spore evolution

Chapter 77 The Great Harvest

Chapter 77 The Great Harvest

Chen Tianhao, who returned to the top of the mountain, hurriedly checked the system records. Just now, he only noticed that he had obtained a piece of meteorite, which seemed to be of yellow grade.

"According to Brother Tianhua's previous explanation, meteorite fragments are divided into white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, and purple. Yellow meteorite fragments are already medium-grade, and a piece of white-grade meteorite fragments obtained before is extremely high. The benefits have brought a lot of help to my own race, and this one is probably even more remarkable."

Chen Tianhao opened the system record with excitement.

"Congratulations on getting a meteorite fragment (yellow)."

"Congratulations on obtaining the brain (level three) exchange qualification."

"Congratulations on obtaining the super nerve exchange qualification."

"Congratulations on getting the super bone exchange qualification."

Looking at the system records, Chen Tianhao felt that he was about to faint, it was dizziness from excitement.

Meteorite fragments are meteorite fragments, and the rewards are really rich.

He didn't expect to be qualified to exchange for a third-level brain here. You must know that the second-level brain of his race has just been assembled, and he thought it would take a while to get it.

The other two rewards are also quite good, super nerves, super bones, it sounds like a very good component, how weak can it be to match the super.

"But it's a pity that they are all exchange qualifications. When I really exchange them, I have to work hard to earn points. The system is really stingy, why doesn't it just give it directly."

Although Chen Tianhao was complaining about the inhumanity of the system, he was still grinning from ear to ear. He knew that the system had no human feelings to speak of. If there were human feelings, he would not let him develop from the single-cell era directly.

The leader of Gale Beast looked at Chen Tianhao strangely. He didn't understand why Chen Tianhao sat on the spot and laughed. He didn't care so much. He rested quietly on the trunk. When he was resting, he always liked to find the biggest tree. tree stay and rest on it.

Chen Tianhao also ignored everyone's reactions, but continued to pay attention to the system's prompts.

The redemption qualifications have been obtained, and the rest will see how many points they need to redeem. It can only be seen, and it will be miserable if they can't be used.

Name: Brain (Level [-])

Exchange points: 100000 points

Explanation: The third-level brain is already a relatively advanced existence in the biological stage. The creatures with the third-level brain can already start to think deeply, have higher intelligence, and have stronger learning ability.The third-level brain is worth having in the biological age. You don’t need 100 million points, you don’t need 50 points, you only need [-] points, and you can take it home. What are you waiting for, come here to exchange for a third-level brain for your race.

"Deep thinking? Higher wisdom? Strong learning ability? It seems that it is really a very good thing, and the brain is still at the top of the list that needs to be exchanged."

Name: Super Nervous

Exchange points: 25000 points

Explanation: Super nerves allow you to have a unique perception. Super nerves allow you to have sensitivity beyond ordinary people. With other super systems, you can obtain even more outstanding abilities. Super nerves are an indispensable part of the evolutionary path. System components, as long as 25000 points, you deserve it.

Name: Super Skeleton

Exchange points: 25000 points

Description: Super bones, let you have super hard bones, are you still afraid that you will not be able to beat other creatures?Super Bones, your best bet.Still afraid of falling from a height and getting injured?Super Skeleton, your faithful companion.Super bones, combined with other super systems, make your abilities even better.Dude, what are you waiting for?As long as 25000 points, you have superhuman bones.

"Super nerves, super bones, both seem to be good things, but it is also a headache to redeem points."

Chen Tianhao didn't want to give up on the two hard-earned super systems. What he wanted to exchange now was the three rewards given by the meteorite fragments plus the rewards from the previous alliance. There were a total of five components that needed to be exchanged.

Brain (Level 100000): [-] points

Super nerve: 25000 points

Super Bones: 25000 points

Meat wings: 50000 points

Talon: 5000 points

Adding up the five things requires a full 205000 points, which is not a small amount at all. If the claws are excluded, it still needs 200000 points, which is not much different at all.

Look at the points you have now: 63000 points, which is still a long way from 200000 points.

"This is still the points given for completing the general tasks. It is not easy to get the points. It seems that we have to complete the tasks quickly." Chen Tianhao couldn't help sighing.

After getting the meteorite fragments, he became more serious about completing the task of assisting the Gale Beast. Now Chen Tianhao urgently needed points, so he set his sights on the three-headed demon king at the bottom of the mountain.


Chen Tianhao, who was thinking about how to complete the task, was interrupted by the rumbling sound of his stomach. It has been a day and a night since he set off yesterday morning. Being busy makes him forget about hunger.

As soon as he stopped now, the feeling of hunger involuntarily surfaced. Chen Tianhao touched his stomach and asked the leader of the Gale Beast who was resting on the tree: "What is there to eat here?"

This area is the original territory of the Gale Beast. Regarding food, it is faster to ask the other party.

The leader of the Gale Beast opened his eyes, and replied weakly: "There are some relatively weak creatures, but I haven't found them recently, so they should have run away."

Although the leader of the Gale Beast had just recovered a lot of physical strength under the light of the meteorite, the recovery of physical strength could not reduce his hunger. He was already too hungry.

"Run away? Is there anything else to eat? What do you usually eat here?"

"Eat anything, sometimes some fruit from a tree."

"Fruits?" Chen Tianhao's eyes lit up. It is impossible to catch some small animals to satisfy his hunger. Fruits may be a good choice, and the electric scale man is also an omnivorous creature. "Where are there, let's get some food quickly .”

The leader of the Gale Beast stood up and looked down the mountain, "Most of them are down the mountain, not here."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and go pick fruit." After Chen Tianhao finished speaking, he rushed down the mountain first.

"Boss, some fruits are inedible and poisonous." The leader of Gale Beast saw Chen Tianhao rushing down the mountain, and quickly flew behind.

Seeing the two leaders running down the mountain, the others rushed down the mountain in a swarm.

There was a burst of flying and dancing, and another burst of excitement. The creatures here had already left this area, but it did not cause any major commotion.

at the bottom of the mountain.

Chen Tianhao, who was the first to come to the bottom of the mountain, quickly climbed up a tree full of fruits, picked a purple fruit with a diameter of three to four centimeters, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chen Tianhao bit hard, and the juice exploded from the fruit, filling his entire mouth, and a chilling feeling filled his heart.

"Well, it's delicious."

He faltered in his mouth, and purple juice flowed down the corner of his mouth when he spoke.

He grabbed another fruit and threw it into his mouth.

The leader of the Gale Beast chasing after saw Chen Tianhao's appearance, and said anxiously: "Don't eat it, this fruit is poisonous."

(End of this chapter)

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