spore evolution

Chapter 64 Bonfire Party

Chapter 64 Bonfire Party
When talking about a very huge creature, the eyes of the leader of the Gale Beast were full of fear, and when the other Gale Beasts heard the huge creature, they seemed to recall the scene at that time, and their bodies were shaking constantly.

The electric scale man beside him quickly hugged each other and comforted him.

The leader of the Gale Beast shook off his fear and continued: "Although this huge creature can't fly, it's super tall, taller than most trees, and about the same height as this tree." He pointed at himself next to a tree.

Chen Tianhao looked at the tree he was pointing at. The tree was about 30 meters high.

No way, it's so tall, it's hard to imagine, how did this epic monster have such a huge body, how did it evolve?
"With three heads and six arms, its huge body is like a small mountain." The Gale Beast tried its best to get rid of the fear. From its slightly trembling body, it can be seen that the epic monster was not the leader at that time. What a shock the leader of the blast beast.

Three heads and six arms?Could it be that this epic monster is the reincarnation of Nezha?

The leader of the Gale Beast took a deep breath, calmed down the fear in his heart, and said flatly: "This monster is not only huge in stature, but also very fast. When our clansmen first met this monster, I still want to beat the opponent away. You know, we have wings, we can fly in the sky, we can release the blue wind blade, and we have unparalleled advantages, at least we can run if we can't beat it."

"However, contrary to our expectations, we underestimated this monster and overestimated ourselves. The monster is faster than us in terms of speed. It has three heads, each of which can emit different energies. One can spew out flames, One shoots a water arrow, and the other emits an invisible sound wave."

"At that time, the tribesmen who participated in the war basically died when they were hit by the head attack. The monster's hands were also extremely flexible, and they were either killed or injured. What made it even more difficult to defend was the invisible sonic attack, which was coaxed by him , we couldn't balance in the air at all. In just a few minutes of fighting, a large number of clansmen died."

"The leader at the time decisively ordered to abandon the original homeland, and a group of us started to escape in this way, looking for a new place to live. Fortunately, the monster didn't continue to chase, or we might all die in that place .After traveling all the way, I met you some time ago." The leader of the Gale Beast slowly finished talking about their race.

After listening to the narration of the Gale Beast, Chen Tianhao probably understood the situation of the epic monsters that he needed to drive away in his mission.

It has a huge body, like Nezha, with three heads and six arms, and each head will release different energy attacks.

A tough opponent indeed.

It's just that in listening to the narration of the leader of the Gale Beast, it is obvious that he has no intention of going back to his original territory, but why does the system allow himself to help the Gale Beast regain his territory?

Is there any special place in the territory of the blast beast?

"Is there anything special about the place you lived in before?" Chen Tianhao asked.

"There seems to be no special place." The leader of the Gale Beast thought about it for a while, "I remember that there was a glowing thing on the mountain where we lived. Every night, that place would emit the same light as during the day. I don't know if that place is The special place you speak of."

Will it emit the same light as during the day?Could it be meteorite fragments?Chen Tianhao thought to himself.

Ever since he encountered a meteorite fragment when he was in Sea World, he has never encountered other fragments. He has almost forgotten about the meteorite fragments.

"Let's go over there and have a look." Chen Tianhao said happily.

"No." The Gale Beast shook his head.

What a joke, my clansmen finally escaped from that monster, and now going back, isn't this sending them to death?

Looking at the appearance of the Gale Beast, Chen Tianhao did not force it. With the existence of epic monsters, it is impossible to sneak a look at the light of the cliff.And it's on a cliff, even if I go there, I don't know if I can get it, and it may not be the meteorite fragment I thought.

The top priority now is to get ready and drive away the epic monsters.

Since the Gale Beast is allowed to live in its own territory, it is better for the two races to live together, one lives on the tree and the other lives on the ground, forming a complementarity.

Under the leadership of Chen Tianhao, the group returned to the territory.

Before I knew it, it was already getting dark.

The people hunting outside today did not hunt any prey. Fortunately, the electric scales usually store food, and they did not hunt for food for a day and a half, which did not affect the living standards of the electric scales.

The Electric Scale took out the food stored in the cave to entertain the Gale Beast.

More than 40 wind beasts are still in the storage range of the electric scale man.

A fire was lit and a new round of bonfire party started.

When the fire was lit, the Gale Beast had a commotion, thinking that the epic monster had invaded here again.

Fire has a natural awe for wild creatures.At present, no race except the electric scales can create flames by themselves, and of course those creatures that can use the energy of flames must be eliminated.

Chen Tianhao hurriedly explained to the other party, and then slowly settled down.

The electric scale man skillfully pierced the meat with the branches, and grilled it on the flames. This grilling action has already been deeply recorded in the electric scale man's body, forming the body's instinct.

The Gale Beast on the side followed suit, and also took branches to pierce the meat, and grilled it on the fire.

The leader of the Gale Beast was at the same fire with Chen Tianhao. He imitated Chen Tianhao's movements and started his own barbecue.

After grilling for a while, he saw that people around him were already eating. He also took out the meat skewers, and with his big mouth, he took a bite of the meat skewers.

The temperature of the freshly cooked meat skewers was still very high. When he took one bite, he felt that his mouth was going to be scalded, but he was reluctant to spit out the deliciousness in his mouth.

It smells so good, compared to the food I ate before, it's just rubbish.It's really good to be an ally with this electric scale man.How come there was no food like this before?He ate again.

And Chen Tianhao also quickly roasted a skewer of meat, he handed it to the leader of the Gale Beast next to him, "Try this skewer."

Galewind Beast Head had finished eating the meat skewers he had grilled, reached out to take the meat skewers, and bit the meat with big mouthfuls.

"Well, it's more delicious." He only felt an unusual smell of meat, which came from the tip of his tongue in his mouth and spread to his brain.Just now he thought he had eaten the most delicious food in the world, but compared with the meat skewers he took from Chen Tianhao, he realized that this is the most delicious food in the world.

While eating, he said, "Why is this so delicious? It's much more delicious than my baked ones."

Regardless of the fact that the meat skewers were burning his mouth, he wiped out the meat skewers all at once.

Chen Tianhao continued to grill the meat skewers, "You are not cooking evenly and it's not fully cooked. Just like me, keep turning the meat skewers, so that the meat skewers can be cooked more evenly." He kept rolling with his hands Looking at the meat skewers, "It will be even more delicious if there are cumin or other condiments. It seems that we need to find something to replace it."

The leader of the Gale Beast didn't know what cumin Chen Tianhao was talking about, he only knew that what he was eating now was already the most delicious food in the world.

Chen Tianhao handed the grilled meat skewers to the leader of the Gale Beast.

The leader of the Gale Beast took over and started to eat.

In this way, the two grilled each other and ate it alone, constantly grilling the skewers.

The other Gale Beasts, with the help of the Electric Scale Man, also staged this situation.

"I'm so full." The leader of the Gale Beast touched his huge belly with an unsatisfied expression on his face.The leader of the Gale Beast alone ate nearly two electric scales, but fortunately, the electric scales had enough food, so they were not afraid at all.

The other Gale Beasts also ate their bellies round, and this was the best food they had ever eaten.

The bonfire party ended with laughter and laughter.

The Gale Beast waved its wings with difficulty and returned to its new home.

Except for the patrolling personnel, the other electric scales also went back to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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