spore evolution

Chapter 89 Finding the Root Digger

Chapter 89 Finding the Root Digger


The dense forest is very foggy in the morning, and the visibility is still very low. Wisps of smoke emerge from the forest and mix with the fog, making it difficult to distinguish each other.

The place where the plumes of smoke are emitted is the territory of the Yiren.

It was almost dawn when the battle ended last night. After the battle, Chen Tianhao felt rather tired. He found a place and fell asleep. The others also found a place to rest on their own.

Chen Tianhao opened his eyes, stood up and stretched, it wasn't that he had already rested, but the chirping sounds around him made him unable to continue to sleep peacefully, but he had almost rested.

The chattering sound in the territory is that the winged little guys are playing happily.

They had been starving for two days before this. The food crisis meant that they could only eat a little barbecue, and their stomachs were already unbearably hungry.

Back last night, Yiren, who was taking care of the children in the territory, had already started to deal with the hidden wolf.

When Chen Tianhao got up, those hidden wolves had already been dealt with, and they were roasted on the fire.

"It smells good."

Chen Tianhao, who just got up, was immediately attracted by the smell of meat. It turned out that the first batch of barbecued meat had already been baked. After years of grilling, Yiren's grilling skills are getting better and better. The grilled meat is more delicious.

The first grilled kebabs were kebabs with a special juice added.

One of the wingmen moved the roast away from the fire and divided the roast among the leaves.

A group of little winged people saw the barbecue finished, and gathered around the winged man, staring at the barbecued meat on the leaves, couldn't help swallowing.

"Whoever delivers this barbecue to the leader, I will give him an extra piece." The wingman who was sharing the barbecue said to the little wingmen around him holding three pieces of barbecue.

The little winged people at the side heard that there was an extra piece of barbecue, and they scrambled to respond: "Me."

I'm afraid that if I speak slowly, I will be snatched away by others.

In the end, one of the little female wings got this opportunity. The little female wing took the barbecue carefully. Although she was already very hungry, she resisted not eating the barbecue in her hand, and came bouncing to Chen Tianhao's side.

The little winged woman held up a piece of barbecue in her hand. This piece of barbecue looked a bit big for her small hands. She said in a childish voice, "Chief, you eat this."

The heart of Chen Tianhao who just got up was suddenly touched, he squatted down, touched the head of the little winged woman and said happily: "Little boy, you can eat."

"No, leader, I want you to eat first, and I'll eat after you eat." The little winged woman firmly rejected Chen Tianhao's suggestion.

Seeing that the little guy didn't eat, he teased her for a while, and found that she was really determined to wait until she ate first, before she ate.

He took the barbecue from the other hand of the little guy, which was originally allocated to the little guy.

Chen Tianhao held it in his hand and took a bite, "Well, it smells so good."

It is a bit different from the barbecue meat I ate before. The hidden wolf meat is very chewy, and there is a special aroma permeating it. It feels much better than the barbecue meat on the street in my previous life.

The barbecue in the previous life was basically ordinary chicken, beef, and pork, but here it is the most primitive game. The barbecue was almost tasteless before, but now the Yiren discovered a special juice that completely covered the meat. Instead of the shortcomings of no seasoning, it becomes more delicious.

The little female winged person saw that the barbecue in her hand was taken away by Chen Tianhao and started to eat it. She also happily ate the barbecue in her hand. She didn't worry about why Chen Tianhao took away the barbecue that belonged to her, and happily took the barbecue in her hand. The barbecue was eaten.

As the first batch of barbecue was eliminated, other barbecues were released one after another, and the rest of the wingmen also got up to eat barbecue.

However, due to starvation for a while, 45 hidden wolves plus 1 hidden wolf leader, a total of 46 hidden wolves, were wiped out more than half, and only 15 hidden wolves were left. Eat it at the next meal.

Chen Tianhao was also frightened by everyone's big appetite. It could be used as rations for two or three days, but now it can only be eaten for one day.

"Sure enough, they are all foodies." Looking at the remaining barbecue, Chen Tianhao couldn't help sighing, "It seems that we have to work hard to find food again."

Chen Tianhao touched his round belly, probably because he ate a lot of barbecued meat.

After resting in the territory for a while, the sun has risen, and the fog in the forest has been blown away a lot. Although there is still some fog, the visibility has increased a lot. For the Yiren with super long-range vision, they can already move. , ready for the next food.

Chen Tianhao looked at his mission. According to the current rhythm, hunting hidden wolves is a good choice, but most hidden wolves act at night, and now it is estimated that no hidden wolves will act at this time during the day.

Then we can only look for yesterday's target, the root digger.

Vegetarian animals, large in size, are a good source of food.

Chen Tianhao asked Chen Yi: "Do you still remember the root-digger's lair? Our task today is to deal with the root-digger."

"Of course I remember, the river next to it." Chen Yi pointed to the not far left side of the territory.

"Well, today, Chen Yi, Chen Er, Chen San... Chen Shi, eleven of us are going to hunt root diggers, and the rest are going to find food elsewhere." Chen Tianhao opened his mouth and told them.

It doesn't take too many people to deal with root diggers. Ten of the strongest wingmen are enough. Other wingmen go to other places to find food. food crisis.

Under the leadership of Chen Yi, Chen Tianhao and his party of 11 set out for the territory of the root digging beast.

Digger Territory.

The four root-digging beasts are leisurely eating the roots dug out yesterday. The roots are red and are the roots of the flame fruit tree. The root-digging beasts usually eat the roots of the flame fruit tree most. The missing elements, so they are especially fond of eating.

The flame fruit tree has green leaves in spring and summer. When the flame fruit of the flame fruit tree matures in autumn, its leaves change from green to fiery red. The flame fruit tree is famous for its unique fruit.

Flame fruit, which contains fire energy, is the favorite of fire energy creatures. It does not mean that other creatures cannot eat it, but its effect is much weaker than that of fire energy creatures.

Why do root diggers like to eat the roots of flame fruit trees?
Because the flame fruit tree needs to use its roots to absorb energy from the ground to irrigate its fruits, and the energy absorbed by the roots of the flame fruit tree from the ground is non-attribute energy. After a certain transformation, it will become the fire energy required by the flame fruit. Why does the root digger like to eat the roots of the flame fruit tree so much?

That's how the root-digger got its name.

(End of this chapter)

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