spore evolution

Chapter 267 Immigrants

Chapter 267 Immigrants
"Swallow, do you think this is true? We need meat to eat?"

Huang Yan rolled up the Fiery Tiger skin and tied it up with a straw rope. This Fiery Tiger skin is the most valuable item in his house. The Fiery Tiger is a kind of tiger that can release fire. Without the pressure of surviving, this was a creature they hunted and killed by a small team. In the end, he won the possession of the fire tiger skin.

A raging tiger skin can provide a warm environment. Many children in his family almost rely on this raging tiger skin in winter.

Huang Tianxing's mother was named Liu Yanzi. She was holding a basket and handfuls of stone products into it. Hearing her husband's words, she was also a little confused. There was no meat in her house. Can Mr. Chen in the tribe lead everyone to eat meat?
But she firmly believes that the chief and Elder Gu will not lie to her: "Elder Gu said that if someone eats, then there will be meat to eat."

Although Gu Dayong has decided to follow Chen Tianhao, and Chen Tianhao has agreed, but the people in the ancient ape tribe don't know about it yet.

When Gu Dayong returned from Chen Tianhao's side, he immediately mobilized the people in the tribe to move to the dinosaur branch.

Fortunately, this matter was unanimously approved by the chief and all the elders. All the elders went to persuade the people in the tribe together, which made the relocation much smoother.

This is also thanks to the meat that Gu Dayong brought back for the first time, otherwise, according to the fact that there were still two factions among the elders before, the relocation within the tribe would not be that simple.

Of course, this is also related to the shortage of food in the Australopithecus tribe, and every family has accepted the relocation.

Nearly three hours had passed since Gu Dayong's notification to when everyone packed their belongings and came to the square in front of the cave.

In the middle of the square, every household carried large baskets and small baskets, and inside the baskets were various objects, most of which were made of stone or bones.

Chen Wu frowned and looked at the crowd in the square, and said to Gu Changlin in a low voice: "Chief Gu, there is no need to carry many things, such as those stone axes and other things made of stone, there is no need to carry them at all. There are many iron tools that are much sharper than this."

Chen Wu brought a hundred Kodos to help Gu Dayong complete the relocation work. He thought that a hundred Kodos would be enough for transportation, but unexpectedly, the ancient ape-man packed almost everything in the cave. Even a hundred more kodos would not be enough.

"Master Chen, you see, these are the necessary daily necessities for every family, and you have to live in the past, right? Or you can see how much you can fit in the car, and we will take the rest by ourselves." Gu Changlin explained from the side .

He looked at the things that everyone was carrying, and they were basically necessary things. If they were thrown away, it would take a long time to build them again.

Gu Changlin has never been to the dinosaur branch, so he has no idea that these stone necessities in his eyes have long been outdated. In the dinosaur branch, iron products have already been used, and some high-end ones have even used steel products. .

"Chief Gu, it's really unnecessary. Except for fur, we will prepare a copy of all other items we need when we go to the tribe." Chen Wu still suggested that Gu Changlin and the others give up some unnecessary supplies, "If you don't believe me, just ask Elder Gu, Elder Gu is someone who has been to the tribe. Right, Elder Gu."

Gu Dayong was arranging people to move things to the Kodo truck at this time, when he heard Chen Wu calling him, he put down his work and ran over: "Master Chen, what do you want?"

Chen Wu talked about the decision just now.

Gu Dayong nodded. He had a headache just now. How to put these things on the Kodo truck is obviously not enough: "Yes, chief, when I was in the tribe, I found that the people in the Huaxia tribe lived very well. Good. Those children who were sent there before have a good life and have used iron products."

In fact, he didn't see those children using iron knives and other items. Huang Tianxing and the others ate and drank in the cafeteria, so they didn't use these tools at all, but he had seen these tools in Chen Tianhao's house. Every household can share a share of iron tools, and he naturally believes that there will be such a share in his heart.

"Really?" Gu Changlin's tone was not firm.

"Really, don't worry." Chen Wu nodded firmly, "Elder Gu, quickly appeal to them to leave only the fur."

Gu Dayong looked at Gu Changlin, Gu Changlin hesitated for a while, discussed with other elders, and then said to Gu Dayong: "Elder Gu, let's go and talk to everyone."

"Alright." Gu Dayong nodded, and all the elders explained together, the effect will be better.

When Gu Changlin led many elders and asked everyone to throw away all the people who were eating, leaving only furs and other slightly valuable things, everyone was in an uproar.

Fortunately, after some explanations, everyone reluctantly agreed.

Under Gu Dayong's arrangement and coordination, the fur was quickly moved to the Kodo vehicle.

A lot of useless materials were given up, fur and other materials have not been stuffed into half of the Kodo beast.

Gu Changlin saw that there was still room left, and wanted to pick up the lost things again.

Chen Wu talked badly before he persuaded Gu Changlin to give up this idea.

Although Gu Changlin gave up this idea, not all the ancient apes below gave up this idea.

Some people still picked up some commemorative items, such as their first loot.

Chen Wu saw that the other party didn't put these things in the car, so he let them go.

In this way, the relocation team of the ancient ape tribe set off for the dinosaur branch in a mighty way.

Due to the large number of children, the whole team did not move fast.

By the time Chen Wu led the ancient ape tribe into the dinosaur branch, it was already dusk.

Kong Wu had already learned about the speed of the ancient ape tribe through Chen Tianhao, and he had already led the crowd here to greet them.

With the help of the dinosaur man, the ancient ape man who didn't have many things moved all the things on the car at once, and moved to the rows of small wooden houses that had been arranged.

The ancient ape man looked at the rows of small wooden houses in front of him in surprise, each house was so exquisite, as if it had been carefully carved.

"Hello, is this really the house allocated to us?"

Liu Yanzi stared at the three-story brown house in front of her with wide eyes, a little in disbelief.

"Of course, each family will be allocated a house according to the number of the family. As for changing to a better house in the future, you have to rely on your own efforts." The staff answered Liu Yanzi patiently, even though this answer , He has already answered it countless times, and everyone who is allocated a house will ask this question.

"What, is there a better house?"

In Liu Yanzi's mind, this house is already top-notch, and there are even better houses.

The little ones standing behind her were also looking at the room ahead with curiosity and excitement, and one of the little ones asked childishly, "Mom, is there any meat in it?"

Although the wooden house is beautiful, he is more interested in meat in his heart.

"Of course there is meat to eat. If you obediently obey your mother, you will have meat to eat." Before Liu Yanzi could answer, the staff had already answered.

"This one……"

"It's okay, a large piece of meat has already been placed in each wooden house."

The staff saw Liu Yanzi's embarrassment, and opened their mouths to answer.

Not only did they provide a wooden house for the families of the Australopithecus tribe to live in, but they also thoughtfully provided each family with [-] catties of meat and other necessities to ensure that each family could have a meal.

Not only members of the Australopithecus tribe received this treatment, but also when the dinosaur branch was subdued.

If you want to eat well in the future, you have to rely on your own efforts. The tribe only provides basic living conditions.

Fortunately, people in this era are not lazy. After experiencing a series of surprises, every family happily ate dinner cooked by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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