spore evolution

Chapter 70 Three-Headed Demon King

Chapter 70 The Three-Headed Demon King
Chen Tianhao saw that everyone ran towards him after getting up, so he quickly waved them to run back.

You know, his location is close to the edge of the cliff. If it is really an earthquake, this place will be a very dangerous place. On the contrary, the location they were just now is safer.

Seeing the leader of the Gale Beast being stunned, he didn't stand up for a while.

He hurried over to pull the leader of the Gale Beast. The leader of the Gale Beast was thrown a little badly. He tried hard to stand up, but he couldn't stand up all the time.

Time was running out, so Chen Tianhao pulled him from behind and ran back.

"Strange? Why is it all right after just shaking? Could it be just a small earthquake?"

After he ran for a short distance, he was already far away from the edge of the cliff. Even if there was an earthquake, this distance was enough to ensure their safety.

Chen Tianhao looked around, but nothing happened, there was only the sound of shortness of breath after running hastily, and besides that, there were the chirping sounds of some small animals that moved that night.


Just when Chen Tianhao thought it was an auditory hallucination, another loud noise came to his ears, and then he felt the mountain under his feet shake slightly.

I don't know the reason for the sound this time. Chen Tianhao felt that the sound was much quieter than the previous time, but the shaking of the mountain was about the same.

The degree of shaking of the mountain does not pose too much threat. Even if there is an earthquake, he believes that an earthquake of this degree will not hurt him.

He wanted to find out what happened in this situation.Why, there will be loud noises and vibrations. The shaking doesn't feel like an earthquake at all.

In the process of running, the leader of the Gale Beast had already recovered, felt the shaking of the mountain, and had already flown into the air.

Although Chen Tianhao wanted to find out the cause of the loud noise, he didn't easily run around, but stayed where he was and continued to wait.

After a period of time, Chen Tianhao discovered that every once in a while, there would be a loud noise, followed by a slight shaking of the mountain.

There was a loud noise, which was especially loud in the dead of night, but it did not cause any disturbances among the animals on this mountain.

From this point of view, the loud noise didn't happen just now, but it happened for a while. It may also be that when I went up the mountain, I didn't find any large creatures. Ring was frightened away.

Chen Tianhao has been carefully distinguishing the source of the loud noise, and finally found that the loud noise was uploaded from the edge of the cliff.

Strange, from the other side of the cliff?
Somehow, he remembered the epic monster lying at the bottom of the mountain, and told him directly that the epic monster didn't die, it was just resting there.

Taking advantage of the gap between the loud noises, he cautiously approached the edge of the cliff.

Looking down, I could only see that the epic monster was climbing up from the bottom of the mountain with all its hands and feet.

At this point, the epic monster has already climbed quite a distance, and it seems to be almost a quarter of its height.When the epic monster was resting at the bottom of the mountain, Chen Tianhao relied on his own eyes, unable to see the whole picture of the opponent.Now, he was able to vaguely see the appearance of the other party.

As the epic monster climbed up, its appearance gradually became clear in Chen Tianhao's eyes.

Chen Tianhao finally saw clearly the appearance of the epic monster, it was indeed as the leader of the Gale Beast said, three heads and six arms.

Epic-level monsters have pitch-black scales covering their entire body. The head in the middle is a head like a giant python. There are two other heads on both sides of the head. These two heads are a bit different from the head in the middle. Similarly, these two heads are like evil spirits from hell, with a mouth full of blood, and a row of sharp teeth can be seen.Even if this head can't release "magic skills", just relying on his sharp teeth is enough to be invincible.

At both ends of the monster's body, there are three thick hands. At this time, these three hands are clasping the gaps in the mountain wall, and they are climbing up with all their strength.

At this time, the epic monster gave Chen Tianhao the feeling that it was just a relatively large and strange creature, and he didn't feel the fear mentioned by the leader of the Gale Beast.

He used the system's built-in appraiser to observe epic monsters, and the opponent's information appeared in front of his eyes instantly.

Name: Three-headed Demon King

Level: epic monster
life value:? ? ? (The authenticator level is too low to authenticate, please upgrade the authenticator.)
attack:? ? ? (The authenticator level is too low to authenticate, please upgrade the authenticator.)
speed:? ? ? (The authenticator level is too low to authenticate, please upgrade the authenticator.)
Introduction: ? ? ? (The authenticator level is too low to authenticate, please upgrade the authenticator.)
Seeing such a simple message, Chen Tianhao couldn't help but secretly scolded the system for cheating. He only gave it a name, and it's not as detailed as his own observation.

But it also gave him a message, that is, the three-headed demon king is not a simple creature, just like the worm nest he encountered in the ocean age, the opponent's strength must far exceed his own.

However, he believed in himself, and it was not that he had no chance at all. The teamwork made him understand that the ability of teamwork far exceeds the strength of a single person. Using the ability of teamwork well can defeat creatures that are stronger than himself.

Epic-level monster: the three-headed demon king is struggling to crawl towards the light source.

This is already the three-headed demon king. I don't know how many times he has moved towards the light source. Since he passed by here a few days ago, he found that there is the same light that makes him feel very comfortable here. Chased away.

In his evolutionary career, he had encountered such light several times. He didn't know what that luminous object was, but he knew that as long as he got it, his strength would be greatly improved.

Originally, he was just a very ordinary creature, like most ordinary creatures, with one head and four limbs.

Until one time, when he was drinking water in a stream, he accidentally fell down. He couldn't swim at that time, and the stream was very fast. After struggling for a while, he sank into the stream and passed out.In the rushing stream, he once thought that his life would end there.

When he woke up, he found himself in a cave, where he could still hear the sound of the stream, and he judged that he was still in a cave by the stream.

Beside him was a stone with faint light. He stretched out his hand to touch the stone, and the stone disappeared along his hand, but he felt that his originally weak body had become weaker in a short time. Much stronger, and escaped from the cave very easily.

He vaguely knew that he became stronger because of that glowing stone.

When he met the luminous stone again and touched the stone with his hands again, he turned from a creature walking on all fours to walking upright, and one hand turned into three hands. At first he was very panicked, but he Discovering this change brought him more power, and he was no longer afraid.

From then on, he specifically searched for this kind of glowing stone, because he was very convinced that it was this kind of stone that brought him incomparably powerful power, turning him from a very ordinary creature into a creature that any creature would have. A creature that cannot be ignored.

So far, even the most powerful creature can't last a round in his hands.

He has been walking without direction. Every time he goes to a place, it causes a great panic for the local creatures. Fortunately, his main purpose is to look for glowing creatures, only when he is hungry or the opponent attacks him. , he will shoot at the opponent.

This time he passed by the Gale Beast's territory and discovered the existence of this luminous stone. At that time, the light was not so strong during the day, but he still felt the light that made him stronger.

So immediately turned around and headed in this direction, and why the Gale Beast was attacked was mainly because the Gale Beast thought it was the overlord of this area at that time, and launched their attack brazenly.

The three-headed demon king never held back the creatures that blocked his way. Under the attack of the three-headed demon king, the Gale Beast suffered a tragedy.

Later, when Chen Tianhao encountered the Gale Beast, it was because the three-headed demon king was in a hurry to find the stone, so he didn't pay much attention to the fleeing Gale Beast, otherwise the Gale Beast might be wiped out.

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(End of this chapter)

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