spore evolution

Chapter 271 The Development of Winter

Chapter 271 The Development of Winter

The titan python, who originally despised it very much, fell in love with this kind of activity, and frequently went back and forth between the top and the foot of the mountain.

His excited voice also attracted many people.

After the introduction, many people began to like this sport.

But it is a pity that this sport needs to go to the top of the mountain in advance to enjoy this sport.

At this stage, there is no equipment to transport people up.

Therefore, this sport can only provide those who can fly to play on it, while those who cannot fly can only watch them play enviously.

In the end, Chen Tianhao had someone clear a road up the mountain, but because the snow was too deep, it could only be cleared halfway up the mountain.

People who can't fly can only walk halfway up the mountain and then slide down.

It’s better than nothing, and it doesn’t matter if the distance is shorter. Finally, people who like this sport can play this sport happily.

Then Chen Tianhao made snowmen and snowball fights.

In winter, the whole tribe becomes very lively, not at all desolate because of the snow.

But there are only a few sports in winter, and if you play too much, you will get tired.

Chen Tianhao is tired, but those children are not tired, every day you can hear the happy laughter of those children playing, the laughter adds countless beautiful scenery to this cold winter.

In winter, most people work in the buildings provided by the system, but there are such a group of people who cannot enjoy the warmth in winter.

They are the expedition teams organized by the tribe. No matter it is windy or rainy, most of the expedition teams are fighting outside the tribal territory.

For the safety of the expedition team outside, when researching daily necessities, some additional equipment specially suitable for the expedition team will be produced.

Therefore, the survivability of the expedition team has also been greatly improved.

By the time the snow melted, the Huaxia tribe's territory had reached 50 square kilometers, and its population had increased to 25.

No large tribes have been found, but some small tribes are still found from time to time.

Other tribes are not as good as the Huaxia tribe, they can still eat fresh meat and vegetables in winter.

Many times, when the expedition team encounters people from other tribes, most of them are curled up in caves or tree holes, reducing their own movements so that they can last longer.

The mission of the expedition team is not only to explore the various flora and fauna in an area, but the most important thing is to subdue people from other tribes and increase the population of the Huaxia tribe.

When meeting people from other tribes, there are often frictions and fights.

But in winter, as long as the expedition team proposes to go back with them, there will be food and a place to sleep, and one by one they will go back with them very easily.

Of course, the process at the beginning must not be that simple, but who is the expedition team, who has the highest level of equipment among the civilians of the Huaxia Tribe, and if they show it casually, they will be convinced that when they come to the Huaxia Tribe, they will really eat meat Afterwards, one by one was reluctant to leave, and was convinced by the Huaxia tribe.

Even some diehards, under the threat of force from the expedition team, had to obey obediently.

The sudden increase in population has really brought a great test to the Huaxia tribe.

The place to live is thanks to the fact that so many wooden houses were built before the snow fell, and then each wooden house can accommodate a large number of people to the maximum, otherwise it is really not enough for newcomers to live in.

Outdoor operations have already stopped in winter, and if we want to provide more people to live in, we can only wait for the snow to melt.

The newcomers are not so delicate, even the wooden house already makes them feel extremely comfortable.

Food is relatively simple. After the members of the Australopithecus tribe joined, and considering the winter situation, the Huaxia tribe had already completed the food reserve work.

There may be fewer fresh vegetables in winter. After all, the storage time is short, and they are basically picked and used immediately.

But meat is different. With sealing tools such as clay pots and wooden pots, it can basically be preserved for more than half a year.

The Huaxia tribe's meat reserves are enough to allow 50 people to survive this winter, so they are not afraid to come any more.

Newcomers to the Huaxia tribe don't like vegetables at all, meat is their favorite.

This is also the normal state of most people joining the Huaxia tribe. After they are completely tired of eating meat, they will consider vegetables and realize that there are so many delicious foods in this world besides meat.

In the past, how could there be such a good thing, and here, they felt the vitality of the tribe, unlike the previous tribe, which was lifeless, and there was enough food for a few days every day.

Only the most primitive Chinese tribes would like fresh vegetables.

Magicians also like vegetables very much. In this world, vegetables are not only ordinary vegetables, but also contain many medicinal materials that can improve energy. This is one of the reasons why they have liked vegetables for a long time.

However, most of the magicians are from the tribes that joined before, and most of those who joined later have no magic ability.

Suddenly so many new people joined, the whole tribe became much more lively.

There are fewer activities in winter, and most of the people are chatting among themselves. In this way, people of different races in the tribe have become acquainted with each other a lot.

The tribe did not fall into the bottleneck of development because of winter, but a blessing in disguise. Both the territory and the population have been greatly developed, and the points have also increased to 15 points unconsciously.

It's just that the system has not unlocked the third-level buildings, and in winter, Chen Tianhao is too lazy to go to other places to establish new bases. So far, the Huaxia tribe still has three branches.

Throughout the winter, Chen Tianhao lived a life like a salted fish, eating and sleeping when he was full, eating when he was full, and occasionally going skiing when he was tired.

Fortunately, this winter was not too long, it only lasted three months.

If it grows longer, I'm afraid it will become fat and become a pig.

The sun was shining today, and the yard was covered with heavy snow. He moved Chen Tianhao to the balcony where he basked in the sun.

It is still a pot of tea, and a few snacks are put aside.

"Brother, I went skiing, and the snow has already started to melt, so I won't be able to play after a while."

There was a sound in the room, and the Titan python came over carrying the ski equipment.

"Big Python, you've been skiing for three months, aren't you tired?"

Chen Tianhao asked boredly, he didn't understand how Titan Python could go skiing every day, and most of the time, he would go on skiing all day long.

"Not tired, I learned another trick today, flipping 720 degrees in the air, this trick is very cool."

The Titan Python said enthusiastically, before Chen Tianhao could answer, he rose into the air and flew away from the balcony.

Only the voice of Chen Tianhao laughing and cursing on the balcony remained: "Hey, you boy, don't go through the gate, go to the balcony."

Flip 720 degrees in the air?
What's so exciting about this, this kind of movement can be done casually, not to mention 720 degrees, even if it is doubled, 1440 degrees is completely stress-free.

(End of this chapter)

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