Chapter 61
What a fool, how can this task be completed!
There is no reaction at all, is it necessary to dance to complete it?
Chen Tianhao recalled playing games in his previous life. It seemed that at that time, if he wanted to form an alliance with other creatures, he had to dance to increase his pleasure, so as to complete the alliance!
Could it be that this is the way to complete the alliance and dance here? The otaku who stayed at home in his previous life, how can he dance?

Traveling to this world, let alone the biological age that has just evolved, so Chen Tianhao can't dance at all.

He conveyed his kindness through consciousness to the first Storm Beast who attacked him.

Perhaps the Gale Beast sensed his kindness, and the anger in the Gale Beast's eyes slowly dissipated.But the fear in his eyes was still there.

Have a show?

Chen Tianhao stepped up the transmission of the consciousness of the Gale Beast, hoping to form an alliance.

No matter how hard he tried, he didn't see any reaction from the Gale Beast's alliance. On the contrary, it was Chen Tianhao who was exerting extreme force, and the wound on his face was bleeding even more. Very scary.

Is it really only possible to dance?

Seeing no special reaction from the other party, he had to give up and continue communicating with his consciousness.

Chen Tianhao let the electric scale people around him clear a space, and danced awkwardly with their hands and feet waving.

Chen Yi looked at Chen Tianhao in surprise, he was very puzzled, didn't he want to attack the Gale Beast?
We were asked to look for each other just now, but now we have found each other, but instead of attacking each other, we are dancing here instead?

With only a second-level brain, he just gave up after thinking for a while.

No matter what, follow the leader to have meat to eat.

He also ran to Chen Tianhao's side and writhed.

This Chen Yi was not the Chen Yi in Chen Tianhao's memory. After countless years of evolution, the Chen Yi in his memory had disappeared.

The first Chen Yi left, but the name Chen Yi has been handed down among the Dianlin people.

In fact, they didn't know what Chen Yi meant. From their limited memory, they only knew that the strongest person in the race was Chen Yi, and only the ten strongest clansmen had names.

When the strongest tribe is replaced, it is replaced by the new tribe. Obviously they regard Chen Yi as an honorary title.

The predecessor of the leader, Chen Tianhao, was Chen Yi. When he became the new leader, the title would naturally be transferred to another person.

If Chen Tianhao knew that the name he chose casually at the beginning was actually being circulated as an honorary title by them, he might have chosen a nice and domineering name.

In some memory inheritances of previous lives, there are many things. After a long period of changes, the original meanings expressed have become very different, or even diametrically opposed. It is not impossible.

With Chen Yi's joining, more Dianlin people followed suit and joined Chen Tianhao's awkward dance.

The open space was not big enough, so many Dianlin people followed Chen Tianhao and made corresponding actions on the spot.

Under the leadership of Chen Tianhao, a group of electric scales turned into a group dance that was originally a fighting team.

If there is music now, it will be even more wonderful, and it will completely become a dance party.

In the dance that lacks music here, it is better to say that it is a group of monster electric scales dancing wildly, especially the blood on Chen Tianhao's face, which looks extraordinarily ferocious and also extraordinarily funny.

Chen Tianhao didn't know how to dance, so he chose a relatively simple dance that he saw aunts dancing in the square.

There are not many dance moves, and after a short period of confusion, the electric scale people quickly learned it.

While Chen Tianhao was dancing with his hands and feet, he didn't withdraw his consciousness, and focused his attention on the first attacking wind beast.If he guessed correctly, the first one to attack him should be the leader of the Gale Beast.

The angry expression of the Galewind Beast who was the first to attack Chen Tianhao was gradually fading away.As more and more electric scales joined the dance, its expression gradually changed, with a happy smile on its face.

Now, if someone can observe this Gale Beast closely, he can find that his legs are shaking slightly, and the claws that were tightly grasping the tree trunk are also relaxed.The clenched hands also relaxed.Following Chen Tianhao, their movements were slightly swaying.

Not only the leader of the Gale Beast moved, but the other Gale Beasts were also infected by Chen Tianhao's dance, and they also began to follow and dance on the tree, and their movements were much bigger than the Gale Beast's movements.

Huh?There is drama!

Chen Tianhao, who had been observing all the time, did not miss these details. After discovering that the dance moves were effective, he increased his dance moves even more.

On another tree behind the leader of the Gale Beast, there are three Gale Beasts, and a juvenile Gale Beast stands between the two adult Gale Beasts, which should be a family of three.

The young Gale Beast, as if infected by the dance, waved its wings and flew out from between the two Gale Beasts.The Gale Beasts standing on both sides were also indulging in the electric scale man's dance, and they didn't recover for a while.

The young Gale Beast flapped its wings and flew towards the leader of the Gale Beast, wanting to get closer to watch the dance of the Electric Scale Man.

The diameter of the tree trunk where the leader of the Gale Beast is located is not too big, about 20 centimeters in diameter, and it is no problem to stand two or three Gale Beasts on it.

The place where the little guy stood was actually higher than the position of the leader of the Gale Beast.So when he flew from a high place to a low place, he went straight down.

The little guy seemed too excited. Although his claws grabbed the tree trunk for the first time, under the inertial impact from top to bottom, he suddenly lost his balance and fell straight down.


The little guy let out a scream, and he flapped his wings, trying to control his balance and fly again.

If it was normal, the little guy could still fly up with his own strength, but this time because he was too excited, when he flew down from the top, he used too much force, and he couldn't find his balance for a while, and fell to the ground quickly.

In fact, the position of the leader of the Gale Beast is not particularly high, only five or six meters high.

Because the leader of the Gale Beast was also obsessed with Chen Tianhao's dance just now, he didn't expect the little guy to fly down from above, and he didn't notice the little guy's movements for a while.

It was only when the little guy's screams reached his ears that he realized the situation.

The leader of the Gale Beast immediately jumped over from the tree trunk, and the tree trunk where he was kicked shook a few times.

If it is normal, there is nothing wrong with falling from this height, at most it is a small injury, but now the bottom is full of races that have just fought with him.

Although he had felt Chen Tianhao's kindness before, and Chen Tianhao's dance had also increased his favorability towards the electric scale man a lot, but he couldn't guarantee that the other party would not attack the little guy.

The young Gale Beast fell in the direction of Chen Tianhao who was dancing. The other Gale Beasts also flew over there when they saw the Gale Beast that had the accident.

(End of this chapter)

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