spore evolution

Chapter 274 World Tree

Chapter 274 World Tree

The place where Niu Fen was attacked was very close, and Chen Shi and the others soon arrived at the location Niu Fen had mentioned.

However, the two did not find any enemies, nor did they find the pig in Niu Fen's mouth.

Is the location wrong?
The two flew down and carefully observed the surrounding flowers and trees, and found that there were indeed a large number of creatures passing by here.

I don't know if it's the group of creatures. From the surrounding environment, we can roughly see the direction in which the other party left.

"Captain, do you want to go and have a look?" the magician who came with him asked in a low voice.

"Let's go back and talk to them first, and then follow."

Not knowing how far away the other party was, and fearing that the waiting partner would be worried, the two went back and talked.

Then he returned to the position just now, followed the direction he looked at before, and continued to chase after him.

The two chased for more than ten minutes, and finally saw a large group of pigs in front of them. Around the pigs, there were some people holding a long pole, chasing the pigs who had left the group, and let the pigs return to the group, following the original direction. keep going.

The pigs below were different from the pigs Chen Shi usually ate.

The pigs that Chen Shi usually eats are pigs raised in farms, and they are all fat and big.

The pig below is long and thin, and it feels like there is no meat.

As for the person chasing the pig, from a distance, Chen Shi felt that the other person was similar to him, as if there was no difference.

If this is not outside the territory of the tribe, and he meets the other party within the territory of the tribe, he will definitely think that the other party is a member of his own tribe.

In fact, this group of pigs was not too far away from the original place, but Chen Shi and the others stopped from time to time to check the direction they were going, wasting a little time.

Under the sticks of a group of people, a group of pigs marched mightily to the west.

Chen Shi estimated that there were about 100 people driving the pigs below.Except for the west, there is a person standing every few meters in every direction.

The two flew in the air 100 meters above the ground and followed from a distance.

If he flew too close, he was afraid of being discovered by the other party, and if he flew too high, he was afraid that he would not be able to find them.

At this height, the people below look like they are only the size of a bird, and they will definitely not think they are people.

At first, Chen Shi thought that the opponent's tribe was not far from here, but he didn't expect to follow for more than three hours.

"Captain, look ahead."

Suddenly, Chen Wuliang's surprised voice sounded beside Chen Shi.

"what happened?"

Chen Shi kept staring down, afraid that he might accidentally miss him.

The forest here is more lush than other places, and the view in the sky is wider, but it is not easy to follow closely.

Thick leaves blocked his sight.

During the three hours of following, I almost lost track several times. Fortunately, the group of pigs below was moving a lot, so after careful identification, they quickly caught up.

Following the direction of Chen Wuliang's finger, Chen Shi saw a shocking scene.

In front of them, a towering tree appeared in front of them.

"This... this tree is probably 400 meters high?" Chen Shi was so surprised that he was almost speechless.

It’s not that he hasn’t seen trees that grow tall. Random trees in the tribe are 50 meters high. Even trees with a height of hundreds of meters can be seen occasionally. He had never seen the trees more than 200 meters in front of him.

The flying height of the two has been kept at about 100 meters, but this position is less than one-third of the height of the other party's trunk.

It wasn't even a third of the opponent's height, because Chen Shi didn't see the tops of the trees at all, as if connecting the sky and the earth.

Looking from a distance, there are countless white clouds floating among the leaves, like a fairyland on earth.

"Team...Captain, shall we still follow?" Chen Wuliang trembled, the blue wings flickered a few times behind him, and he almost fell off.

Following here, Chen Shi also guessed that the other party's tribe should rely on this tree.

But without official confirmation, it is still impossible to count.

"Let's keep going."

In fact, Chen Shi knew that even if the group of people below were not here, there must be people from other tribes living under this towering tree.

The people below seem to be a little faster because they are about to go home.

In less than 10 minutes, the group of people had driven the pig not far below the big tree.

When Chen Shifei got to the side of the big tree, he was even more shocked.

There are countless creatures perched on the tree, including birds, humans, beasts, and various creatures. This place has become a paradise for creatures.

When Chen Shi came here, he didn't attract the attention of the creatures living on the tree.

Can't say no, Chen Shi saw several human-like people and looked over.

Those people looked a little different from Chen Shi, and from the outside, they were a little bit different. The other party's ears were very long, and they were almost exactly the same as Chen Shi in other respects.

Chen Shi's attention was no longer on the group of people below, but on the people walking on the branches not far away.

Those people, after chattering over there, two people spread their wings and flew towards Chen Shi and the others from there.

Seeing the opponent's open wings, which were also blue wings, Chen Shi was taken aback.

This is not a replica of human beings.

He had seen many humanoid creatures, and this was the most similar race Chen Shi had ever seen outside the tribe.

If it wasn't for the long ears of the other party, reminding them that they were of different races, he would definitely think that the two of them were relatives.

If Chen Tianhao was here, he would definitely recognize him immediately when he saw the other person's appearance. Isn't this the legendary elf?

Chen Shike didn't know the other party's identity, but the similar appearance of the two made him a little curious, and he was also a little wary of the other party flying over suddenly, so he whispered to Chen Wuliang who was beside him: "Be careful later, play by ear. "

The distance between the two was not far, and the two spirits quickly came in front of Chen Shi.

The elves are also very curious about Chen Shi's appearance. The elves have lived in this land for a long time, and the world tree behind them has attracted countless creatures to live here, but they have never seen people like them .

Chen Shi was the creature they saw for the first time, and they were also wary of Chen Shi's arrival, with a hint of curiosity.

The elf flew over without making a sound, but looked at Chen Shi curiously.

Chen Shi noticed that the other party was not moving, and looked at him with the same curiosity.

Just like that, the four of them stood still in the air as if time had stopped.

And the elves on the other side of the world tree are also staring at this side closely, and after the other creatures take a look, they are busy with their own affairs.

After a while, Chen Shi blushed when he saw it. It was because the other party's face was so beautiful. The extremely beautiful human features combined with fair and tender skin, coupled with curious eyes, made his heart beat faster.


Chen Shi felt that he could hardly bear this temptation, so he hurriedly greeted him to cover up his heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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