spore evolution

Chapter 268 Magic Sword

Chapter 268 Magic Sword

When everyone in the Ancient Ape Tribe was still indulging in the delicious dinner he had prepared, Chen Tianhao finally received a reminder from the system.

"Congratulations, the friendliness of the Australopithecus Tribe has increased by 5 points, reaching 100 points."

"Congratulations on completing the 'Harmony Tribe' quest."

"Congratulations on getting the reward: unlocking the magic technology system."

Chen Tianhao's spirit was lifted, and he finally completed the task: "Here comes the magic technology."

He opened the system interface with joy, and there was an additional page in the technology tree interface, which was divided into two categories
Energy development, energy application.

Both icons are dimmed, and Chen Tianhao knows very well that this means that these two skills cannot be used yet.

what's the situation?Isn't it unlocking the magic technology system?Why are you given two unusable skills?
You bastard, Chen Tianhao couldn't help despising the system in his heart, but no matter how much he despised it, it was useless, the system completely ignored it.

Chen Tianhao studied the newly added interface carefully again, hoping that there would be something different about him, and I have to say, he really found it.

Below the energy development icon, there is a blue energy bar that shows 99%. In fact, the energy bar is quite obvious. Chen Tianhao was not focused enough to notice this energy bar.

Not only is there an energy bar under the energy development icon, but there is also an energy bar under the energy application. The energy bar is much shorter, showing 3% on it.

what's the situation?Does reaching 100% unlock the energy development icon?
He didn't expect the system to give an answer.

The icon of energy development was unknowingly lit up.

But at this moment, Chen Ling's voice sounded in her mind: "Dad, I succeeded. I have already been able to use the energy crystal for the first time. Come and have a look."

For the chat group provided by the system, Chen Tianhao not only provided it to the main personnel, but also opened up permissions for the two brothers and sisters Chen Feng and Chen Ling.

This allowed the two brothers and sisters to contact Chen Tianhao at any time within the tribe, but under normal circumstances, the two brothers and sisters did not bother him with chat groups.

"Coincidence?" Chen Tianhao thought to himself.

When Chen Ling successfully used the energy crystal, the energy development icon activated by the system was lit up, so could Chen Ling still be able to learn to use the energy crystal even without this mission reward?
Or was it because of completing the task that Chen Ling learned how to use energy crystals?
No matter what the reason is, this is a good thing for him. While thinking about it, he replied to Chen Ling in his mind without stopping: "Ling'er, you are waiting in the laboratory, I will come right away."

Chen Ling's laboratory is in the No. [-] school of the Linsen branch, and it has been an hour since Chen Tianhao rushed over.

The laboratory is very large, filled with various instruments. Different from the instruments taught outside, many of the instruments here were exchanged by Chen Tianhao through points.

System produced, must be a boutique.

Although the system is poor and the price is very expensive, the product is indeed very good.

This is thanks to Chen Tianhao's subduing the dinosaur man and having a lot of points, otherwise he would really be reluctant to exchange his points for these instruments.

Chen Tianhao spent nearly 10000 points for this laboratory, think about how many buildings 10000 points can be exchanged for.

However, the 10000 points are not a loss. It is precisely because of these instruments that many of Chen Ling's ideas have been realized.

Chen Ling's success this time is largely due to the assistance of high-end equipment.

There is a person guarding outside the laboratory to prevent some brats from entering the laboratory to make trouble.

The instruments in the laboratory are extremely precious, and they were accidentally destroyed by a brat, but it was too late to cry.

This one has a criminal record. A certain brat was playing with fire magic in the experimental class. He accidentally blew up the entire classroom.

So it was later stipulated that in the school, except for the magic experiment class, it is not allowed to play magic at other times, and those who violate it will be locked in a small black room for a day.

Ordinary students are not allowed to approach some important places. For example, the laboratory where Chen Ling is located is a place in the school that is forbidden to enter at will.

There are special guards at the entrance of the laboratory to prevent the fish that slipped through the net from coming to make trouble, and normal experimenters can consciously abide by the discipline.

"Patriarch, come and see Linger, please come inside." Seeing Chen Tianhao, the gatekeeper stood up from his seat and pushed open the door of the laboratory.

Chen Tianhao nodded: "Yes."

Then step through the door.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Chen Ling sitting in front of the half-meter-high experimental table, which was dedicated to Chen Ling, and the other people's tables were all one-meter-high tables.

An iron sword was placed in front of the table. In the middle of the handle of the iron sword, a hole with a diameter of three centimeters was dug, and an energy spar was embedded in the middle of the hole.

"Ling'er, is this the product you made with energy crystals?"

Chen Tianhao came to Chen Ling's side and asked curiously.

He didn't see anything different about this energy spar, could it be the iron sword on it?But I can't see it at all.

In terms of shape, I really like the sword in the game.

Hearing Chen Tianhao's voice, Chen Ling turned her head, smiled all over her face, and nodded vigorously: "Dad, you are here. This is the magic iron sword I made."

Speaking of which, Chen Ling pressed the switch next to the energy spar, and the iron sword, which was originally dull, seemed to be charged with energy, and there were traces of blue light flowing on the surface of the iron sword.

"Hey, is it electric current?"

"Yes, because this energy spar is left by an electric-type creature. If you use a fire-type energy spar, the surface of the iron sword will emit yellow flame light." Chen Ling introduced.

"How's the effect?" Chen Tianhao brought the iron sword over and carefully looked at the world's first magic sword.

"It is twice as sharp as the original iron sword, and it also has the effect of electric shock attack, but the effect is not ideal, not as good as an ordinary electric ball."

According to Chen Ling's idea, using the iron sword of the energy crystal can at least release the effect of an electric ball.

"It's okay, this magic sword is already quite good. It is already quite a remarkable achievement to allow people who cannot use magic attacks to use magic attacks." Chen Tianhao put down the magic sword, picked up Chen Ling, and asked, "You After completing the magic sword, what reward do you want?"

Chen Ling hugged Chen Tianhao's head, and kissed him on the cheek: "Hee hee, Dad, I want to continue researching more applications so that the energy spar can be used in other places."

"This is not a reward, Dad promised you, you can continue to research in the laboratory, you can change the reward."

Chen Tianhao couldn't help but patted his forehead. Chen Ling had already fallen in love with experiments, especially in this laboratory, with all kinds of advanced experimental equipment, she couldn't put it down.

"Then I want to eat the braised pork made by my father." Chen Ling thought for a while, remembering that she hadn't eaten braised pork for a long time.

"Okay, let's go home now and cook my favorite braised pork for my precious daughter."

Chen Tianhao put down the magic sword, carried Chen Ling and walked towards the house.

That night, Chen Tianhao cooked a pot of braised pork, and the two father and daughter had a happy dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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