Chapter 88
The speed of the hidden wolf is very fast, but the speed of the winged man is not too slow.

The fighting position of Chen Tianhao was relatively close to the Yiren's territory, the sound of the Yiren's battle with the hidden wolf, and the Yiren's calling had already attracted the attention of the Yiren who were patrolling outside.

When the patrolling Yiren heard the call, they immediately understood that the voice was from the clansman who had just left, and quickly called out loudly to attract the attention of the Yiren who was resting, and they ran towards Chen Tianhao in time. go.

With the light of the fire and the light of the moonlight, the winged man's running speed was not as fast as during the day, but the overall speed was not much slower.

The patrol wingman has a short distance and slow speed, while the hidden wolf leader has a long distance and fast speed.

The two arrived at the battlefield at almost the same time.

Chen Tianhao on the battlefield did not expect that ordinary hidden wolves were so weak, they would already fall to the ground as soon as they touched them. He was used to fighting against opponents who were at the same level as him, or even far above his level.

He forgot that he is now a race whose overall level has been rated as an elite level, and the team he is now leading is even an elite in the race, and his individual strength has reached the previous leader level.

Wingman's super nerves and super bones are no joke, coupled with a third-level brain, it has far surpassed most creatures on this evolutionary path.

When he observed the information of the hidden wolf before, he observed the information of the leader of the hidden wolf. The strength of the leader of the hidden wolf is slightly inferior to the Yiren, but the ordinary hidden wolf is much worse for the Yiren, let alone the Yiren among the elite.

When the two sides rushed to the battlefield, Chen Tianhao and the others had already knocked the hidden wolf to the ground. Although none of them died, but seeing the hidden wolf rolling on the ground, screaming in pain, I am afraid that it has no fighting power. .

The hidden wolf leader who rushed over looked distressed at the clansman who fell to the ground. He had already sensed the unusualness of this team, but seeing that the other party was about to return to their territory, he couldn't help but attack the other party for a while. It's just that he didn't expect that in such a short period of time, a quarter of his clan members had lost their fighting power.

In normal times, the leader of the hidden wolf would never face this team head-on, but soon after Yiren left the territory, he was targeted by him. The team of 30 creatures, whether it is big or small , he felt that he still had a chance to kill this team.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party suddenly changed his momentum halfway, and he was dubious, so he dragged on and didn't attack.

The leader of the hidden wolf who had just arrived yelled at the people beside him, and turned around to flee from this place.

Chen Tianhao saw the action of the leader of the hidden wolf, so he didn't know the other party's plan.

"Hey, boy, it was so fun chasing me just now, so I was still cautious all the way, wanting to run? It's not that easy." Chen Tianhao laughed.

Just now he was cautious along the way, afraid that his intentions would be known by the other party, he never thought that the other party was so weak, besides, a group of winged men had already rushed over from the territory, and more winged men were on the way.

The dozen or so hidden wolves on the ground are already trapped and cannot escape, but his heart is even bigger. He wants to keep this group of hidden wolves, not to mention to complete the task, even if it is for tomorrow's rations. Take them down too.

"Brothers, give it to me." Chen Tianhao shouted, pointing at the hidden wolf not far in front of him. After speaking, he took the lead and punched the leader of the hidden wolf with a powerful electric punch.

Blue electric sparks continuously flickered on Chen Tianhao's fist, illuminating the surrounding situation, from which Chen Tianhao could see the frightened expression of the hidden wolf leader.

The leader of the hidden wolf had no intention of confronting Chen Tianhao. He only wanted to run away, but faced with the electric punch coming from behind, he had to stop and resist. He just turned around, and he didn't have too much speed to avoid the sudden punch, so he subconsciously used The front claws block it.


The huge fist hit the leader of the hidden wolf, and the leader of the hidden wolf felt that his hands were about to go numb. A huge force spread from his hands and spread all over his body. With this force, he hit the tree trunk next to him. He finally experienced the feeling of the first group of hidden wolves facing the Winged Man, and a sharp pain spread all over his body.

He hasn't tried this feeling for a long time. The last time it seemed to be a monster he met a few months ago. At this time, facing Chen Tianhao is the same as facing the monster back then, except that there was only one monster at that time, and Now he is facing no fewer wingmen than him.

While rolling on the ground, he glanced around and found that the surrounding tribesmen also did not escape from this place, and were knocked to the ground in the same way. At that moment, the leader of the hidden wolf was already desperate.

Chen Tianhao didn't care what the leader of the hidden wolf was thinking, he knew that if he punched him, there must be nothing serious about the other party, so he jumped into the air, pointed his foot at it and stomped on it fiercely.

The leader of the hidden wolf, Na Ken, was waiting to die, rolled on the ground to avoid the feet falling from the sky, took this opportunity to stand up, and looked at Chen Tianhao with fierce eyes, those dark green eyes were like will-o'-the-wisps in this dark night.

When Chen Tianhao first crossed over, he might still be afraid of such a situation, but now he has already seen all kinds of strange creatures and is already immune to them.

Looking at the fierce eyes of the leader of the silver wolf, he thought that the opponent was about to attack, and he was also ready to attack, secretly gathering energy, and the blue sparks in his hand were constantly jumping, exuding a dangerous atmosphere.

Suddenly, the leader of the hidden wolf turned around again, and fled to the dense forest behind, hoping that the dense leaves would hinder Chen Tianhao to some extent.

If it was an ordinary Yiren, it was really possible for him to make such a move and run away.

It's a pity that what he met was Chen Tianhao, a winged man with conscious energy, and the dense leaves had no effect on him at all.

The leader of the hidden wolf was fast, and Chen Tianhao was even faster. Before the leader of the hidden wolf took a few steps, Chen Tianhao's long-stored fist had already hit the leader of the hidden wolf heavily on the back.

The powerful force passed through the body of the leader of the silver wolf, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The leader of the silver wolf slammed into the tree in front of him heavily, causing the big tree to shake a few times, and some leaves fell from it.

Seeing is not alive.

"Congratulations on killing a hidden wolf leader."

"Congratulations on getting an achievement, Hidden Wolf Killer, killing a hidden wolf leader, earning 10 points, and a total of 000 points."

When Chen Tianhao killed the leader of the hidden wolf, the battle of the other winged people was almost over.

The leader of the hidden wolf had no resistance against Chen Tianhao, and ordinary hidden wolves did not have much resistance against the winged man, basically they did not escape the winged man's pursuit.

A large number of Yiren rushed over from the territory, and pulled the dead hidden wolves into the territory. The hidden wolves were not big, but there were a lot of them, enough for the Yiren to deal with for a few days.

Chen Yi, who just killed a hidden wolf, was happily pulling his food and walking back: "Hey, the feeling in my memory is really good, as long as you can feel a very kind and convincing feeling from the leader time, that is, when there is meat to eat."

Obviously, Chen Yiyi has meat to eat, and he is linked with Chen Tianhao.

The food crisis was temporarily resolved, and Chen Tianhao checked the completion of the task.

Mission Name: Hunting the Hidden Wolf
Completion conditions:

Kill 100 hidden wolves (common), and 45 have been completed so far.

Killed 2 hidden wolves (bosses), and completed 1 so far.

mission rewards:

20 points.

Advanced skin (fur).

Only 45 ordinary hidden wolves were completed, and a few of them escaped. According to Chen Tianhao's observations, there were 50 of them including the leader of the hidden wolves.

Half of the mission is completed, so I can only look for the hidden wolf next time and continue to complete it.Chen Tianhao was busy for a long time and felt tired, so he went back to the territory to rest.

The other wingmen, seeing so much food, were so excited that they started to pick up food.

(End of this chapter)

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