Chapter 75
The [-] Gale Beasts flew at their full strength, at an extremely fast speed, across the sky like lightning.

The wind blown by the Gale Beast's full-fledged flight lifted up all the small rocks on the top of the mountain, making Chen Tianhao's face ache, and Chen Tianhao had to cover his face with his hands.

From Chen Tianhao's discovery of the black spot in the sky to the moment when all the Galewind Beasts stood firmly in front of him, it took only a short while.

The leader of the Gale Beast stood in front of Chen Tianhao, panting heavily, and then took a few deep breaths, "Leader, fortunately, I have brought half of the Gale Beast."

The long-term extreme rush made the leader of the Gale Beast feel that his lungs were about to explode, and the other Gale Beasts were not much better, breathing the air of the mountain one by one.

Chen Tianhao looked at the appearance of the Gale Beast and the others, and knew that it was really difficult for the other party, especially the leader of the Gale Beast. Others only ran once, but he ran twice. He comforted: "Don't talk, hurry up and rest for a while .”

Although he wanted to get the meteorite fragments as soon as possible, but the situation of the Gale Beast could not bring him to the meteorite fragments.

I'd better rest and recover my strength first, besides, I have prepared stones. If the three-headed devil climbs up again, just continue to attack with stones.

Chen Tianhao didn't expect the leader of the Gale Beasts to be so loyal. Originally, he had sent ten Gale Beasts here, which was already over budget, but now there are twenty Gale Beasts, which is nearly half of the population of their race.

It seems that I really need to help him more in the future, such a reliable ally is not uncommon.

In fact, Chen Tianhao is only one ally, there is no second ally at all.

Taking advantage of the rest time of the blast beasts, Chen Tianhao wove the processed vines into a net. Originally, he simply wanted the blast beasts to grab the vines, and then he grabbed the vines and went down to get meteorite fragments. Now the number of blast beasts has increased. Of course, weaving a net, he sits on the net, and it is better for them to grasp the net.

If it was just weaving the net, the amount of vines obtained just now was not enough, so Chen Tianhao took Chen Er and the others down to get some more.

Chen Er and the others are already familiar with the way, and they quickly cleaned up the vines.

When Chen Tianhao was weaving the rattan net, he took the time to observe the condition of the three-headed demon king, and found that the three-headed demon king was lying at the bottom of the mountain without moving, just like last night.

"It's better if there's no movement, so I don't have to keep moving the stones."

Chen Tianhao quickly wove the vine net with the vines, he simply wove a simple net with the vines intersecting each other.

He picked up the rattan net, felt the weight of the lower rattan net, and found that the weight of the rattan net was much heavier than expected. He had to hug it hard to hold the woven rattan net, which weighed about 200 catties.

"I'll go, it seems too heavy, plus my own words, the Gale Beast has to bear two of its own weight." Chen Tianhao was secretly surprised.

Fortunately, there are more Blizzard Beasts coming this time. Chen Tianhao adapted the rattan net and reserved places around the vine net for the Blizzard Beasts to grab.

Chen Tianhao saw that the Gale Beasts around him had basically recovered their normal breathing, and waved to the leader of the Gale Beasts: "It's not too late, let's get the meteorite fragments first."

Although the three-headed demon king is still resting at the bottom of the mountain, who knows when he will get up, the sooner the better for this kind of treasure taking.

Sitting in the middle of the rattan net, Chen Tianhao said to the Gale Beast: "Each of you, each hold a position, let's try the feeling first."

Chen Tianhao directed Blast Beast to grab the originally allocated points around the vine net, and explained to Blast Beast how to do it.He didn't dare to fly directly to get the meteorite fragments, he first tried to fly on the top of the mountain, after all, it was the first time for them to get this thing, and it was also the first time for Chen Tianhao.

The meteorite fragments were at an altitude of several hundred meters. If Chen Tianhao fell from such a height, he would only turn into a pool of meatloaf. He did not have the defensive ability of the three-headed demon king.

It doesn't matter that Chen Tianhao is dead, after all he can be resurrected after death, what's important is that he will be reborn on other electric scales after death, the fragment of the meteorite has gone for a long time.

He first asked each Gale Beast to confirm the location of the meteorite fragments under the leadership of the Gale Beast leader. The meteorite fragments would emit a dazzling light, and it was necessary for the Gale Beasts to get used to it, so as not to wait until they were next to the meteorite fragments. ACCIDENT.

"Three, two, one, take off."

Under Chen Tianhao's command, the first take-off work began.

The Gale Beast immediately flapped its wings and flew up.

It's just that they are used to only grabbing some relatively small objects with their sharp claws, and suddenly they directly grabbed such a heavy object.

Chen Tianhao, who was sitting in the center, instantly lost his balance and fell to the right.

Seeing this, the Gale Beast flying in the air quickly stopped.

The first test flight failed.

Chen Tianhao summed up the reasons for this failure, "It is still acceptable for the vine to add its own weight to the Gale Beast. The main reason is that the take-off time is not consistent enough and the strength is inconsistent, which leads to the imbalance of the vine net."

Chen Tianhao told the Gale Beast some precautions again, and then encouraged them: "It's okay, let's continue, we will definitely succeed."

"Three, two, one, take off."

The second take-off work started with Chen Tianhao's order.

This time, the Gale Beasts performed better. Although there were some Gale Beasts who grabbed the beat and flew away, they were all scattered around. It turned out that Chen Tianhao had scattered the first batch of Gale Beasts around.

Sitting in the middle, Chen Tianhao only felt a loss of balance, and then returned to normal.

"Very good, hold on." Chen Tianhao said excitedly.

However, before Chen Tianhao was happy, he fell from the height of one meter, and fell to the top of the mountain together with the Gale Beast.

This time, it was because the number of Gale Beasts was too large and too dense, making it impossible for the Gale Beasts to spread their wings and fly.

In this way, Chen Tianhao had to reduce the number of Gale Beasts, and then lengthened the length of the rattan net around it, leaving only enough space in the middle for Chen Tianhao to sit alone.

Chen Tianhao kept changing the way of the rattan net, constantly changing the way the Gale Beast took off, and finally found a stable way.

"Three, two, one, take off."

The eighth takeoff test begins.

The eight Gale Beasts flapped their wings and flew upwards while giving orders.

After many experiments, they have mastered the take-off time and take-off force very proficiently.

I saw that Chen Tianhao, who was sitting in the middle, slowly rose into the air and stabilized at a height of 2 meters.

Chen Tianhao didn't dare to be happy, but continued to let the Gale Beast and the others stabilize in the air. After they stabilized for about 5 minutes, he finally confirmed that the test flight was successful.

Chen Tianhao hurriedly asked Gale Beast to put him down. The long-time experiment made them a little tired, so they rested on the top of the mountain and prepared for the final flight, the target - meteorite fragments.

(End of this chapter)

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