spore evolution

Chapter 78 Bauhinia Fruit

Chapter 78 Bauhinia Fruit

Hearing this, Chen Tianhao was taken aback, then quickly spit out the fruit in his mouth and got down from the tree.

"Ouch." Chen Tianhao reached into his throat, trying to pick out the fruit he just ate, but nothing came out, only retching.

"Why didn't you say it earlier." Chen Tianhao looked at the leader of the Gale Beast with resentment.

The leader of the Gale Beast was speechless, "I just said that at the foot of the mountain, who knew you were so fast, I didn't even have time to talk to you, so I rushed down."

"Then what should we do now? What kind of fruit is this fruit? Is it highly toxic?"

"I don't know what the fruit is called. In the past, our tribe accidentally ate one. After eating it, after a day, the whole body turned purple and died without being able to breathe."

"No way, my whole body is purple and I can't breathe? Will I be poisoned to death in one day?" Chen Tianhao looked at the purple fruits on his head in horror. He never thought that these fruits are so poisonous, "Could it be that I am going to be poisoned to death?" rhythm?"

Chen Tianhao continued to scratch his throat desperately with his hands, trying to pick out the flesh he had just eaten, but he only spit out a little bit of purple liquid.

Not knowing whether it was a psychological effect or the toxicity of the purple fruit started to take hold, Chen Tianhao felt that his breathing became difficult.

Just as Chen Tianhao was sad, and he accidentally hung it here, Chen Er reached out from the side and took a purple fruit, biting the purple fruit in his mouth, and said, "Boss, this is delicious, you eat this, it's so sweet." gone."

Chen Tianhao took a closer look, isn't this the poisonous fruit he ate just now?He hurriedly patted off the second-hand fruit on Chen, and said, "This fruit is poisonous, why did you eat it too? Spit it out quickly."

Chen Er was very puzzled why he didn't eat such a delicious fruit. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this fruit, but he obediently spit out the pulp in his mouth, "Not only I am eating it, but other people are also eating it." I'm eating." As he spoke, he pointed to the electric scale men around him.

It turned out that when Chen Tianhao was the first to climb up the fruit tree, other people also arrived one after another. Seeing Chen Tianhao eating fruit on it, they each found a tree and climbed up to find the fruit to eat.

However, the people who went up to eat the purple fruits were all the electric scales, and the Gale Beasts knew that the fruits were poisonous, so they didn't eat them.

Chen Tianhao looked at the people who had already eaten the purple fruit, and suddenly felt fainted, and quickly shouted to his surrounding partners: "Everyone, don't eat it, this fruit is poisonous."

The people who were happily eating the fruit reluctantly gave up the fruit in their hands, and got down from the tree to gather beside Chen Tianhao.

Seeing that everyone was already nearby, Chen Tianhao asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

If the purple fruit is really poisonous, everyone just ate a small part, the poisoning should not be deep, and we still have some poisonous antibodies, Chen Tianhao comforted himself in his heart.

Electric scale people are creatures that are good at using poison in the ocean age. Poison has helped electric scale people a lot in the ocean age, but when they evolved to the age of land creatures, their original poison is against those with scales. Creatures are so useless that Chen Tianhao even forgot that he actually possesses certain poisonous antibodies.

Chen Er and the others looked at each other, shook their heads and said, "I don't feel uncomfortable, but I feel that the fruit is very sweet and refreshing."

Chen Tianhao looked at the few of them and found that there was indeed nothing wrong with them. They all looked quite energetic, not like poisoned people.

Suddenly Chen Tianhao remembered the identification device that came with the system, "I wonder if this identification device can identify plants?"

Chen Tianhao mostly used identification devices to identify living things, and he had never identified plants.

He pointed the identifier at the tree beside him, and instantly, the information of the tree appeared in front of his eyes.

Name: Bauhinia fruit tree

Explanation: Bauhinia fruit trees, evergreen plants, grow in tropical rainforests, with an average lifespan of 300-500 years and a height of about 50 meters. A batch of fruit matures every year. The average diameter of mature Bauhinia fruit is 5 cm. Bauhinia fruit has weak toxicity and will Difficulty in breathing. Generally, after eating Bauhinia fruit, according to the toxic antibodies of the organism itself, the organism will have difficulty breathing after a period of time, and eventually lead to death due to inability to breathe.

Contrast: The toxicity of the Bauhinia fruit cannot cause damage to the Electric Scale.

Seeing the information in front of him, Chen Tianhao's hanging heart immediately relaxed.

It turns out that the effect of the authenticator is so good, and there is also a comparison effect with his own race. Chen Tianhao has always used the authenticator to identify creatures, and the identification of creatures often results in a lot of information that cannot be obtained, which makes him always think that the effect of the authenticator Very impractical.

The poisonous Bauhinia fruit cannot cause damage to the Electric Scale Man. Seeing this, Chen Tianhao immediately relaxed his heart, and said to his companions: "Partners, go eat those Bauhinia fruits, and eat as much as you want."

When Chen Er and the others heard it, they happily went to find the Bauhinia fruit, and they could finally eat it with ease. The sweetness and deliciousness of the Bauhinia fruit whetted Dianlin's appetite.

Seeing that Chen Tianhao didn't listen to his persuasion and insisted on eating the poisonous fruit, the leader of the Gale Beast thought that Chen Tianhao didn't believe his words, so he clasped Chen Tianhao's left hand tightly with both hands and shook his head: "Boss, this fruit is really poisonous, I won't lie you."

Chen Tianhao patted the shoulder of the leader of the Gale Beast, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know what's going on, the poison of this fruit has no effect on me."

He took away the hand of the leader of the Gale Beast, turned around and climbed up the tree, picked a fruit and threw it to the leader of the Gale Beast below, and joked: "Do you want to try it?"

The leader of the Gale Beast hurriedly threw away the bauhinia fruit in his hand, and shook his head: "No, I'd better eat the fruit I ate before."

The leader of the Gale Beast looked at Chen Tianhao enviously. He didn't have Chen Tianhao's resistance, so he turned around and took the other Gale Beasts to find their food.

"Well, it's delicious, it's really sweet and delicious." Chen Tianhao ate several in one sitting on the tree.

I usually eat meat, and occasionally eat fruit, which has a special taste. Bauhinia fruit can be used as a meal for myself, but it is a pity that this kind of fruit is not found near the territory.

There are other kinds of fruit beside the electric scale people's territory, but they are not as sweet and delicious as the redbud fruit.

Chen Tianhao felt that he had eaten enough. When he came down from the tree, the bauhinia fruit was delicious, but it was too easy to get hungry, and he digested it all in one child.

After a while, other people came down from the tree one after another.

Gathering all the people together, Chen Tianhao walked down the mountain.

Passing by the place where the Gale Beast eats, gather the Gale Beast and walk down the mountain together.

After the group had eaten their fill, they came to the forest yesterday, which was the agreed meeting point between Chen Tianhao and Chen Yi.

When Chen Tianhao came here, the surrounding area was still empty, and Chen Tianhao arrived at the assembly point before Chen Yi.

"Chen Er, Chen San, you two are patrolling around, and the others are resting in place." After Chen Tianhao ordered the task, he turned to the leader of the Gale Beast next to him and said, "How about you get two people to patrol in the air?" For a moment, you have a good view in the air and can see farther."

"Okay." The leader of the Gale Beast nodded, and then ordered two Gale Beasts to watch from the tree.

The other Gale Beasts also found a place by themselves and began to rest.

Chen Tianhao later wanted to see the three-headed demon king who was motionless at the bottom of the mountain, and his intuition told him that this was a very good opportunity, but it would have to wait for Chen Yi to bring more partners from the territory.

He sat under the tree next to him, closed his eyes and meditated.

(End of this chapter)

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