spore evolution

Chapter 72 Investigation

Chapter 72 Investigation
After climbing to the top of the mountain, encountering the shaking of the mountain body, and observing the rock climbing of the three-headed devil king, the sky has already dawned.

A trace of white had already appeared in the east, and the originally pitch-black top of the mountain could already faintly see the surrounding situation.

Taking advantage of the morning sun, Chen Tianhao quickly ran towards the halfway up the mountain along the road just up the mountain. Others saw Chen Tianhao's movements and didn't know what happened, so they also ran over with Chen Tianhao.

Going down the mountain is much easier than going up the mountain. In order to save the energy of consciousness, Chen Tianhao didn't use the energy of consciousness for vision when going down the mountain.

At this time, the sky had already started to turn pale, and even without conscious energy, his speed was much faster than when he went up the mountain. When Chen Tianhao rushed from the top of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, there was no loud noise. The head demon king is still climbing on the cliff because Chen Tianhao's speed is too fast.

Chen Tianhao roughly measured the distance from where he saw the three-headed demon king fall, and when he reached a similar position, he searched in the direction of the cliff.


On Chen Tianhao's way to the mountainside, another loud noise came from the bottom of the mountain.Then there was a violent shaking, at this time Chen Tianhao's position was closer to the epicenter than when he was on the top of the mountain.

The shaking was far more violent than the top of the mountain, causing Chen Tianhao to fall to the ground all of a sudden, and the others were not much better, they were all shaken to this side, and the leader of the Gale Beast flying above them dodged.

There was no loud noise just now, Chen Tianhao still felt a little worried, worried that the meteorite fragments would be taken away by the three-headed demon king.

Hearing the loud noise, Chen Tianhao felt relieved, sat on the ground and laughed involuntarily.

Chen Tianhao's laughter stunned Chen Yi and the others. They didn't understand why Chen Tianhao fell down and started laughing instead.

Chen Tianhao stood up, looked at the puzzled eyes of Chen Yi and the others, did not explain much, and walked over to the cliff at a faster speed.

After half an hour's journey, Chen Tianhao and the others finally arrived not far from the cliff, and the sky was completely bright at this time.In the early morning, the fog inside the mountain is relatively thick today. From this position, the top of the mountain that has just come down can no longer be seen at all, and the top of the mountain has been covered by fog.

From the position Chen Tianhao came to, he couldn't directly see the situation of the cliff, and he needed a turning distance to be able to see it.But the distance of such a turn hinders Chen Tianhao from moving forward, because there is no road in front of him, and it belongs to a section of cliff. The width of this section of cliff is not as wide as that of the three-headed devil climbing rock, only about ten or so. rice.

Fortunately, the distance is only about ten meters, which is not too far away.

Chen Tianhao released his conscious energy and stretched towards the cliff. With the help of his conscious energy, he finally saw the three-headed demon king who was climbing the rock.

The three-headed demon king has climbed up to the original falling height again. Unlike the scene seen on the top of the mountain, the consciousness energy is equivalent to Chen Tianhao's eyes, and they are 360-degree eyes.

Chen Tianhao was able to see the situation of the three-headed devil very clearly. The dark scales covered the body of the three-headed devil. The huge body combined with the dark scales, and the three heads that came back like hell, created an extremely terrifying and dangerous situation. The breath rushed over.This terrifying aura was not aimed at Chen Tianhao, but was emitted naturally.

Facing the aura coming towards him, Chen Tianhao almost couldn't help but withdrew his consciousness energy, tried his best to control the energy of consciousness, withstood the terrifying aura, and continued to observe the situation of the three-headed demon king.

Because there was light on the top of his head, and the energy of his consciousness was also extremely powerful, after withstood the pressure, he found that the three-headed demon king was not what he had imagined before, falling from the sky without any injuries.

He observed that the scales on the back of the three-headed demon king were covered with soil at the bottom of the mountain, and there were some bright red blood stains beside the soil, and some scales were also stained with a lot of blood. It was just an injury.

It seems that the three-headed demon king is not invincible, but can also be injured.

When Chen Tianhao was observing, the three-headed demon king seemed to sense Chen Tianhao's existence, and turned his head to look at Chen Tianhao's position. Chen Tianhao, who had been focusing on observing the three-headed demon king, was startled by the sudden stare, and even controlled The energy of consciousness trembled.

At this time, the three-headed demon king had come to the place where he fell again, and he had to change his rock-climbing position after falling twice in succession. At this time, he was carefully moving to the side, and the position he moved was exactly Chen Tianhao here.

After finding a new position, the three-headed demon king successfully broke through the place that had been blocking him just now under his strong arms.

"Phew, I'm scared to death. I was just looking for a place to climb. I thought he could feel the existence of consciousness energy." Chen Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Consciousness energy has been his sharp weapon since the single-cell era. Although he is not so arrogant that only he can use conscious energy, so far, he has not encountered any creature that can feel conscious energy, let alone encountered to creatures capable of using the energy of consciousness.

But this time, it was also a reminder to Chen Tianhao that consciousness energy is not omnipotent, and he should pay attention to the surrounding situation when using it.

The three-headed demon king ignored Chen Tianhao, and besides, he didn't know Chen Tianhao's existence. After passing the position just now, the position behind was actually much easier, and he climbed a lot of distance at once. Already less than 100 meters away from the meteorite fragments.

When Chen Tianhao saw the situation of the three-headed demon king, he was secretly anxious, "It seems that it is too late to go back to the Gale Beast for help, and we have to think of other ways."

His original plan was to come to the mountainside first to see the rock climbing situation of the three-headed demon king, and if there was time, he would return to the territory first.Find a few Gale Beasts to take him down to find meteorite fragments. A Gale Beast can't take him. If there are a few Gale Beasts, there is no problem.

Now he encountered a rather bad situation. Going back to the territory from here, even if the leader of the Gale Beast flew with all his strength, he didn't need to run on the ground, but walked the shortest direct distance in the sky. It would probably take more than half a day to go back and forth.

The three-headed demon king is climbing steadily on the cliff. With its huge body and super long arms, it is impossible for ordinary creatures to reach the distance. On the three-headed demon king's side, it only needs to be gently buckled.The main thing that stops the three-headed demon king is whether the rocks on the cliff can support his huge weight. After all, like before, there are too few places where there is no place to attack the whole area.

Chen Tianhao observed the condition of the stones in the remaining distance of the three-headed demon king. The distance between the stones on top was not far away, and the three-headed demon king could basically reach them, and those stones seemed to be relatively stable. I am afraid that it would not take too long. The head demon king will be able to get the meteorite fragments.

Originally, he had two plans, one was to use the Gale Beast to bring him to the side of the meteorite fragments, and the other was to use the rope to slowly descend to the position of the meteorite fragments by himself.

When he was resting last night, he still wanted to get the meteorite fragments after all the preparations were complete, but now the action of the three-headed demon king put him under great pressure, and he didn't want to lose the meteorite fragments just like this.

Now he plans to walk in two steps at the same time. On the one hand, let the leader of the Gale Beast go back to the territory and find a few more adult Gale Beasts, while he himself is here to harass the rock-climbing movements of the three-headed demon king. They found some vines and made some ropes so that when the Gale Beast came, they could take him to get the meteorite fragments first.

Now his main goal is how to get the meteorite fragments first, and as for the task of assisting the Gale Beast, he temporarily put it aside.

(End of this chapter)

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