spore evolution

Chapter 71 Rock Climbing

Chapter 71 Rock Climbing

The light encountered this time is the brightest light the three-headed demon king has encountered since he obtained the luminous stone, and it is also the most difficult light to obtain.

Since he discovered this luminous stone a few days ago, he has been working hard to obtain the luminous stone.

In the past few days, apart from eating and sleeping, he was looking for the glowing stones on the mountain here. The difficulties caused by the cliffs were far beyond his imagination.

Because the luminous stone is on the mountainside, when the three-headed devil found the luminous stone, he immediately climbed up from the bottom of the mountain.

Before the three-headed demon king climbed a few steps, the rocks on the cliff could hardly support his huge weight, so he fell down from the cliff.

I just climbed a few steps, but I haven't climbed much. Falling down from this height basically didn't hurt the three-headed demon king.

Get up and climb up again.

The rocks on the cliff were overwhelmed again, and the three-headed demon king fell from above again.

Once, twice, three times.

As the three-headed demon king continued to adjust his direction, the height of each climb he climbed was constantly increasing, and he was constantly approaching the glowing stone. Looking at the fragments and new peelings around the bottom of the mountain, as well as the traces on the cliff, it can be found that he has already I don't know how many times I have climbed here.

However, with the rising height of the three-headed demon king, his thick body can no longer be as unscathed as it was at the beginning.

But fortunately, the light emitted by the stone has the ability to recover from injuries. In this way, when he was seriously injured, he would rest at the bottom of the mountain. Under the light, he could always recover quickly. , and then climb to which mountain again.

This time, he regained his physical strength again, and with the help of six arms, he was able to pass very quickly on a section of the road at the bottom of the mountain.

He looked up at the glowing stone that was not far above his head, and he believed that he would be able to touch that stone in a short time.

He didn't think about how to buckle the glowing stone at all. His past experience told him that as long as he touched the glowing stone with his body, his strength would be greatly improved.

When the three-headed demon king was climbing up, Chen Tianhao appeared on the top of the cliff. Because of the light above his head, the three-headed demon king did not notice the existence of Chen Tianhao.

Maybe even if he found out, the three-headed demon king didn't care about it. In his career, he had killed countless creatures of Chen Tianhao's size. His current goal was only the glowing stone on top of his head.

At this time, the three-headed demon king was groping carefully on top of his head with his hands, hoping to find a stone that could support his body.

He didn't dare to attack the cliff above with an energy attack. He still couldn't control the amount of energy. Too much energy would only cause a large piece of rock to fall from the top. He had used this method before. Sections of the road become more difficult to climb.


A stone fell from above and hit the head of the three-headed demon king. It turned out that the three-headed demon king tried to pull the stone with his hands. The stone was not strong enough and rolled down from above.

The three-headed demon king touched the cliffs around his head. The cliffs were covered with moss, and there was no place on his head where his hands could reach.

With the help of the light, there is a relatively prominent place not far above his arm, which is the only place where he can drop his hand, and he can only reach it by jumping.

The three-headed demon king found a good posture, kicked his feet hard, and the stone under his feet was actually kicked off by him. Under the force of his legs, his huge body quickly lifted up.


One hand of the three-headed demon king successfully reached the stone on the cliff.


Before the three-headed demon king was happy for a while, the stone was overwhelmed. Starting from that stone, a large piece of stone fell off the cliff.

Under the gravity of the planet, the three-headed demon king began to fall at an accelerated rate. It may be that the three-headed demon king has become accustomed to this state, and did not make a cry during the fall.


The huge body of the three-headed demon king made the most intimate contact with the earth, and a loud noise was heard, and even the nearby mountain was shaken by the huge collision.

Chen Tianhao stared dumbfounded at the falling three-headed demon king. He never thought that this was the reason for the loud noise and shaking.

The three-headed demon king who fell to the ground sat up, rested on the spot for a while, and began to climb up the mountain again.

"I'll go, do you want to be so fierce?" Chen Tianhao was stunned.

The three-headed demon king fell from the middle of the mountain and touched the ground, which was the culprit for the loud noise and the shaking of the mountain. He had already believed it, but what he couldn't believe was that the other party just took a rest for a while, and then started his attack again. mountain climbing action.

Although the three-headed demon king has a huge body, the position he was just now was almost 300 meters away. If he fell from that height, he might not die or be seriously injured.

The defense of the three-headed demon king far exceeded Chen Tianhao's expectations. Chen Tianhao already suspected that he had vowed to kill him before.

Now it looks like a joke.

I'm afraid that I can't even break through the opponent's defense. How can I cause damage to the opponent, let alone kill the opponent.

It really was an epic monster. Compared with him, the leader of the giant crocodile he met before was nothing compared to him.

In fact, the defense of the three-headed demon king was not as Chen Tianhao thought.

The three-headed demon king who fell from the sky was not unscathed, no scars could be seen on the outside, but his internal organs were damaged a lot by the shock, but under the effect of the light, his internal organs were recovering at an accelerated rate. And as long as the three-headed demon king does not affect his actions, he will continue his mountain-climbing action.

So the current state of the three-headed demon king is not very good, at least not as good as Chen Tianhao imagined.

Chen Tianhao watched the movements of the three-headed demon king, and understood that the target of the three-headed demon king was also the meteorite fragment halfway up the mountain.

Now that he had put away the idea of ​​killing the three-headed demon king from his mind, he had only one remaining purpose, and that was the meteorite fragments halfway up the mountain.

At the beginning, he still had a certain mentality towards the meteorite fragments halfway up the mountain, but when he saw the three-headed demon king's obsession with the meteorite fragments, his determination to obtain them suddenly hung up again.

Especially when the three-headed demon king was at the bottom of the mountain, there was no obstacle, the smooth cliffs seemed to be no obstacle to him, and the three-headed demon king suddenly surpassed the general distance of the last rock climbing.

The distance behind, under the proficient rock climbing of the three-headed demon king, also quickly reached the position of the last failure, but the last time he failed, the stepping stone was also removed, and he had to find a new way up the mountain beside him. path.

Seeing that the three-headed demon king was finally stuck, Chen Tianhao felt relieved.

He left the edge of the cliff and ran towards the mountainside. On the top of the mountain, his consciousness was limited and he couldn't see the specific situation very accurately. He was going to go halfway up the mountain to observe the specific situation.

(End of this chapter)

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