spore evolution

Chapter 65 The New Home of the Wind Beast

Chapter 65 The New Home of the Wind Beast
In this age without entertainment, they all went back to their places early to rest.

The moon is quietly climbing up to the starry sky, hanging in the sky of the earth, like a guard, reflecting the light of the sun on the earth, providing bright guidance for the creatures that move at night on the earth.

Both the Electric Scale Man and the Gale Beast are active during the day and sleep at night. Except for the patrols around, the rest of the personnel returned to their resting places early after the bonfire party.

The creatures near the electric scale man's territory all know that even at night, there are electric scale people around to warn them.

Nocturnal crocodiles, the first batch of creatures to evolve on land, belong to the side branch of giant crocodiles.The adult night owl crocodile is only half the size of the giant crocodile, which is about the same size as the current electric scale man.

The Electric Scale moves on its feet, while the Night Owl Crocodile walks on all fours like a giant crocodile.

The difference between a night owl crocodile and a crocodile is that, apart from the size, the biggest difference is that the night owl crocodile has two strange hard horns on its head, and its hard horns are similar to the whiskers of a cat. .

It is different from the ferocity of giant crocodiles.It may be that in the process of evolution, a very different situation has emerged. The night owl crocodile is very timid. When encountering other creatures during the day, it has already fled far away, especially when encountering upright walking creatures. Run as far as you can.

This has something to do with the electric scale people they met before. The night owl crocodile was not so timid at first.Among the first creatures to evolve, each had its own housekeeping skills.

Night owl crocodiles do not have the water ball attack of giant crocodiles, but their bite is strong enough to kill most creatures.

A long time ago, when Chen Tianhao led his team and successfully defeated the leader of the giant crocodile, the night cat crocodile didn't know what happened, thinking that the electric scale man was similar to other creatures.

A group of night cat crocodiles attacked the electric scale man at night, but unfortunately, he met the electric scale man.The electric scales have always kept the good habit left by Chen Tianhao. When they sleep at night, they arrange personnel to do patrol work.

If the night owl crocodile encounters other creatures, the sneak attack may still be effective, and the result of encountering the electric scale man can be imagined.

The electric scale man did not have Chen Tianhao's guidance, but at that time it was the time when the electric scale man was strong, and the energy attack and equipment made the night cat crocodile suffer a lot, only a few night cat alligators escaped in the chaos.

Since then, the night cat crocodile has developed a kind of fear of electric scale people and creatures that walk upright, and the timid character is probably also produced at that time.

The night cat crocodile is already considered the king of this area at night, but the fear of the electric scale people towards them has long been deeply imprinted in their minds, and they dare not come to the electric scale people's territory at all.

The night is very quiet, and occasionally the screams of some creatures can be heard. These are probably the result of the night owl crocodile's actions at night, but the screams are far away from the electric scale man's territory, and people resting in the territory can hardly hear them. Even if he heard it, it was only a vague sound. Besides, with the patrols around, he didn't have to worry about the attack of other creatures, and he slept peacefully. Chen Tianhao, who was resting in the cave, couldn't even hear these sounds.

Everyone went to sleep peacefully.

The Gale Beasts also slept very soundly on the tree, and occasionally some Gale Beasts even snored.

The Gale Beasts didn't sleep so peacefully at the beginning. After the invasion of epic monsters, they were forced to flee their homes and find new ones.Along the way, they were always in fear, afraid of encountering a powerful creature again and ruining the life of the entire race. When sleeping on the tree, they were even more afraid to fall asleep peacefully.

In fact, before the epic monsters invaded, they were also like the electric scales. In their own territory, they were not afraid of being attacked by other creatures at all, and could sleep easily and comfortably.

But everything has passed, and the Gale Beast has found a new home, seeing its allies, some personnel, patrolling below.On the way to escape, they slept so peacefully for the first time.

early morning.

The sun was already three poles above the sun, and there was another moon in the other direction.

Yes, this planet is not the earth where Chen Tianhao was in his previous life. There are two satellites revolving around the earth on this earth, so no matter it is day or night, the moon can be seen.

The sun shines through the leaves and shines on the face of the leader of the Gale Beast.

The leader of the Gale Beast woke up from his dreamland. He felt a sense of security that he had never had before. He got up and looked at the people who were still sleeping around him, "It's great. Although this place is still very simple, I believe that I can bring my people to do a better job." live."

He temporarily took over the power of the leader from the previous leader. For a while, he felt that he could not lead the people to a better life, especially when he met Chen Tianhao and the others again, he thought that his people were doomed.His thought at that time was very simple, that is to concentrate his strength to break through the electric scale man's position and flee to other places, so he concentrated his strength to attack Chen Tianhao.

He felt very lucky, "Fortunately, the leader of the Electric Scale didn't attack himself because of his attack. It's really lucky to have the Electric Scale as an ally."

Not long after the leader of the Gale Beast woke up, Chen Tianhao also woke up from the cave.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, he met the leader of Gale Wind who came to say hello.

The leader of the Gale Beast was full of energy, and said very happily: "Good morning, leader, that's it. I want to fix the place where our people live first, and I may have to trouble you these few days."

Because it was too urgent, the Gale Beast just found a relatively stable branch and went to sleep last night.It is said that it wants to change the living place, but in fact, the resting place of the wind beast is simply built with branches, and then paved with dead leaves to make a scribbled bird's nest.

"Do you need our help?" Chen Tianhao asked. After all, the life of the Gale Beast has a lot to do with his mission.

"That's really great, thank you leader for your help." The leader of the Gale Beast was very happy. He came here to ask Chen Tianhao for help. He never thought of how to say it. Now that Chen Tianhao proposed it, it couldn't be better.

"After helping you build it, can you take me to see your former territory? I want to meet that epic monster." Chen Tianhao wants to complete the side mission as soon as possible, and he can evolve himself faster by completing the mission early.

Hearing that Chen Tianhao still wanted to find the monster, the leader of the Gale Beast shook his head quickly, with a trace of fear in his eyes, "Don't go, that monster is too scary, just survive here outside." After a pause, he suddenly remembered What, looked at Chen Tianhao in surprise, "You won't let us live here, will you?"

"Then let's not go, let's help you build your 'home' first." Chen Tianhao replied.

He didn't give up the idea of ​​finding epic monsters because of the words of the leader of the Gale Beast.When forming an alliance with the Gale Beast yesterday, the leader of the Gale Beast told Chen Tianhao where their previous territory was.

Chen Tianhao plans to help the Gale Beast settle down first, and then find someone to find epic monsters by himself.

With a definite direction, the shape of the epic monster is in the forest, and it is difficult to cover it. As long as the opponent does not leave the old territory of the Gale Beast, it should not be difficult to find.

It would be even better if he left the old territory of Galewind Beast, and the task would be completed without any effort.

Chen Tianhao has great ambitions, he not only wants to drive away the epic monsters, he even wants to kill them in this mission.

At this stage, are epic monsters really that easy to kill?
Without thinking too much, he believed that the boat would go straight when it reached the bridge, and then there would be a solution.

(End of this chapter)

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