spore evolution

Chapter 272 Attacked

Chapter 272 Attacked
The snow melted quickly, and within a week, most of the snow on the ground had been melted by the sun.

It takes about half a month to melt completely.

However, those outdoor jobs can already be started. The newcomers heard that the houses being built are provided for themselves to live in, so they got up early in the morning to help out with what they could do.

The construction and development of the tribe naturally cannot allow these people to help on the construction site, and everything needs to be arranged in a unified way.

Sometimes, the more people the better.

Fortunately, everyone who didn't work much in winter basically understood the rules of the tribe.

With the help of Kong Wu and others, each of them started their own jobs.

For a time, the whole tribe was in full swing.

"No, you can't be so salty."

Chen Tianhao sighed, watching others working hard while he basked in the sun inside the house.

So what to do?


A system notification sounded in Chen Tianhao's mind.

what's the situation?
Generally, there are no major problems, and the system will not prompt.

During Chen Tianhao's three months of salting fish in winter, there was no other reminder except for points.

He was so idle that he almost forgot that he still had a system.

Turning on the system, the notification sound this time is not about getting points, but about Chen Shi's message.

Chen Shi, as the president of the Exploration Guild, is mainly responsible for exploration matters. He is qualified to contact Chen Tianhao alone.

There are people who contact Chen Tianhao alone, as well as Chen Yi, Chen Zhiwen and others, but under normal circumstances, no one has any important matters, and they will not bother Chen Tianhao alone.

Basically, if there is something to do, it is discussed offline, and those who are farther away are also discussed in the chat group. The chat records in the chat group will not specifically remind Chen Tianhao.

Otherwise, with the speed of chatting in the chat group, it would be strange not to blow Chen Tianhao's head.

Click on Chen Shi's information.

"Patriarch, found traces of a large tribe."

Large tribe?

Chen Tianhao's eyes lit up, and he finally had something to do.

Opening the holographic map, he found that Chen Shizheng was on the edge of the territory of the western tribe, 500 kilometers away from his location, and immediately sent a message to Chen Shi: "How is it? Are you injured?"

Chen Shi, as the president of the expedition guild, did not stay in the tribe all the time. As the bravest No.10 in the tribe at the beginning, his adventurous heart never cooled down, and he often set up a small expedition team by himself. Out in the world to explore, even if he's no longer in the top [-].

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

"Find a place to rest by yourself, I will come soon." Chen Tianhao replied a message.

Then he said to the Titan Python who could no longer ski because of melting snow: "Big Python, you go to a place with me."

After discovering the traces of a large tribe, but not knowing the strength of the other party, he decided to bring the main combat power of the Titan Python.

"Okay, where are you going? Have you found any fun games?"

The titan python quickly stuffed a piece of freshly baked strawberry cake into its mouth.

"Well, maybe it's a fun game."

Chen Tianhao came to the barracks again and assembled a team of second-level magicians who could fly. There were not many qualified magicians, only more than 1000.

Just like that, Chen Tianhao and Titan Boa quickly flew towards Chen Shi's location with more than 1000 second-level magicians.

It was a complete accident that Chen Shi discovered the traces of a large tribe this time. The other party's tribe was at least 200 kilometers away from the Huaxia tribe.

But it's not an accident, the position of 200 kilometers will come across sooner or later.Now it's just advancing the time.

Chen Shi's expedition team consisted of ten people, including him, five magicians, and five warriors of various races.

His expedition team wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. Magicians accounted for half of the ten-member expedition team.

Now the tribe is not the same as before, almost all members are magicians, and there are a large number of non-magicians, so many expedition teams only have one or two magicians sporadically.

Moreover, many of these magicians have just come out of the school, and most of them are first-level magicians.

Therefore, it is quite good to have a magician in the expedition team, and most expedition teams rely on the number of people.

This also made Chen Tianhao understand that in this world, there are not as many creatures that know magic and have evolved to the tribal age, but there are quite a few creatures that know magic.

Chen Shi, as the second-level magician in the expedition team, greatly improved the team's combat ability.

This time, as usual, he came to an area and began to collect information on the surrounding creatures. Each expedition team had an information collector in their hands, as long as they recorded what they saw, it was considered a A relatively simple job.

There is a progress on the information collector. When the progress reaches more than 90%, it means that the exploration of this area is completed, and the expedition team will also get contribution points.


There was a scream in the forest.

"It's the sound of cow dung."

He was quite familiar with the voices of everyone in the team, and Chen Shiyi knew right away that it was Niu Fen who made the scream.

The friends around rushed to Niu Fen's position immediately after hearing the screams.

Niu Dung, originally named Niu Fen, is a 15-year-old Tauren who has just graduated from school and joined Chen Shi's expedition team.

When he first joined the team, his name was teased by other friends for a long time, and he even got the nickname "cow dung".

Niu Fen kept explaining that his name meant struggle, but his friends kept calling him "cow dung", which made him very depressed.

Although Niu Fen is a new member of the expedition team and gave him a nickname, after experiencing several expedition missions, Niu Fen still integrated well into the expedition team.

Niu Fen was in danger, and the friends nearby rushed to Niu Fen's side.


Niu Fen's screams didn't stop, they kept ringing intermittently in the forest.

Damn, go faster.

Chen Shi broke out at the fastest speed, and within 500 seconds for a distance of 30 meters, Chen Shi was the first to reach Niu Fen.

I saw that Niu Fen was covered in blood at this time, and some exposed places on his shoulders and arms were full of arrows, like a hedgehog, and there were five humanoid creatures behind him, constantly jumping between branches, from time to time Shoot an arrow.

In the face of the opponent's long-range attack, as a melee fighter, there is nothing he can do, so he can only try to escape.

While desperately running away, while desperately shooting.

The group of people who were chasing them had a pretty good hit rate with their arrows. No matter how Niu Fen dodged left or right, one or two arrows would always hit him.

Fortunately, his physical fitness is good enough, and he is also wearing magic leather armor, which has greatly improved his defense ability. Otherwise, the arrows on his body may have doubled.

Most of the arrows were on the thick skin and thick flesh. It seemed that the injury was serious, but in fact it was so heavy. Judging by the speed of Niu Fen's running, it was hardly affected much.

Chen Shi saw Niu Fen in a panic, and also saw the enemy chasing after him.

Five electric balls were sent out in a row. Compared with the speed of the opponent, the speed of the electric ball was too slow, and it was easily dodged by the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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