spore evolution

Chapter 273 Probing

Chapter 273 Probing

The electric ball hit the trees behind them, like dynamite, and a big explosion occurred.

The trees were shaken as if they had been struck by lightning.

The five people on the opposite side didn't know whether it was to prepare for Chen Shi's next attack or for some other reason. They didn't continue to attack, but they didn't leave either.

Chen Shi instantly fired a few electric balls, but he never expected to hit them. His goal was to save Niu Fen first.

At the same time as the electric ball was attacking, Chen Shi quickly ran to Niu Fen, pulled Niu Fen up and hid in a big tree beside him.

At the same time, he has already pinched a chain of lightning in his hand, ready to counterattack the opponent at any time.

After staying for a while, I found that there was no movement behind me.

Don't you dare to catch up?

There were five people on the other side, and each of them was skilled in archery. He didn't show his face, waiting for the arrival of his teammates.

Chen Shi pricked up his ears to listen to the movement behind him, and asked Niu Fen, "Niu Fen, can you still move?"

Niu Fen panted and shook his head: "It's okay, I can still run."

"Then wait, you start running first, and I will stop behind."

"Ah, why don't you fight with them? Looking at the bows and arrows they use, it's obviously a new tribe. I have no problem. These are just minor injuries." Niu Fen widened his eyes and raised his hand as he spoke. He swung his hand vigorously a few times.

"Okay, life-saving is the most important thing. You also know that the other party is a new tribe, so it doesn't matter when you come?"

When exploring the area, there will inevitably be some dangers. Chen Shi doesn't know about it. In Chen Shi's team, he prefers to crush the opponent in a crushing way, which is also easier to persuade the opponent to join the tribe.

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.

Seeing that Niu Fen still wanted to talk, Chen Shi pushed hard, and Niu Fen ran behind.

And Chen Shi threw the chain of lightning that had been prepared in the direction of the enemy.

Hey, what about people?

The enemy who was originally chasing had already disappeared without a trace.

The chain of lightning reached the furthest distance, like a lightning strike, leaving a black spot on the tree.

After running several hundred meters, Niu Fen met other partners.

"Cow dung, have you been cooked as roast beef?"

The first person to come over was a tiger-headed man. He took a look at Niu Fen, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, he laughed loudly.

Niu Fen was covered in arrowheads at this time, and it really looked like he was being skewered for barbecue.

"Hu Mingyang, are you looking for a fight?" Niu Fen took a big step, waved his fist, and threw at Hu Mingyang.

"Oh, yes, you can still hit people with your hands, but you won't die." Hu Mingyang dodged to avoid Niu Fen's fist.

Niu Fen didn't really want to hit him, so he stopped immediately.

Others rushed over one after another.

"Where's the captain? Why didn't you see the captain?"

Hu Mingyang looked around at his companions, but did not find Chen Shi.

"The captain is still behind." Niu Fen patted his head.

"The captain is behind? Didn't you encounter danger?"

"Are you looking for me?"

While speaking, Chen Shi appeared behind everyone.

"Fortunately, they are all wooden arrows, and the arrows don't have barbs or blood grooves. Otherwise, these arrows on your body are enough to cause you to lose too much blood and die."

Chen Shi carefully pulled out the wooden arrow from Niu Fen's body, and then gently touched the nine transformation blood ointment on it.

The arrowhead was not deep, but when it was pulled out, it was so painful that Niu Fen frowned, but he was very stubborn and didn't cry out.

Nine Transformation Blood Ointment was applied to the wound, and a cool feeling came to my heart.

"Don't do anything for the time being, rest at ease, and tell me how you met those people?"

Carefully put away the nine-transformation blood ointment, this small bottle has given many injured companions the best healing time.

"It's a normal creature looking at this area. I happened to meet a group of pigs I had never seen before. I was still happy at the time, and I was able to get contribution points again. Who knew that there was a group of people behind the group of pigs. The other party They thought I was here to snatch the group of pigs from them, and when I communicated with them, they immediately picked up their bows and arrows and shot at them."

Thinking of the scene at that time, Niu Fen was still dazed, adhering to the fine tradition in the team, he ran away if he couldn't beat him.

However, Pao didn't seem to have run past the other party. If it weren't for Chen Shi's sudden appearance, Niu Fen would probably be here today.

"Could it be that the other party is from a large tribe?" Hu Mingyang asked.

"It is very likely that only people in large tribes will breed other creatures."

"How do you know that the group of pigs was bred by the other party?"

"It's not breeding. Could it be that the other party is hunting."

"It's very possible. You see a group of people nearby, holding bows and arrows. Isn't this the standard size for hunting?"

Niu Fen helplessly looked at his companions arguing with each other, hey, brothers, shouldn't you take care of my wound?I'm just saying it wasn't a serious injury.

"Cow dung, how many people do you think you saw next to that herd of pigs?" Chen Shi interrupted his companion's argument and asked Niu Fen.

Woohoo, everyone finally paid attention to me, Niu Fen was so moved that he almost cried, thinking that everyone finally cared about his wound, subconsciously replied: "My injury is much better."

"Who asked you about your wound? I'm asking you, when you met that group of people, how many people were there?"

Chen Shi had already checked Niu Fen's wound, and with the help of Jiuhua blood ointment, it was only a matter of time before he got better.

Since Niu Fen said that he met a group of people just now, it is obvious that not all the five people who chased him at that time were there, there were other people around, and only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win all battles.

After pressing it, the team immediately started to trouble each other.

"A group of people, densely packed, no less than 50 people." Niu Fen lowered his head in shame.

"Fifty people, it doesn't look like they are herding, it's more like they are hunting these pigs."

According to the farming experience of the Huaxia tribe, if this group of pigs were really freed, there should not be so many people. As for other tribes, because they have not encountered a large tribe, they have no corresponding experience.

"Well, let's go and observe, Hu Mingyang and you stay here to take care of the cow dung, and the others will follow me over there to have a look."

Chen Shi asked Hu Mingyang and several soldiers to stay and look after Niu Fen, and asked one of the flying magicians to go with him to check on the other party's movements.

"Captain, let me follow, there is no need for so many people to stay and take care of the cow dung." Hu Mingyang said anxiously when he heard that there was no place for him.

"I'm just going to check on the other party's situation, not to start a war with the other party. It's inconvenient for you to follow." Chen Shi shook his head and pointed to the blue wings behind him.

Hu Mingyang looked sadly at the wings behind Chen Shi with envy.

He can't fly, that's what he can't do.

Most people in the tribe can't fly, only a small number of people have the ability to fly.

Chen Shi took the only magician who could fly, soared into the sky, and flew to the place Niu Fen had pointed out.

(End of this chapter)

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