spore evolution

Chapter 264 Drug Efficacy

Chapter 264 Drug Efficacy
"Patriarch, look."

Chen Zhiwen took out a cage from the next room.

Inside the cage was a small white mouse that is usually used for experiments. Chen Tianhao found that this small white mouse was a little different from the small white mice he had seen before.

The body is no longer white hair, but blue hair appears, becoming blue and white.

Its body size is more than double that of a normal mouse, but apart from these two changes, Chen Tianhao has not noticed other changes for the time being, at least it looks normal on the outside.

"After using this evolution potion, what happened to the mouse?"

Chen Tianhao stretched out his hand to lift the little white mouse out of the cage. The little white mouse kept shaking in his hand, as if it wanted to get off his hand.

In an instant, he felt that the little white mouse in his hand was much stronger.

Does strength increase?
Chen Zhiwen didn't even look at the information in his hand, and directly introduced it. Obviously, he already knew the data of this little white mouse: "Compared with the little white mouse, all the qualities of this little white mouse have been fully developed, and the size has doubled. , the strength increased by 2 times, the speed increased by 2.5 times, and the most important point is that this mouse can release electric current through the hair, of course, the current intensity is not high."

"Release the electric current? Did you acquire a new skill?" Chen Tianhao looked at the blue and white mouse suspiciously. Is the blue hair due to the electric current?
Chen Zhiwen nodded: "Yes, the evolution potion can allow people who have no magic skills to initially learn thunder magic skills. It can make people who have already learned thunder magic skills a step further in their thunder and lightning abilities."

Rats are just one of them, and the point is to apply them to people in the tribe.

After watching the white mice, Chen Zhiwen brought Chen Tianhao to another room.

There are already two people in the room, one is an ordinary human and the other is a tauren.

Chen Tianhao knew that these two should have used the evolution potion, but he found that the two of them were not like mice in size, more than twice the size of ordinary mice.

The two of them seem to be much stronger, but they are also within the normal range.

"Niu Da, show me the magic you just learned." Chen Zhiwen ordered.

Oh, Chen Tianhao looked at Niu Da with great interest, to see what his magic was like.

Niu Da stood in front of Chen Tianhao, a whole head taller than Chen Tianhao and the other two, his burly body was like a hill.

Niu Da clenched his fists with both hands and exerted his strength gradually. About a second later, the blue light flashed on the surface of his burly body. At this moment, he was like a lightning man. The light lasted less than five seconds, and Niu Da seemed to be discouraged. Like a balloon, the whole person has no energy.

"Is that so?" Chen Tianhao frowned, which was a little different from what he thought.

The electricity possessed by Niu Da has no effect on larger creatures.

Chen Zhiwen explained: "The patriarch should not just look at the surface. Now he only persisted for five seconds, but after he just drank the evolution potion, he only persisted for less than a second. The evolution potion is like a key, which can unlock the potential in his body." It will be stimulated so that he can possess lightning magic skills. I believe that as long as he continues to exercise, he will become stronger in the future."

Chen Tianhao was not satisfied, but Niu Da was very satisfied now. There were two ways to obtain magic skills in the past.

The first type is born with it, and the second type is to stimulate potential through the teacher's teaching in school.

If you can't learn the second method, you can only be a fighter.

Now that Niu Da can learn thunder magic skills, even the worst magic, even if it lasts for a long time, makes him very excited.

Chen Tianhao nodded: "That's right, it can be regarded as adding an activation method. What about the other person?"

Niu Da learned magic from someone who didn't know magic skills, so the remaining one must strengthen his original magic skills.

"Patriarch, this place is too small, let's go out and show off our skills." Chen Zhiwen suggested.

"It's really not suitable for demonstrating magic skills here, let's go to school."

Unlike Niu Da's magic display, this narrow room is definitely not suitable for displaying magic, especially since there are so many important tools here, and if they are broken, it will be too late to regret.

Come to the magic test hall inside the school.

After passing the magic test, the magic test stone that was originally placed on the playground was moved indoors, and a magic test hall was specially set up.

The magic test stone can absorb the energy released by magic, and can accurately evaluate the ability of the releaser, so it is very popular among students.

Come here to test your magic, you can know your magic level accurately without damaging the buildings.

The school often organizes students to come here to take classes to test their magic level. Everyone can release their magic skills to their heart's content to adjust their own magic skills.

At this time, there were three or four students in the magic testing hall, who were taking magic experiment classes here.

The arrival of Chen Tianhao aroused the crowd of students here.

Knowing that Chen Tianhao came to test their magic, they all dispersed and continued to do their own things.

The people who were in front of the magic test stone all stepped aside one after another.

"Patriarch, use this test stone."

The magic test stone is placed in the room, so as to prevent the magic from affecting other people.

The four of them entered the room together. The room was long and narrow, about six meters long and three meters wide. There was a magic test stone one person tall in the middle of the wall facing the room.

"Chen Chuangjie, go and show off your thunder magic skills." Chen Zhiwen ordered.

Chen Chuangjie nodded and stood in front of the magic test stone.

Open your hands into a ball shape, this is the most basic magic of electric magic-the preparation action of the electric ball, of course, it is not necessary to do this, but it can transmit energy at the fastest speed, so now the release of the electric ball is basically like this way to get started.

As the basic electric magic skill, the electric ball will be released by every electric magician. Well, the electric magician mentioned here does not include Niu Da.

The condensing magic speed of each magician is different, and the forming speed of the electric ball represents one of the magician's abilities.

Chen Chuangjie's electric ball condensed very fast, and it took shape almost in the blink of an eye.

On the way here, Chen Tianhao had roughly understood that before Chen Chuangjie took the evolution potion, he was an ordinary human being who was able to use level-[-] magic skills proficiently.

The average forming speed of ordinary humans who are proficient in using electric balls is 3.5 seconds, but at this time, Chen Chuangjie took about 0.5 seconds from the beginning to the forming.

Purely in terms of molding speed, the evolution potion has greatly improved Chen Chuangjie.

Chen Chuangjie did not release the electric ball in his hand immediately, but continued to increase the energy output. The electric sparks on the surface of the electric ball flickered wildly, and a strong and terrifying aura emanated.

With a push with both hands, the electric ball flew towards the magic test stone.

The electric ball touched the test stone without causing any waves.

Chen Tianhao and the others stared at the display screen in the middle of the magic test stone. They knew that no matter how fierce or powerful they looked, the key point was to look at the score.

A second later, a number "652" appeared on the display.

"It's actually higher than No.1 in the previous magic test. What was your test score before?"

The score was beyond Chen Tianhao's surprise.

"It was 352 before taking the evolution potion."

Chen Chuangjie replied respectfully. He was full of excitement at the moment, and he never thought that his score was so much higher.

Then Chen Chuangjie did a test with fire magic.

In addition to the increased points of electric magic, the power of fireball has also increased, which is of course much worse than that of electric magic.

The evolution of the evolution potion for human beings is the same as that of the mouse, it is a comprehensive evolution, because the star fruit is hit by lightning, the main evolution direction becomes the direction of the thunder system, and the physical strength becomes a side effect.

However, due to the quantity problem, after humans take it, the effect of evolution is not so exaggerated, but it is also enough to make people happy.

One star spirit fruit thunder can make 100 evolution potions. Chen Tianhao gave the remaining seven star spirit fruit thunder to Chen Zhiwen, plus the one from the previous experiment, a total of 750 evolution potions were made.

Chen Tianhao himself tried to take an evolution potion, but he didn't feel anything, it seemed that the evolution potion had lost its effect on him.

If Chen Feng and Chen Ling's brothers and sisters hadn't strengthened after taking the evolution potion, he would have wondered if the evolution potion was broken.

As for other evolution potions, he put them in the contribution center for people to exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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