spore evolution

Chapter 63 Alliance

Chapter 63 Alliance
"Congratulations on getting a racial achievement - ally, earned points: 5000 points, remaining points: 38000 points."

While Chen Tianhao was dancing happily with the Gale Beasts, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

He didn't stop his dance steps, but he focused on the list in front of him. When he saw his achievements, he seemed to feel that this mechanical voice was so pleasant at this moment.

When checking the achievements, he found that there was an additional relationship list next to it. When he opened the list, there were many animals on it.

The list is divided into three categories: friendly, neutral, and hostile.

Under the friendly category, there is currently only one creature name: Gale Beast, relationship: ally.

He couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. Sure enough, this dance was effective. Although he didn't know what was going on, it would be easy as long as he completed this task.

Let's look at the other classifications, neutrality is currently blank.Under the category of hostility, there are two names of creatures: giant crocodile, relationship: deadly enemy.Porcupine, relationship: sworn enemy.

Judging from the names of the creatures on the list, only the stronger creatures encountered recently are displayed on the list, while some weaker creatures are not displayed.

I looked at the task list again, the main task was still there as before, no change.

Let's look at the side mission: Aid the Gale Beast.

The first item of the task completion condition is followed by a small reminder that it has been completed.

One of the last rewards appeared, saying to receive part of the rewards.

Chen Tianhao hurriedly clicked to receive the reward. The moment he clicked, a mechanical voice came from his mind.

"Congratulations on completing part of the task of assisting the Gale Beast. Earned points: 25000 points, remaining points: 63000 points; obtained the qualification to exchange parts—claws; obtained the qualifications to exchange flight components—flesh wings."

Looking at the task rewards, it was a bit beyond Chen Tianhao's imagination. According to his thinking, the task rewards should be given after all tasks are completed.

After all, when completing the side quest earlier, even if the small conditions were fulfilled, there was no quest reward that could be claimed.

Now he just fulfilled the conditions of one of the allies, not only gave the task rewards, but also the task rewards exceeded his expectations.

Obtaining 25000 points is not bad, after all, it can be regarded as half of the conditions have been completed, but what is the exchange qualification of the latter two components.

Drive off the epic monsters later, and regain the territory of the Gale Beast, is it worth 25000 points?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like such a simple task. Could there be better rewards later?
He couldn't figure it out for a while, but with his hard work, he finally completed the first small task.

The jubilant dance continued, and when Chen Tianhao's attention returned to the Gale Beast in the open space, he found that he could clearly feel the joy of the Gale Beast.

You must know that he could roughly feel the mood of the Gale Beast, mainly relying on his consciousness to observe the other's facial expressions.

But now, even if he didn't use his consciousness to observe the other party, he could even feel the other party's mood with pure feeling.

When did this happen? He thought about it. It happened after completing the ally achievement. Could this be the effect of the ally?
He tried again to use his consciousness to convey his message to the leader of the Gale Beast, "Hello, I am the leader of the Electric Scale!"

I saw the leader of the Gale Beast's dance paused for a while, and then responded: "Hello, I am the leader of the Gale Beast, thank you for dancing."

In fact, the leader of the Gale Beast didn't have much hope. When he felt Chen Tianhao's consciousness before, he also responded. But at that time, Chen Tianhao didn't respond at all, but every time Chen Tianhao used his consciousness to transmit information, he would respond. .

Chen Tianhao heard the other party's response clearly, and was immediately overjoyed. No matter how he used his consciousness to express his kindness before, he didn't get any response. Unexpectedly, after becoming an ally, since he could clearly understand the meaning of the other party's words meaning.

I think this should be a change in the system for the convenience of allies to communicate. If different races do not have a corresponding unified language system, there is no way to understand the meaning of other races.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Chen Tianhao immediately responded with words, this time he didn't use consciousness, he wanted to see if he could communicate with the other party in ordinary language.After all, he is currently the only person who has the ability to communicate with consciousness.Only by being able to communicate in ordinary language can we better promote the development of both parties.

The leader of the Gale Beast didn't expect to get a response this time, so he stopped dancing and asked eagerly, "Yes, can my people live in this place."

There are only more than 40 of his clansmen left around him, and he can't afford to struggle anymore. Now that he has formed an ally with the Electric Scales, it will be a good living environment here.

Chen Tianhao also stopped, and responded: "Of course there is no problem, we are allies, can you tell me what happened to you?"

His mission was originally to help the Gale Beast, and with the Gale Beast as an ally, he believed that his future development would definitely be smoother.

The main purpose now is to find out what happened to the Gale Beast. The task list in the system simply says that it encountered an epic monster invasion, and the second completion condition of the task is: drive away the epic monster, regain the Gale beast territory.

Intuition told Chen Tianhao that this task was not that simple, especially when he formed an alliance with the Gale Beast, he actually gave out more than half of the task rewards.

The other Gale Beasts and Electric Scale Man saw that the leaders of both sides had stopped their dancing steps, and reluctantly stopped their movements. During the dance, the people from both sides had already mixed together, forming the formation of "you are in the middle". I have you in me.

When the two races reached an alliance, both sides felt the goodwill of the other party. After stopping the dance, they both looked at the two leaders in the center talking in a very tacit understanding.

"The place where we used to live is over there." The leader of the Gale Beast turned around and pointed to the direction behind him, "Originally we belonged to the overlord of that place, and the number of our clansmen, when it was at its peak, reached 500 people."

Seeing the direction of the Gale Beast leader's finger, Chen Tianhao affirmed the thoughts in his heart, it really came from that direction.When he heard that the highest number of Gale Beasts was 500, he was also secretly surprised.

500 people is a very large group at present. The electric scale people also belong to the overlord status in this area, but the overlord does not mean that they can support the tribe without limit. For a stable life, the electric scale people The number of people has been stable at around 300, so it can be seen that the Gale Beast with 500 people is a huge group.

But why did the group of 500 people be reduced to a group of less than 50 people and only 45 people?
I just heard the leader of the Gale Beast continue to say: "We are a race that lives on trees, and we have an extremely far-reaching view. Even creatures that hide no matter how concealed they are, they cannot escape our pursuit. But the good times don't last long. Some time ago, a very huge creature came out of nowhere."

(End of this chapter)

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