spore evolution

Chapter 270 Leisure Life

Chapter 270 Leisure Life
The first snowfall in winter was a bit heavy, and the duration was a bit beyond Chen Tianhao's expectation.

It snowed intermittently for three days and three nights, and the sky did not clear until the fourth day.

For the past three days, Chen Tianhao solved it by himself at home.

The coming of winter has brought a lot of suffering to the titan python. In the past, when winter came, he would find a cave to hibernate. In fact, he didn't necessarily need to hibernate to reduce consumption.

The energy stored in his huge body is enough to allow him to survive the winter safely, and when he is really hungry, he will go out to hunt.

Hibernation is just a snake's instinct, it is not necessary. Titan python's hibernation is just an instinct he maintains, and it is because he is lazy, too lazy to go out to hunt, and if he has that time, it would be better to sleep late.

Ever since Titan Boa followed Chen Tianhao, he can eat all kinds of delicacies at any time. Titan Boa is like a gourmet in the tribe, constantly tasting the new dishes in the tribe.

It can be said that there is no dish in the tribe that he has not eaten.

No, a restriction has to be added, all meat dishes, the titan python does not eat vegetarian dishes.

After staying for a year, the Titan Python has gained a whole circle of fat. Fortunately, he always sees people in human form in the tribe, and basically cannot be seen.

This winter, the titanian no longer hibernates. How could it be possible to hibernate if it can't eat so much delicious food.

It was snowing for three days, which made his gourmet plan fail, so he could only eat the food made by Chen Tianhao.

Reluctantly, the titan python has long been made a fool of by many chefs, and it can't eat the food cooked by Chen Tianhao at all. This is not the first time he has met, and an ordinary root-digging animal leg is just enough to pass it off.

In the past three days, he ate a little food cooked by Chen Tianhao. This was because the Titan Python had accumulated a lot of energy. He was really hungry, so he ate a steamed bun with relish.

"Brother, the snow has stopped. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat something delicious. I heard that the chef has invented a new cuisine."

As soon as the snow stopped, the Titan Python dragged Chen Tianhao to the cafeteria.

"Okay." Chen Tianhao is not as picky as the Titan Python, he can eat both meat and vegetables, but he is used to the food cooked by the big chef, and the food that was originally considered mediocre has become much unpalatable.

It has been snowing for three days and three nights, and the snow outside has accumulated half a meter high.

After the snow stopped, there were people shoveling the snow on the main roads, and Chen Tianhao and the two walked on the roads without having to cross the sea of ​​snow like they did at home.

When I came to the cafeteria, the cafeteria on the first floor was full of people, and the whole cafeteria was buzzing with excitement.

"Patriarch, today there is a new 'Fei Tian Dun Di Bao', which is most suitable for this kind of snowy day." Jin Hongliang seems to have a nose like a dog's nose. Chen Tianhao just walked in for a while, he didn't know from which corner popped out.

"Then come to this flying place to cook." Before Chen Tianhao could speak, Titan Python said impatiently.


Jin Hongliang nodded and said, he knew about the Titan Python, and he usually entertained the Titan Python, but now that Chen Tianhao was here, he still looked towards Chen Tianhao.

"Let's just cook this Feitian Dundi, and then some other stomach-warming dishes." Chen Tianhao asked Jin Hongliang to add a few more dishes. The titan python hasn't eaten for three days, and the normal amount is not enough for the titan python to eat alone.

Sitting in the commonly used box on the second floor, the dishes started to be served soon after waiting for a while.

It may be because there are so many people today, and the dishes have been prepared all the time. After a while, the table is already filled with various steaming dishes.

In the middle of the table, there is a large clay pot.

"Patriarch, please taste it. This is the new Feitian Dundi Pot." Jin Hongliang opened the lid, and a scent of fragrance wafted into the air.

Chen Tianhao's appetite was whetted by the smell, and the Titan Python on the side, without waiting for Jin Hongliang to help serve the soup, took a bowl and a spoon by himself and started directly.

"Patriarch, try it. This is a soup that has been boiled for more than ten hours with a mixture of flame birds and ground worms mixed with campanulas, water vine roots and other ingredients."

Jin Hongliang filled a bowl of soup and placed it in front of Chen Tianhao.

Chen Tianhao picked up the bowl and took a sip. The fragrance slightly stimulated his taste buds, and he couldn't help but praise: "It's delicious."

After drinking it, he also felt a wave of energy in the soup, which was absorbed by the body and flowed to the whole body through the blood. He felt much more comfortable throughout his body.

It's really delicious, the titan python has already finished one bowl and is ready to fill the second bowl.

"Slow down, I want too."

Chen Tianhao accelerated his speed.

It's delicious, but pay attention to your diet.

After Chen Tianhao had eaten and put down the bowl and chopsticks, the Titan Python was still holding a flaming chicken leg and continued to fight.

Every time Jin Hongliang watched the titan python eat, he was stunned. Looking at the flat belly of the titan python, he couldn't imagine how such a huge amount of food disappeared.

If the Titan Python participates in the Big Stomach King Competition, it will definitely be an instant kill.

However, if Jin Hongliang knew that the body of the Titan python was a 50-meter-long python, he would not be so surprised.

An hour later, the food on the table had been changed wave after wave, and the titan python finally put down his bowl and chopsticks.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that he is full, but that there is no fresh food for him to eat.

Jin Hongliang brought over all the stocks of Feitian Dundibao.

"I'm full, do you want to exercise?" Chen Tianhao suggested.

"With this strength, it's better to go home and sleep." The titan python shook his head hastily.

Chen Tianhao got up and pulled the Titan Python to go outside, just like the Titan Python pulled him here to eat, the two switched places.

This is also the Titan Python's own willingness. If he really didn't want to, Chen Tianhao really couldn't move him who weighed 60 tons.

Eat and drink enough, live happily.

The two of them took the prepared ski equipment and flew to the top of the highest mountain next to them.

The mountains have been cleared by logging camps to make a great ski area.

After the snow fell, Chen Tianhao immediately thought of this place.

At the top of the mountain, Chen Tianhao put on his skis, took out two snowball fights, and said to the Titan Python: "Quick, just like me, get equipped."

Following Chen Tianhao's example, the Titan Python put on the skis: "Brother, what then?"

He didn't know why Chen Tianhao brought him to the top of the mountain for no reason.

"And that's it."

As Chen Tianhao said, he picked up the skis, slid the snowball in his hand backwards, leaned forward, and under the action of gravity, he slid down to the foot of the mountain.


Chen Tianhao cried out with joy, this was also his first skiing, and he used to watch them skiing on TV.

Although it was his first time skiing, thanks to Chen Tianhao's outstanding balance ability, he quickly mastered various skills. The movements he saw on TV in his previous life were presented to him one by one.

It even became more gorgeous. After all, Chen Tianhao has no pressure at all at this speed, and he can fly himself, so he doesn't care about all kinds of dangers.

"Strange, what's so exciting about this type of exercise?"

The titan python who was still on the top of the mountain muttered, in his eyes, it would be faster to fly directly.

But he still followed Chen Tianhao down the hill.


The first time it slid out, the titan python almost fell a big somersault, but fortunately it flew up in time.

After several adjustments, the titan python has initially mastered the skiing skills.

"Whoa whoa."

The excited voice of the titan python resounded throughout the valley.

Really fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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