spore evolution

Chapter 60 The Strange Wind Beast

Chapter 60 The Strange Wind Beast

The cyan wind blade is not big, only about the size of the electric scale man's palm, like a crescent moon, the speed is not fast, but under the cover of the surrounding green leaves, it quickly approaches Chen Tianhao's head.

Chen Tianhao, who had been observing his surroundings vigilantly, didn't notice the cyan wind blade for a while.


A sound of wind came to his ears, he turned his head, and when he found the wind blade, the wind blade was already close to his head, only less than half a meter away.

He was startled, and only had time to turn his head to the left.

The speed of the cyan wind blade is not fast, but it is only relative, half a meter away in the blink of an eye.

The hit rate of this cyan wind blade is very accurate, if Chen Tianhao is half a beat slower, I am afraid that his whole head will be accounted for here.Although Chen Tianhao tried his best to avoid it, the corner of the blue wind blade had already touched Chen Tianhao's cheek.

Swish, the cyan wind blade flew past Chen Tianhao's cheek, a cyan light hit the ground, made a deep groove, and stirred up the dead leaves on the ground.

The electric scale man's equipment is only spread to clothes and pants, without any protection for the head, it can't resist the blue wind blade.

Maybe the high-level bones of the Electric Scale Man can withstand this cyan wind blade, but with only primary skin, he can't block this blade-like wind blade at all.


A burst of severe pain spread from the injured cheek to Chen Tianhao's brain. With advanced nerves, he can feel pain better than other creatures.

Looking back, he wanted to see which bastard was attacking him, and if he caught him, he would definitely not make it easier for him.

Before he could see clearly who was sneaking up.But it was found that more blue wind blades appeared in the air and attacked this place.

Chen Tianhao yelled "Fuck" in his heart, and rolled a donkey in the open space next to him, dodging the subsequent blue wind blade attack.

Chi Chi!

A large number of cyan wind blades hit the place where Chen Tianhao was originally standing one after another.The cyan wind blade hit the dead leaves and rolled up a pile of dead leaves. The remaining energy actually carried the dead leaves in place to create a small whirlwind, and then slowly dissipated in the air.

Chen Tianhao looked at the place where he was standing just now with lingering fear in his heart. If he had walked slower just now, he would be crippled if he didn't die.

He looked up to check the direction from which the wind blade was attacking. He saw a man with an eagle beak and a pair of wings on his back standing on a branch of a tall tree trunk, looking at Chen Tianhao angrily.

Then, more hawk-beaked creatures appeared on the branches of other trees.

Hey, this is not the Gale Beast I was looking for, it really has nowhere to find it, and it takes all my time.

For a moment, he forgot the pain on his face, until he felt liquid dripping from his body, and when he touched it, his hand was covered with blood, only then did he realize that a long wound had been scraped on his face by the wind blade.

After the Gale Beast sent out a cyan wind blade, it did not continue to attack, but stayed on the tree without making the next move.However, it can be seen from the facial expression of the Gale Beast that the Gale Beast in the lead is looking at Chen Tianhao with angry eyes.

Not continuing to attack was also a good thing for Chen Tianhao, after all, he still needs to gain the favor of the Gale Beast to complete the task.

If the Gale Beast continued to attack, Chen Tianhao had no choice but to continue to dodge, not daring to attack the opponent.

Chen Tianhao used the spirit of extension to inform the other electric scales to come back to him.

Since he had eyes, he seldom uses his thoughts to feel the surrounding situation, and usually only uses his thoughts when exploring.

Chen Tianhao, who had just woken up, forgot that he had this ability for a moment.

When he used his mind to feel the surrounding situation again, he found that the scope of his mind was much larger than before.

In the past, the range of his thoughts could only feel a distance of 50 meters. Now under normal circumstances, he can feel a range of 200 meters. If he works harder, he can probably reach the limit range of 250 meters.

And the duration has also increased a lot. Now that he is within the range of his sensing, he is still relaxed and does not feel tired at all. It is estimated that the same as the sensing range, it has increased a lot.

Is this the effect of the secondary brain?Chen Tianhao, who had just possessed him, was still wondering why the second-level brain he exchanged for 10000 points had no effect at all.

On the contrary, the high-level bones and high-level muscles have a much greater effect on the electric scales.

It turns out that the second-level brain is strengthened in the place of seeing, and now the range of ideas is several times larger than that of the first-level brain.

Chen Tianhao with his mind is like having a 360-degree eye, and this range can not only extend to the front, back, left, and right, but also to the sky and the ground. When there is no object in the sky, it can extend to a higher position .

Because the ground is blocked by the land, although it is not as deep as 250 meters, it can still detect things within 50 meters underground.

He is now like a person with a full map display, and all creatures within the range cannot escape his vision.

There are a total of 45 Gale Beasts in his consciousness. Judging from the size, there are 15 small ones and 30 large ones.

During the last battle, there were also more than 40 Wind Beasts, but both sides died at that time. When they fled, there were only 30 left. Now there are 45. I am afraid that some fleeing Wind Beasts have gathered again.

The Electric Scale Man, who was still searching for the Gale Beast, heard Chen Tianhao's voice in his mind, and began to gather towards Chen Tianhao.

When the Electric Scale people gathered, Chen Tianhao had been paying attention to the movement of the Gale Beast, as long as the opponent fired the blue wind blade again, then he could dodge calmly.

He didn't understand, until the Electric Scale people gathered around Chen Tianhao, the Gale Beast didn't make any other movements, but looked at this side with a little anger and fear mixed in.

Angry, Chen Tianhao can understand, after all, the two sides were still fighting each other some time ago.

But what is the condition of fear?
In terms of combat effectiveness, the individual combat effectiveness of the Gale Beast is no worse than that of the Electric Scale Man.

The electric scale man has an electric ball attack, and the wind beast has a wind blade attack, and judging from the first wave of attacks, almost all adult wind beasts can launch this kind of wind blade attack, which is much stronger than the electric scale man.

The electric scale man's charge attack is even more useless against the Gale Beast, which has wings and can fly.However, the sharp claws of the Gale Beast can cause damage to the Electric Scale Man.

The Electric Scale people who gathered saw that their leader's face was injured.

Following the direction of Chen Tianhao's eyes, he saw the Gale Beast on the branch, and the mage Electric Scale began to store energy, planning to avenge the leader.

Energy began to gather in the hands of the mage Electricscale, and strands of dazzling blue light shone on the hands.

When Chen Tianhao saw the movement of the sorcerer Electric Scale, he was so frightened that he came back to his senses, and quickly stopped the movement of the sorcerer: "Everyone, stop, stop."

It's hard to get this ignorant peace, and it can't be messed up.

The mages didn't understand why the leader stopped him from avenging him, but the leader told him to stop, and they all obediently stopped what they were doing.

Without the mage continuing to provide energy, the electric ball in the mage's hand turned into energy in a short while and dissipated in the air.

Both sides did not move, just looked at each other quietly like this, the difference is that the eyes of the Gale Beast are full of anger and fear, while the eyes of the Electric Scale Man are just looking at it in a very ordinary way.

Looking at this weird situation, Chen Tianhao was also anxious. He wanted to form an alliance with the other party, but he couldn't do it.

He tried to communicate with the other party with his consciousness, but the Gale Beast didn't seem to respond, as if he had never felt Chen Tianhao's consciousness.

Unlike when communicating with the electric scale man, as long as he uses his consciousness to issue commands, he can get a good response from the electric scale man.

It's just that he forgot, in fact, the electric scale man didn't respond consciously, but simply could hear his instructions and react accordingly.

(End of this chapter)

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