spore evolution

Chapter 269

Chapter 269
Early the next morning, after finishing her breakfast in the cafeteria, Chen Ling went to the laboratory to start her day.

If it wasn't for Chen Tianhao's arrival yesterday, she wouldn't know when she would come out of the laboratory, and she would not come out for several days. In fact, it wasn't just Chen Ling who was like this, many researchers in the research institute were also of the same type.

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao arranged personnel to track the work, rest and living conditions of these researchers, and force them to rest when they were in danger of affecting their lives.

Otherwise, like Chen Yi and Chen Ling, no matter how much time is given, it will not be enough.

When Chen Tianhao got up, it was already noon, usually there was no important matter, he usually slept until this hour.

He felt that his body was about to fall apart from sleep, and he yawned lazily, unable to sleep in anymore.

This is already he did not know how many vows, but the next day he still slept until the sun was up.

The first thing to do when you wake up is to check the chat records. Generally, important things will be saved in the chat records.

The chat group is full of normal work arrangements. For example, Kong Wu's work arrangements for the newly joined Australopithecus are not important things. The people below can solve them by themselves, so he doesn't need to worry about them.

It's not easy to cook alone. Chen Tianhao settled for lunch alone in the cafeteria. In fact, the main reason was that he was lazy.

There is no task, and the last tribe here, the Ancient Ape tribe, has also been subdued. Chen Tianhao checked the current status.

personal status

Name: Chen Tianhao
Sex: Male
Constitution: 35
Spirit Power: 40
Power: 30
Agility: 38
Active Skills: Lightning Magic, Fire Magic, Healing Magic, Demonization, Corrosive Liquid
Passive Skills: Charm, Telepathy

Props: Authenticator, Holographic Map

Skill Points: 0
Faith: 0
tribal status

Name: Huaxia Tribe

Points: 80000
Territorial area: 25 million square kilometers

Population: 14 million people
Compared with when he first returned to the tribe, Chen Tianhao's overall attributes have increased a lot, and two series of magic skills have been added to his active skills.

The fire magic was obtained by subduing the winged people, and the healing magic was obtained by the people of the ancient ape tribe who were recently recruited.

Checking Gu Dayong before, he found that the other party had healing skills, so he wanted to obtain the other party's skills. Now that he has subdued the ancient ape tribe, he has fulfilled his wish.

Different from the thunder and fire skills, there is only a simple holy light technique in the healing magic. He once used the holy light technique on himself, but it felt warm and had no effect.

He even cut a wound on his hand with a knife, and then used the holy light technique, feeling itchy on the wound, as if ants were drilling.

In comparison, the effect of the Holy Light is probably the same as the healing effect under the buildings provided by the system, but the effect of using the Holy Light in the hospital is better.

Chen Tianhao used the points to let the doctors in the hospital learn the Holy Light Art, so that the hospital's treatment effect increased a lot.

Compared with the small changes in individuals, the changes in the tribe are much greater.

The most important point, after Chen Tianhao squandered a lot, there are still 80000 points left, which is a bit beyond his expectation, so he checked the points record carefully.

Discovering that subduing the ancient ape tribe added a large wave of points to him.

It's a headache, and it's not good to have too many points. He has no place to squander his points now, and it can't be said that there is no place to squander them. For example, building 400 houses is enough to consume all these points.

But no matter how many points he has, he can't waste them at will. Except for using the points where necessary, he still doesn't dare to squander them at will.

Although there are many points and the price is low, it cannot hold up to a large quantity.

What pleased Chen Tianhao the most was that a quarter of the territory had been completed, and the distance to 100 million square kilometers was getting closer and closer.

What gave him a headache was that the tribe's population couldn't keep up with the expansion of its territory, and it was still a long way from a population of 100 million.

The surrounding large tribes have already been subdued by him, and if he wants to increase the population by conquering other tribes, he can only go to other places.

Some small tribes have already left this area.

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao built a livestock farm in time, so that some creatures in this area remained.

Otherwise, this area might become a vacuum of large creatures. Those large creatures have left this place for unknown reasons, and the only ones left here are small creatures.

Thanks to it, some small creatures were left behind, otherwise the people of the ancient ape tribe would have starved to death.

Checked the other interface, there is no change.

There are no large tribes around, and you can't give up exploring the surrounding environment.

The expedition team existed all the time, and Chen Tianhao's territory extended in all directions.

The whole tribe is developing steadily.

Five months later, the weather has entered winter.

The winter sun made Chen Tianhao feel lazy.

It is most comfortable to bask in the sun in winter.

Chen Tianhao, who was resting in the sun with his eyes closed in the yard in front of his house, felt something fall from his face.

When I opened my eyes, the originally sunny sky became much darker, and snowflakes began to float in the sky.


This is not the first time Chen Tianhao has seen snow, but it is the first snow when he came to the tribal era.

The first snow fell a little bit, but also a little bit unexpected.

Winter is here, and snow is normal.

The trees in this forest did not become bare due to the arrival of winter, and Chen Tianhao thought he was in the tropics or subtropics.

According to his experience, there is basically no snow in this range in winter.

But now it is indeed snowing, which means that this place is not the tropical or subtropical zone he imagined.

The snow fell fast and hard.

It was just that Chen Tianhao was in a daze for a while, and a vast expanse of whiteness had already appeared on the ground.

This sudden heavy snow brought trouble to the people of the tribe, and also brought joy to everyone in the tribe.

In previous years, at this time, everyone lived in caves for the winter. Some weak tribes even found a tree hole to spend the winter, and spent the whole winter lazily in the cave.

Now, in the Huaxia tribe, everyone can live in a spacious log cabin. The quality of the log cabin is very good, and there is a stove in winter, which warms the log cabin like spring.

With meat to eat and a comfortable bed, this kind of life is simply not easy.

Construction of the stone houses stopped during the winter, while work in other factories continued.

The buildings exchanged by the system have the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer. Although the wooden house has a stove to heat the air in the house, the inside of the system building is kept at the optimal temperature all year round. This makes some people stay in the factory for a long time .

Those children are the happiest in winter. In winter, the school has winter vacation.

Holidays are the happiest thing for students, which means they can play freely and enjoy a happy holiday life.

(End of this chapter)

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