​​1000 square meters stands on it.

Except that this stone building is a little bigger, it seems to be not much different from other stone buildings.

But the people around here dare not underestimate this place at all.

This is the pharmaceutical center as famous as the research center.

A large amount of medicine needed in the hospital is produced here.

After more than half a year of development, the pharmaceutical center is no longer a place where there were only four or five people in the past, and now there are more than 200 people working here.

Apart from research centers and hospitals, this is the third place with the most people.

Of course, the person mentioned here refers to the service personnel.

Chen Tianhao flew to the entrance of the pharmaceutical center, and immediately someone came over. When the person saw that it was Chen Tianhao, he immediately said respectfully: "Hello, patriarch."

Chen Tianhao didn't go in directly to look for Chen Zhiwen, even though he really wanted to look at the evolution potion made by the star spirit fruit Lei, he still went into the bathroom on the side first and rinsed it off.

This is to prevent dirt from outside from being brought into the laboratory and disturbing the experimental results.

After Chen Tianhao finished washing, he walked quickly to Chen Zhiwen's laboratory.

There were not many people in the laboratory, including Chen Zhiwen, there were only three people.

This time, Chen Zhiwen was not doing an experiment, but was holding a piece of paper with a bunch of symbols densely written on it, which seemed to be formulas, and was recording.

As if sensing Chen Tianhao's arrival, Chen Zhiwen put down the pen in his hand, looked up and took a bottle from the side with excitement, and handed it over: "Patriarch, look, this is the evolution potion made by Xinglingguo Lei."

Chen Tianhao took the bottle. The bottle is not big, just like a small test tube, but the difference is that this small test tube is made of ceramics.

Opening the cork, you can see a jar of blue liquid inside. I don't know if it's an illusion. Chen Tianhao looked over and seemed to feel the infinite vitality contained in the blue liquid.

"Where is the experimental subject of this potion?"

Chen Tianhao put down the medicine bottle. Since Chen Zhiwen said that the medicine was successful, the experimental subject must have passed.

It just depends on the specific results.

Of course, the success of the experimental body does not mean that it will be successful in the human body, but generally there is no big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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