spore evolution

Chapter 76 Meteorite Fragments

Chapter 76 Meteorite Fragments (Yellow)

After coming back from Gale Beast, another half day has passed.

Chen Tianhao has been paying attention to the three-headed demon king at the bottom of the mountain. The three-headed demon king has not moved, and is still lying quietly at the bottom of the mountain.

He didn't know how long it would take for the three-headed devil to take a break, but the fact that the three-headed devil didn't move was mostly beneficial to him.

If the three-headed devil is still climbing, although he is not afraid of the three-headed devil, it will cause unnecessary troubles.

The meteorite fragments are so far away from the three-headed demon king, so he is not afraid of his energy attack, but Chen Tianhao heard that the three-headed demon king released a special sonic attack, which is a troublesome thing to prevent the wind beast from flying.

The Gale Beast has always been afraid of the three-headed demon king, so the three-headed demon king has been lying at the bottom of the mountain without moving, which is the best choice.

The leader of the Gale Beast came over and said, "Leader, let's rest."

"Okay, let's get started."

Chen Tianhao once again sat in the middle of the rattan net, and the several Gale Beasts who had just successfully tested their flight had already taken their positions beside them.

"Three, two, one, take off."

The final flight, finally started on call.

The eight Gale Beasts held onto the rattan net steadily and flew towards the edge of the cliff. In order to maintain balance, the Gale Beasts did not fly fast.

Gradually, Chen Tianhao was led out of the cliff by the Gale Beast.

Chen Tianhao, who was taken up into the sky, tightly held on to the vines, tightly closed his eyes, not daring to look down.

Don't look at how brave he looked when he was on the top of the mountain just now, that's because on the top of the mountain, the highest height during the test flight was only 2 meters, and nothing would happen if he fell.

It's different now. It's outside the cliff, and the bottom is more than 1000 meters below the mountain. If you fall, you will be smashed to pieces.

Chen Tianhao felt that all the muscles in his body were tense, and his blood seemed to cool down. The feeling of leaving his feet off the ground was uncomfortable. "I don't know if I had a fear of heights before, but now I feel terrible."

"Come on, you can do it, now it's a preview, and you can fly with your own wings in the future." Chen Tianhao secretly encouraged himself.

He slowly opened his eyes, not daring to look down at first, but usually looking forward.

The speed of the Gale Beast is not fast. Now that Chen Tianhao has just gone out of the cliff for a while, Chen Tianhao can still see Chen Er and the others staying on the top of the mountain. They are lazily lying on the grass on the top of the mountain. It is estimated that they are exhausted during this period of time. Find a time to hurry up rest.

Chen Tianhao found that the situation was not as dire as he had imagined. Occasionally, there would be a gust of breeze, which brought a burst of refreshment to the hot noon.

Looking around, there are mountains all around, and the mountains are covered with a large green forest, occasionally mixed with other colors.

He cast his gaze down, and suddenly a feeling of dizziness hit his brain, and he felt like his heart was about to jump out.

Chen Tianhao quickly stabilized his mood. After he stabilized, he found that being in the sky was not that scary. He even found it very exciting.

It feels like playing those exciting games in the playground. When I am not playing, it feels very scary. When I really get on it, I feel like playing crazy, and the time for playing feels like it is over.

Of course, not everyone feels this way, and some people are really not used to this kind of exciting game, so there are special regulations in the playground, so that people who are not suitable can not play this kind of exciting game.

Chen Tianhao belonged to the former type of person. At the beginning, he was terrified to death, but when he started playing, he was crazier than anyone else.

After adapting to the feeling of the sky, the occasional gust of wind, combined with the beautiful scenery around him, made Chen Tianhao feel like shouting out loud.

However, when he saw the motionless three-headed demon king below, he still consciously closed his mouth. He didn't want to wake up the other party because of his shouting and cause trouble for himself. Now the primary goal is to get it as soon as possible. Meteorite fragments.

The speed of the Gale Beast is very slow, but it is also very stable, but no matter how slow it is, it will reach its destination sometime.

No, after a period of flying, the Gale Beast finally brought Chen Tianhao to the vicinity of the meteorite fragments.

During the time of flying while holding onto Chen Tianhao, the Gale Beasts were exhausted.

They have never done such a thing before, if they want to be stable, they cannot go fast, and if they go fast, they will lose their balance, so such a short distance makes the Gale Beasts feel faster than flying here from the electric scale man's territory. How tired.

Anyway, finally arrived at the destination.

"Fly over there."

When they arrived near the meteorite fragments, although it was already noon, the rays of the meteorite fragments were like the sun in the sky. The rays of light made Chen Tianhao and the others unable to open their eyes. Everyone turned their heads away to avoid directly facing the meteorite fragments.

Chen Tianhao directly closed his eyes, replaced his eyes with consciousness, and radiated it forward. Sometimes consciousness is more useful than eyes. Under the influence of consciousness, it can directly penetrate most substances and replace the function of eyes.

Chen Tianhao could see that the exposed part was a yellow meteorite fragment the size of a basketball, which was just inlaid on the mountain.

With the help of Chen Tianhao's consciousness, he directed the Gale Beast to approach the meteorite fragments slowly.

As he slowly approached the meteorite fragments, Chen Tianhao felt that his fatigue was passing away rapidly, and his physical strength was rapidly improving, and the Gale Beast and the others were also recovering their physical strength quickly after being half exhausted.

"Okay, fly a little further, it will be ready soon."

Chen Tianhao grabbed the vines beside him with his left hand to stabilize his body, and stretched his right hand forward as hard as he could. He knew that as long as he touched the meteorite fragments, he could get it.

The Gale Beast flew with its head sideways to avoid the light shining directly into its eyes, so the following short journey did not cooperate so tacitly, resulting in a little bumps.

The Gale Beasts heard Chen Tianhao's instructions, and immediately flew forward in coordination. Even if Chen Tianhao stretched his arms, they were just a little short of the distance.

Seeing that the Gale Beast had been unable to get through, Chen Tianhao stood up with all his strength, grasped the vine tightly with his left hand, leaned his whole body towards the direction of the meteorite fragments, and finally touched his target—the meteorite fragments with his right hand.

"Congratulations on getting a meteorite fragment (yellow)."


It was too late for Chen Tianhao to check the system prompts, because of his action just now, his whole body was tilted towards the cliff, the original balance was broken, and two Gale Beasts that were very close together collided with Chen Tianhao on the cliff.

After being confused for a while, the Gale Beasts grabbed onto the vines tightly. The vine net that Chen Tianhao temporarily made was of good quality and did not fall apart. With the efforts of the Gale Beasts, the balance was slowly restored.

"Yeah, it worked." Chen Tianhao calmed down his excitement. On the smooth cliff in front of him, a hole the size of a basketball appeared, and there was an empty space inside that was the size of a small room.

"I thought the meteorite fragments were the size of a basketball, but I didn't expect that there was something else inside."

The Gale Beasts flew to the top of the mountain with Chen Tianhao. They didn't need to keep their balance. With the help of meteorite fragments, they recovered a lot of physical strength, and they flew up at a height of several hundred meters.

(End of this chapter)

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