Han Fei

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Said Lin Shang

Tang wanted to kill Jie, but he was afraid that the world would say that he was greedy, because he wanted to let the world be in the light of business.And I am afraid that Wuguang will accept it, so that people will say that Wuguang said: "Tang killed the king and wanted to spread evil words to his son, so he let the world belong to his son."Wu Guangyin threw himself into the river.

King Wu of Qin ordered Gan Mao to choose what he wanted to do as a servant and to act. Meng Mao said: "It is better to be a servant than a public servant."The elder of the public office is also an envoy.Although the Duke is a servant, the king still entrusts him to the Duke.The public wears the servant's seal to act, and it is also an official.

Zi Yu saw Confucius in Shang Da Zai, Confucius came out, Zi Yu came in, asked the guests, Da Zai said: "I have seen Confucius, but I regard him as a small person like fleas and lice."I see you now.Ziyu was afraid that Confucius was more valuable than the king, because he called the great minister and said: "The king sees Confucius, and Confucius will treat him like a flea and a lice."Dazai Yinfu will see you again.

King Huihui of Wei is the alliance of Jiuli, and will be restored to the emperor. Peng Xi called Zheng Jun and said: "Don't listen to me, the emperor is evil in a big country, and the emperor is beneficial to a small country."The king and the big don't listen, how can Wei and Xiao stand up?

The people of Jin attacked Xing, and Duke Huan of Qi would rescue him. Uncle Bao said: "Big flea."Xing is not dead, Jin is not weak, Jin is not weak, Qi is not heavy.The merit of keeping a husband in danger is not as great as the virtue of survival.It's better for you to save Jin later, so that you can benefit from it.When Xing died and survived, its name is really beautiful.Duke Huan was rescued.Zixu left and was waiting to get it. Zixu said: "If you ask me, I have beautiful pearls."Now that I am dead, I will say that my son will take and swallow it.The reason is released.

Qingfeng wanted to go beyond because of chaos in Qi. His people said: "Jin is near, why not Xi Jin?"Qing Feng said: "The farther you are, the better you can take refuge."The tribe said: "Change is the heart, and you can live in Jin."Unchanging is the heart, even though it is far away, can it be at ease?

Zhi Bo claimed the land from Wei Xuanzi, Wei Xuanzi Fu gave it, Ren Zhang said: "Why not give it?"Xuanzi said: "There is no reason to ask for land, so I don't want to give it."Ren Zhang said: If land is claimed for no reason, the neighbors will be afraid. He will never be tired of his desires, and the world will be afraid. If the land is given by the king, Zhi Bo will be proud and despise the enemy. Neighbors will be afraid and love each other. Then Zhi's life will not last long.Zhou Shu said: If you want to lose it, you must help it; if you want to take it, you must give it to you.You might as well be proud of Zhibo.And why do you explain that the world is a map of Zhishi, but only our country is the quality of Zhishi?Jun said: good.It is the city of thousands of households, Zhi Bo is very happy.Because Suo landed in Zhao, Fuyu, because Jinyang was encircled, Han and Wei were outside, Zhao's family was within, and Zhi's family died by itself.

Three years after Qin Kanggong built the platform, the criminals raised troops. The general wanted to attack Qi with troops.It has been three years since the king built the platform, and now the Jing people are raising troops to attack Qi. The ministers are afraid that they will attack Qi as a sound, and it is better to prepare for it than to attack Qin.Garrisoning the east, the Jing people stopped.

Qi attacked Song, and Song sent Zang Sun Zinan to ask for help from Jing. Jing Da said that he was very happy to save him.Zang grandson was worried and turned back. His emperor said: "I got rescued by asking for help. Why is my son worried?"Zang Sunzi said: Song is small but Qi is big, and my husband saves Xiao Song but hates Da Qi. The reason why this person is worried, and King Jing said, he must strengthen me.If I am strong but weak, the thorns will benefit me.The grandson of Zang returned, and the people of Qi pulled out five cities in Song Dynasty, but Jing could not save them.

Marquis Wen of Wei attacked Zhongshan by way of Zhao, but Marquis Su of Zhao would not allow it. Zhao Ke said: "The king has passed."If Wei attacks Zhongshan and Fu can take it, then Wei will give up, and if Wei is light, then Zhao will be heavy.Wei pulled Zhongshan, and he must not surpass Zhao and have Zhongshan. It is Wei Ye who used soldiers, and Zhao Ye who gained land.You must promise it, and you will be happy if you promise it. He will know that the king is beneficial, and he will definitely stop.You might as well borrow the way to show that you have to.

Chiyi Zipi served Tian Chengzi, Tian Chengzi went to Qi, and then swallowed, and Chiyi Zipi followed.When he arrived at Wangyi, Zipi said, "Have you not heard of the snake in the dry lake?"In Qianze, the snake is about to migrate, and there is a small snake called a big snake, saying: "The son walks and I follow. People think that the ear of the snake will kill the son. It is better to carry me with you and walk. People will regard me as a god."It is the more fair to bear the burden of each other, but pedestrians avoid it, saying: "The gods are also kings."Today, my son is beautiful but I am evil, and I take him as my guest, the king of a thousand chariots.Take the son as my messenger, and the minister of Wancheng.It is better to give up others for me.Tian Chengzi followed him because of his negative biography, and went to Nilu, and the king of Nilv treated him very respectfully, because he offered wine and meat.

The week of warming people, Zhou does not accept guests, and asks: "Guests?"Confrontation: Master.Ask the people in the alley but don't know, and the officials will imprison him.The king asked people to ask: "You are not from Zhou, but why do you say that you are not a guest?"Confrontation: The minister also recited a poem saying: "Under the whole world, is there any king's land, and the shore of the land is no king's minister."Today's king, the Son of Heaven, and my ministers of the Son of Heaven, how can I be a minister of others and also a guest of him?Therefore, it is called the master.You use it.

King Xuan of Han said to Yuliu, "I want to use both Gongzhong and Gongshu. Is that possible?"Confrontation: no.The Jin used the Six Ministers to divide the country, Jian Gong dual-purpose Tian Cheng, Kan Zhi and Jian Gong killed, Wei dual-purpose Rhinoceros Head, Zhang Yi and Xihe Waiwai.Today, the king uses it for both purposes. Those with more power build up their party, and those with less power borrow external power.If the group of ministers has the inner party to build the party to be proud of the master, and the foreigner to make diplomatic relations and cut down the land, the kingdom of the king will be in danger.

Shao Ji was so drunk that he died of his fur. Song Jun said, "Is drunk enough to kill his fur?"Confrontation said: Jie died of the world with drunkenness, and Kang Gao said: "Those who don't drink Yi wine, Yi wine, often drink, and those who drink often, the emperor will lose the world, and the man will lose his body."

Guan Zhong and Xi Peng followed Duke Huan to cut down solitary bamboos, and they rebelled from spring to winter, bewildered and lost their way.Guan Zhong said: "The wisdom of an old horse can be used."But let go of the old horse and follow, and then gain the way.There is no water in the mountain, Xi Peng said: Ants live in the sun of the mountain in winter, and live in the shade of the mountain in summer. An inch of ant soil has water.It is to dig the ground and get water.With Guan Zhong's sage and Xi Peng's wisdom, it is not difficult to learn from old horses and ants to what they don't know. Today's people don't know how to learn from the wisdom of sages with their stupid minds.

Someone offered the medicine of immortality to the king of Jing, and the one who asked for it took it in. The man who shot it asked, "Is it edible?"Said: Yes.Eat it because of taking it.The king was furious and ordered people to kill the man who was shot, and the man who was shot made people say that the king said: "I asked you to eat it, so I ate it."It is the minister who is not guilty, but the one who is guilty is also the one who pays attention.And if a guest offers the medicine of immortality, and the minister eats it, and the king kills his ministers, this is the medicine of death, and the guest deceives the king.Husbands kill innocent ministers, but Ming people are not as good as Shichen in deceiving the king.Wang Nai did not kill.

Tian Si bullies Zou Jun, Zou Jun will make people kill him, Tian Si is frightened, and tells Huizi.Huizi saw Zou Jun and said: "Someone sees you today, so what?"One eye, Xi Ru?The king said: I will kill him.Huizi said: "Blind with two eyes, why don't you kill Jun Xi?"Jun said: "Can't you?" .Huizi said: "Tian Si is inferior to the Marquis of Qi in the east, and deceives the King of Jing in the south. If Si is good at deceiving others, how can you be resentful?"Zou Jun did not kill him.

Duke Mu of Lu envoyed all the sons to be eunuchs in Jin or Jing, and Li Biao said: "Dummy people save drowning children in Yue. Although Yue people are good at swimming, children will not be born."If a fire breaks out and you draw water from the sea, even though there is plenty of sea water, the fire will never be extinguished, and the fire will not be rescued if the water is far away.Now Jin and Jing are strong, but they are close to each other. Is it impossible to save Lu?

Yan Sui was not good at Zhou Jun and suffered from it.Feng Ju said: "Yan Suixiang, and the Han puppet is more valuable than the king, it is better to be a thief to the Han puppet, then the king must think that the Yan family is also."

Zhang condemned Han, who was about to die of illness, and Gongcheng Wuzheng was pregnant with thirty gold and asked about his illness.Ju Yiyue asked himself Zhang Chu, saying: If the son dies, who will replace the son?The answer is: not upholding the law and fearing the superior, although it is not as good as the son who eats me and wins the people.Zhang condemned to death because he was fair and unrighteous.

Leyang attacked Zhongshan for the general of Wei. His son was in Zhongshan, and the king of Zhongshan cooked his son and left the soup.Le Yang sat under the curtain and sipped it, drinking it all.Marquis Wen said that Master Du praised and said: Le Yang eats the flesh of his son because of me.The answer was: "Its son eats it, and who doesn't eat it?"When Leyang left Zhongshan, Marquis Wen rewarded his achievements and doubted his heart.

Meng Sun hunted the deer, so Qin Xiba carried it home, his mother cried after him, Qin Xiba reluctantly gave it to him.When Mengsun returned, he came to ask for deer, and replied: "Yu Furen and his mother."Meng Sun was furious and chased him away.In the third month of his stay, he was called back to be his son Fu, and his emperor said: "I have committed crimes in the past, so what is the reason for calling me to be my son Fu?"Meng Sun said: If you can't bear the deer, how can you bear with my son?Therefore, it is said: clever deceit is not as good as clumsy sincerity.Le Yang sees doubts because of meritorious service, while Qin Xiba gains trust because of guilt.

Zeng Congzi is also a good swordsman.The king of Wei complained about the king of Wu, and Zeng Congzi said: "The king of Wu is good at swords, and the minister is the one who meets the sword. Please draw the sword for the king of Wu, and show it, because the king stabs it."Wei Jun said: The son is doing what is right, not because of righteousness, but because of benefit.Wu is strong and rich, Wei is weak and poor, and his son will surely go. I am afraid that the son will be used by the king of Wu for me.But chase it.

Zhou is the elephant chopsticks and the Jizi is afraid, thinking that the elephant chopsticks are not as beautiful as the earthen gui, so they must be cups of rhinoceros and jade, and the jade cups and elephant chopsticks must not hold scorpions, so they must hold the leopard fetus of the elephant, and the leopard fetus of the elephant must not have short clothes. Brown and under Shemauts, there must be nine layers of brocade clothes, high platforms and wide rooms.If you claim this, the world will not be enough.The sage sees the small to know the bud, sees the end to know the end, so he is afraid when he sees the elephant chopsticks, and he knows the world and knows the insufficiency.

Zhou Gongdan has defeated Yin and will attack Shang and Gai.Xin Gongjia said: "The big ones are hard to attack, but the small ones are easy to subdue. It is better to subdue the small ones and make the catastrophe big."It was to attack the nine barbarians and conquer the merchants and Gai.

Zhou is the drink of the long night, fearing that he will lose the sun, and he will not know if he asks him about it, so he asks Jizi.Jizi said to his disciples: If you are the lord of the world and the whole country loses its sun, the world will be in danger.If no country knows it but I alone know it, I am in danger.Say goodbye to being drunk and not knowing.

The man of Lu is good at weaving knitting, his wife is good at knowing knitting, and they migrated to Yue.Or it is said: the son must be poor.Lu people said: "Why?"Said: "Xie is also the footwear, and Yue people walk on foot."Onyx is the crown, and Yue people are issued.With the strengths of the son, wandering in the country that is not used, if you want to make it infinite, you can get it.

Chen Zhen is more valuable than the King of Wei#2, Huizi said: "You must do good things around you. Husband Yang Hengshu will grow immediately, a tree will grow when it falls, and a tree will grow again when it is broken."However, if ten people tree it and one person pulls it out, there will be no poplar.With a group of ten people, what's the point of treeing something that is easy to grow, but not more than one person?The difficulty of the tree is easy to go.Although the son works himself to be a king, but there are many people who want to get rid of the son, the son will be in danger.

Lu Jisun Xin killed his lord, and Wu Qi became an official.Or it can be said to say: when a husband dies, he will bleed at the beginning of death, bleed after bleed, ashes after bleed, ashes after bleed, and soil instead, there is nothing he can do.This season's grandson is the first blood, whether it is unknown or not.Wu Qiyin went to Jin Dynasty.

Xi Simi saw Tian Chengzi, Tian Chengzi and the stage looked around, surrounded by three sides, looking south, the trees of Xizi's house covered it, Tian Chengzi didn't say anything.When Xizi returned, he was cut down by people, and the ax was separated from the number of wounds. Xizi stopped it, and his relative said: "How can the number of changes be changed?"Xi Zi said: There is a proverb in ancient times that said: It is inauspicious to know the fish in the deep.Fu Tianzi is about to have something big, but if I show him little knowledge, I will be in danger.It is not a crime not to cut down trees, but it is a serious crime to know what others say.It is not cutting.

Yang Zi surpassed Song Dong's rebellious journey, and he had two concubines, the evil one was expensive, and the beautiful one was cheap.Yang Zi asked why, and Ni Lu's father replied: "The beautiful is beautiful in itself, and I don't know its beauty; the evil is evil in itself, and I don't know its evil."Yang Zi said to his disciples: "Practicing the virtuous and abandoning the heart of self-virtuousness is not beautiful."

The Wei people married their sons and taught them: "You must accumulate privately."Come out for a woman, often also.It's lucky to live here.His son accumulated money because of private interests, and his aunt thought it was selfish, so his son rebelled against him twice as much as he married.His father does not blame himself for teaching his son wrongly, but he knows that he will benefit from wealth.Today, where people are ministers, officials are all of the same kind.

(End of this chapter)

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