spore evolution

Chapter 265 Tribal Development

Chapter 265 Tribal Development
"I have subdued the Linsen tribe, the dinosaur tribe, and the Wingman tribe, and now only the ancient ape tribe is left. What a wonderful afternoon."

Chen Tianhao lay on the recliner with his eyes closed, with a pot of tea and some snacks beside him.

It has been ten days since he came back from the Ancient Ape Tribe, and he still hasn't received any help from the Ancient Ape Tribe: "Could it be that I refused too categorically when I left?"

If it wasn't for completing the mission, Chen Tianhao would have defeated the ancient ape tribe long ago.

Now in this area, apart from the ancient ape tribe, there are no small tribes anymore.

However, Chen Tianhao still sent many expedition teams to explore places outside the tribal territory.

Expedition, as a task mode, has been published in the contribution center for a long time. As long as you complete the exploration in an area, you can get a certain contribution value.

The contribution value gained from exploration is much higher than that of ordinary work, but the danger is also much greater.

Although no other tribes have been found in the vicinity, some individual creatures in the wild are not a small threat.

Expeditions are often injured. Fortunately, there are medicines released by the pharmaceutical center such as Jiuhua Blood Paste, which makes the chances of fatal injuries much lower for the explorers, but there have been several deaths.

Ever since Chen Tianhao launched the contribution value, money has gradually become effective, and most people have gotten used to the contribution value.

However, it is still very troublesome for everyone to trade. After the two discuss the price, they need to go to the contribution center to trade.

This not only made the transaction more troublesome, but also increased the work of the staff in the contribution center.

Originally, Chen Tianhao was planning to issue banknotes, but after upgrading to a second-class building, he could already make paper.

The quality of the paper is very poor, that kind of yellow grass paper, which cannot be used as banknotes at all.

Later, they took the next best thing and used iron coins, copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins as the currency in the market, thanks to the upgrade of the smelter.

It is relatively easy to make a round currency with a diameter of 1 cm.

According to the difficulty of obtaining the metal, the currency was exchanged accordingly.

1 gold coin = 10 silver coins = 100 copper coins = 1000 iron coins.

For this reason, Chen Tianhao also specially set up a mint to mint various currencies.

In order to stabilize the market, Chen Tianhao did not launch various currencies all at once, but issued currencies based on the contribution value.

1 contribution point = 1 iron coin.

The currency is issued in the contribution center. As long as the person has the contribution value in the contribution value center, the contribution value can be exchanged for currency, and the contribution center also provides reverse exchange, that is, 1 iron coin can be exchanged for 1 point of contribution value.

After all, all kinds of medicines and other urgent supplies in the tribe still have to be exchanged for contribution points.

Once the currency was launched, it became a huge hit.

On the first day of discovering the currency, there were long queues at various windows of the contribution center.

But it’s okay, it’s just that there were more people exchanging money in the first two days, otherwise the window staff might doubt whether the issuance of currency is to increase their work or reduce their work.

Since the contribution value is calculated by the system, Chen Tianhao only needs to formulate the corresponding rules, and other people only need to follow the rules to automatically calculate the contribution value.

Like an ordinary lumberjack, you can get 100 contribution points a month, but if you complete an expedition mission in an area, as long as you come back and get approval, you will have at least 1000 contribution points.

If you get some special medicinal materials or discover some unknown medicinal materials during the completion of the expedition, you can get a lot of contribution points.

It takes an average of 5 people and 10 days to complete an expedition.

Calculated in this way, after a month, each person will have nearly 600 contribution points.

This makes most of the people in the tribe yearn for adventure missions.

In order to restrict the tribe's people from blindly exploring unknown areas, it is stipulated that the strength must reach a certain level before they can go out, and they must go out together.

For this reason, an adventure center has been set up in the tribe.

A large number of expeditions were established to explore the unknown world.

To this, Chen Tianhao agreed. After all, without other tribes, he could not expand his territory by conquering other tribes.

But after the expedition team completed the expedition mission, the territory of this area became his tribe.

The development speed of this kind of territory was not as fast as conquering other tribes, and a large number of expedition teams also allowed Chen Tianhao's territory to gradually increase.

The entire tribe is moving in a beautiful direction and is thriving.

Chen Tianhao's Huaxia tribe currently has three branches, and the distance between the three branches is relatively far. Many people cannot fly directly like Yiren and humans, and the communication between the branches is also indispensable.

In fact, at this stage, each branch can rely on its own resources to develop itself.

But for future development, the various divisions must be linked.

If you want to be rich, build roads first.

Chen Tianhao decided to build a road directly in each tribe.

There is a lot of gravel in the mining site, and he decided to use these gravel to build a gravel road to facilitate the travel of people from various tribes.

It is very simple to make a gravel road. You only need to pull out the big trees encountered on the road and pave it with gravel, but the amount is a bit large.

It took a month to finally build the roads between the various branches, and a six-meter-wide road appeared in the forest.

Although Chen Tianhao was drinking his afternoon tea leisurely, the development of the Huaxia tribe did not lag behind at all.

"Brother, what's so good about this tea, come and taste my barbecue."

The titan python came over and yelled loudly, holding a large handful of barbecue meat in his hand, he took one of them and handed it over.

Chen Tianhao opened his eyes and waved his hands: "You eat, I'll still drink my tea."

"I don't want such a delicious barbecue, let me do it."

Hearing that Chen Tianhao didn't want it, Titan Python took back the barbecue in his hand, opened his mouth wide, and ate the whole piece of barbecue in one go.

Since the first time the titan python ate barbecue, it has been very fond of it. Almost every meal is inseparable from barbecue, and even treats barbecue as a snack.

The titan python was originally staying in the Linsen branch, but Chen Ling was obsessed with doing experiments in the laboratory, while Chen Feng set up an expedition team to explore the wild for a long time, and he was the only one at home.

Originally, the titan python was very active, so it was unbearable to leave him alone, so after Chen Tianhao went back last time, he followed Chen Tianhao here.

Chen Tianhao glanced at the titan python's belly, how come this guy can't get fat no matter what he eats, this is something that many people envy.

However, I was relieved when I thought that the original 50-meter-long body of the Titan python had turned into a two-meter-high human being.

"Report to the patriarch that envoy Gu is here."

A dinosaur warrior ran over.

"Here he is, please come here."

Chen Tianhao regained his spirits, stood up, and walked to the living room.

Gu Dayong's arrival was a bit later than he expected, and he thought that the other party would last for three or four days at most.

(End of this chapter)

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