spore evolution

Chapter 79 Dead?

Chapter 79 Dead?


A soft voice reached Chen Tianhao's ear.

Chen Tianhao opened his eyes and looked around vigilantly.

I saw Chen Er running quickly from the woods, pointing to the direction behind him and said: "Boss, there is a situation, a large number of creatures are coming here."

The direction behind Chen Er is the direction of the electric scale man's territory.

"It should be Chen Yi and the others." Chen Tianhao listened carefully to the voice coming from the direction of the electric scale man's territory, "but we still have to pay attention, in case it is other creatures."

At this time, the leader of the Gale Beast who was resting also flew down, stood beside Chen Tianhao and said, "It's okay, your clansmen have arrived."

The Gale Beast who was watching just now saw that it was Chen Tianhao's clansman who made the noise, so he quickly informed the Gale Beast leader.

Hearing that it was Chen Yi who came, Chen Tianhao stood on the spot and prepared to meet Chen Yi. This was the new force to attack the three-headed demon king.

As soon as Chen returned to the territory, he immediately reorganized the team and reserved some protection forces to protect the safety of the territory. The other electric scales were all called together by him.

They ate a few pieces of roasted meat casually in the territory, and asked everyone to hang a few pieces of barbecued meat on their waists. Hanging barbecued meat on their belts is a method Chen Yi came up with. They will hang some roasted meat on their waists as their own food.

Although the cold roasted meat is not as delicious as when it is freshly roasted, it is still much better than eating raw meat. Since Chen Tianhao invented artificial fire and ate barbecued meat, the electric scale people have learned to enjoy it. As long as there is barbecued meat When eating, he would never eat raw meat, but would rather be like Chen Tianhao, looking for fruits in the wild to fill his stomach.

In order to eat barbecue in the wild, Chen Yi thought of this method.

Chen Yi led the team and rushed to Chen Tianhao's side quickly. A group of huge teams kept shuttling through the forest, which naturally caused a lot of noise.

Chen Yi was not exposed to the light of the meteorite, and his physical strength did not recover quickly.

However, Chen Yi was an elite among the electric scale people, and only because of the existence of the leader, he ran with all his strength along the way, and did not leave other electric scale people behind, and remained at the forefront of the team.

The mage is the one who can use the electric ball to attack among the electric scales, and the rest of the fighters belong to the fighters.

The terms Mage and Warrior were the names Chen Tianhao gave everyone when he first obtained the energy core.

These two names, like the name Chen Yi, have been preserved in the evolution of the electric scale man.

A mage has powerful destructive power, but his body is a little weaker than a warrior.Because fighters cannot use electric balls, the energy generated by the energy core can automatically flow throughout the body, making their bodies stronger.

In the process of evolution, mages found that as long as they spread the energy of the energy core all over the body, the strength of the body can also be greatly improved. Go, they are able to use this trick for longer than fighters.

Chen Yi did not use the electric ball during his journey, but poured energy into his whole body, which greatly improved his endurance and kept him at the forefront of the team.

The method of pouring energy into the whole body and increasing the strength of the body is not unlimited. Generally, when the energy is used up, there will be a feeling of soreness all over the body. At this time, the combat power has dropped by more than half than usual, so unless necessary Part of the time the energy is not used this way, but as an emergency.


Chen was panting heavily, the energy in his body was almost exhausted, but looking at the forest in front of him, he knew that he had almost arrived.

He pushed aside the leaves in front of his eyes with his hands, and saw Chen Tianhao standing in front of him waiting.

"Boss, the fighters are all here." Chen Yi stood in front of Chen Tianhao, and the energy poured into his whole body had been retracted, and his whole body went limp, almost falling to the ground.

Chen Tianhao hurried forward, supported Chen Yi, put him on the ground, and said: "You should rest well first, how many people did you bring this time?"

"A total of 100 people came, including 20 mages, 80 fighters, and the rest of the fighters are guarding the territory." Chen Yi finished speaking weakly, and took a few breaths. It seems that the rush just now had a great impact on him. Big.

Chen Tianhao stood up and looked around, the mage was fine, even if he was on his way with all his strength, with the energy support provided by the energy core, he would not be very weak, while the soldiers were sweating profusely, breathing heavily from the forest. Air.

"Find a place to rest by yourself."

Chen Tianhao himself felt that he had almost rested, so he was going to visit the three-headed demon king, fearing that the sound of the team rushing just now would wake the three-headed demon king up.

Chen Tianhao didn't know that the three-headed demon king was in a coma, and thought he was just resting at the bottom of the mountain. The three-headed demon king fell from the cliff without any injuries, which gave him a great shock.

If it was before, he would definitely not take the initiative to provoke such a monster, but now he has got the meteorite fragments in his hand, and when he was on the mountainside just now, he once saw the wounded marks on the scales of the three-headed demon king, which made him Chen Yi and the others went back to rescue soldiers.

Perhaps this force is not enough to fight the three-headed demon king, but he still wants to try.

Chen Tianhao came to the corner of the cliff and spread his consciousness to feel the situation under the cliff, but he didn't find the existence of the three-headed demon king.

This corner was still some distance away from the three-headed demon king, Chen Tianhao walked cautiously along the edge of the cliff to the middle.

After walking about 400 meters, at the limit of Chen Tianhao's consciousness distance, he finally saw the three-headed demon king at the bottom of the mountain.

Seeing the three-headed demon king lying on his back at the bottom of the mountain without any movement, Chen Tianhao walked a few more steps at ease. Although he could see it from the limit distance, it was too much of a waste of his conscious energy.

When the distance was about 100 meters, Chen Tianhao finally stopped his footsteps. It wasn't that he didn't want to move on. There was an open space in front of him, and there were no plants to cover him.

Going forward, the risk factor is too high, and this position is just right now, with conscious energy replacing his eyes, he can also observe the situation of the three-headed devil very well.

Consciousness energy is like a 360-degree eye, which can observe the situation of the other party without any blind spots. However, one thing is that the conscious energy can only pass through some plants and dead objects, and cannot pass through living things. thing.

The three-headed demon king at this time was extremely huge in Chen Tianhao's eyes. Up to now, he had never seen such a big creature.

The three-headed demon king with a height of more than 20 meters can also be compared with Chen Tianhao's height when lying down. Chen Tianhao's height is only a little over 2 meters.

Chen Tianhao found that the scale armor of the three-headed demon king had a lot of blood, especially under the body. From the side, he could see the ground under the three-headed demon king's body. There was a lot of blood soaked in the ground and then dried out.

On the sides and belly of the body, there are moss on several parts, which is probably caused by bumping into protruding stones when falling off the cliff.

Could it be that the three-headed demon king fell to his death for the last time?

Chen Tianhao couldn't help suspecting that since the last time the three-headed demon king fell down, he had never been seen standing up again, and it has been quite a while since then.

But when he saw the three-headed demon king's chest fluctuate slightly up and down, he knew that the three-headed demon king was not dead.

"good chance."

Chen Tianhao couldn't help but feel happy.

Withdrawing his consciousness, he walked back carefully.

I'm going to come to take the life of the three-headed demon king after everyone has rested.

(End of this chapter)

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