Han Fei

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Yu Lao

If there is a way in the world and there is no emergency, it is said to be quiet.There is no way in the world, attacks are endless, and they have been guarding each other for several years. The armor is full of ants and lice, and the sparrows are in the tent, but the soldiers do not return. Therefore, it is said: Soldiers and horses are born in the suburbs.The people of Zhai presented the skins of Fenghu and Xuanbao to Duke Wen of Jin Dynasty. Duke Wen sighed after accepting the skins, saying: "It is a crime to take the beauty of the skins."Husbands who rule the country use their names as crimes, as did King Xu Yan.Then the city and the land are regarded as crimes, as are Yu and Guo.Therefore, it is said: There is no crime greater than desire.Zhibo joined Fan and Zhongxing and attacked Zhao endlessly. Han and Wei turned against each other. The army was defeated in Jinyang and died in the east of Gaoliang.The king of Yu wanted to give birth to the multiplier, and he didn't listen to the wonders of the palace, so the state died, so he said: "There is nothing to blame for wanting to get it."The existence of a state is permanent, and the overlord can do so.Life is a constant for the body, and wealth is possible.If you don't want to harm yourself, the state will not perish, and the body will not die. Therefore, it is said: Contentment is enough.King Zhuang of Chu won the hunt at Heyong, and when he returned he rewarded Sun Shu'ao.According to the law of the state of Chu, Luchen reincarnated and took over the land, but Sun Shuao was alone.Those who do not take their country as their harvest are barren, so they have been worshiped endlessly for nine generations.Therefore, it is said: good at building but not pulling up, good at holding and not getting rid of, and the descendants use it to sacrifice for generations.Sun Shuao also called it.To control oneself is to be heavy, and to not leave one's position is to be quiet.Heavy can make light, quiet can make restless.Therefore, it is said: Emphasis is the light root, and tranquility is the king of impetuosity.Therefore, it is said: A gentleman can never leave his luggage all day long.The state is the baggage of the king.The father passed on his country from birth, and this is also the one who is away from his baggage.Therefore, although there is the joy of generations and clouds, there is no Zhao for transcendence.The master father, the master of ten thousand vehicles, regards his body lightly compared to the world. To be powerless is to be light;Therefore, it is said: If you are light, you will lose your ministers, and if you are rash, you will lose your ruler.The name of the master's father.Those who are powerful are the abyss of the king.The power between the ruler and the people is more important than between the people and the ministers, and if you lose it, you can't get it back.Duke Jian lost to Tian Cheng, Duke Jin lost to Liuqing, and the state died.Therefore, it is said: Fish cannot escape from the abyss.Those who reward and punish are the sharp weapons of the state. If the king controls the ministers, the ministers will defeat the king.If the king sees rewards, the ministers will damage them as virtue, and if the king sees punishment, the ministers will benefit from them as prestige.When the king sees rewards, the ministers use their power, and when the king sees punishment, the ministers take advantage of their power.Therefore, it is said: The sharp weapon of the state cannot be shown to others.

The king of Yue became an official in Wu, and advised him to attack Qi to harm Wu.Wu Bing defeated Qi people in Ai Ling, Zhang Zhi in Jiang and Ji, and was stronger in Huangchi, so he could control Wuhu.Therefore, it is said: If you want to close it, you must expand it.If you want to be weak, you must strengthen it.Duke Xian of Jin wanted to attack Yu and left him with a jade horse.Zhibo will attack the enemy, and leave it with Guangche.Therefore, it is said: If you want to take it, you must give it firmly.It is called twilight to cause trouble in the invisible, but to make great contributions to the world.Being small and weak but emphasizing low self-esteem means that losing the weak wins the strong.For tangible things, the big must start from the small.Things that travel for a long time must start with a little travel.Therefore, it is said: The difficult things in the world must be done in an easy way, and the great things in the world must be done in a small way.It is because those who want to make things focus on the details, so it is said: the difficulty of drawing is more than the ease, and the greater is more than the details.An embankment of a thousand feet is destroyed by an ant's den, and a room of a hundred feet is burned by smoke from a gap.Therefore, it is said: Bai Gui's walking on the embankment also plugged his hole, and his father-in-law's cautious fire also covered his gap.Therefore, Baigui has no water, and his father-in-law has no fire.These are all cautious and easy to escape, and respectful and far-reaching.When Bian Que saw Duke Huan of Cai, he immediately heard about it. Bian Que said, "Your disease lies in your skin. If you don't cure it, you will be afraid of death."Huan Hou said: "There are no widows."When Bian Que came out, Marquis Huan said: "The doctor is good. If you want to cure the disease, you will think it is meritorious."After staying for ten days, Bian Que saw him again and said: "Your disease is in the skin, and if you don't cure it, it will get worse."Huanhou should not.When Bian Que came out, Marquis Huan was not happy.After staying for ten days, Bian Que saw him again and said: "Your disease is in the stomach and intestines. If you don't cure it, it will get worse."Huanhou should not.When Bian Que came out, Marquis Huan was not happy.After staying for ten days, Bian Que looked at Marquis Huan and left.Marquis Huan asked someone to ask him, and Bian Que said: "The disease lies in the interstitial joints, where the soup and iron can touch it."In the skin, as far as the needle and stone can reach.In the intestines and stomach, where the fire is in harmony.In the bone marrow, where the command belongs, there is nothing to do.Now it is in the bone marrow, so the minister has no request.After staying for five days, Marquis Huan suffered from physical pain, which caused people to ask Bian Que. He fled to Qin, so Marquis Huan died.Therefore, when a good doctor cures a disease, he attacks the interstitial joints, and all of these contend for the small ones.The misfortune and fortune of the husband's affairs also have their place, so it is said: What does the sage do.In the past, Chonger, the son of the Jin Dynasty, fled to Zheng, and the king of Zheng was rude. Uncle Zhan remonstrated, saying: "This is a good son, and the king treats him favorably, so that he can accumulate virtue."Zheng Jun refused to listen, and Shu Zhan remonstrated, saying: "It's better to kill him if you are not thick, so there will be no future troubles."Zheng Jun didn't listen again.And the son returned to the state of Jin, raised his troops to attack Zheng, smashed it, and took the eight cities#9 Yan.Jin Xiangong used the wall of hanging thorns to pretend to be the way to Yu and attacked Guo. The Qi of the doctor's palace said: "No."The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and Yu and Guo rescue each other, which is not a virtue.Jin destroys Guo today, and Yu will perish with it tomorrow.Yu Jun didn't listen to it, and accepted his jade and made a false way.Jin has taken Guo, returned it, and destroyed Yu.These two ministers are all fighting for the rationale, but the two monarchs don't use it.However, Shu Zhan, Gong Zhiqi Yiyu, and Zheng Zhibian Que also, but the two monarchs refused to listen, so Zheng Yi broke and Yu Yi died.Therefore, it is said: It is safe and easy to hold, and it is easy to seek if it is not a sign.In the past, Zhou was terrified of the elephant chopsticks and the Jizi, thinking that the elephant chopsticks would not be added to the earth, but the rhinoceros jade cup.If you look like a jade cup, you must not eat the soup, but you must be like a leopard fetus.The leopard womb of an elephant must not wear short brown clothes and eat under the thatched hut, then it will be dressed in nine layers of brocade, with a spacious room and a high platform.I fear its death, so I fear its beginning.After living for five years, Zhou used it as a meat garden, set up cannons, climbed the dross hill, and stood next to the wine pool, and Zhou died.Therefore, Jizi saw the elephant chopsticks to know the disasters of the world, so he said: Seeing the small is called Ming.Goujian entered the eunuch #10 in Wu, and he was fighting to wash horses for the king of Wu, so he was able to kill his husband and was inferior to Gusu.When King Wen saw Jin at the Wangmen, his color remained unchanged, while King Wu captured Zhou in Muye.Therefore, it is said: Keeping soft means being strong.The overlord of the king of Yue is not ill, the official #11, and the king of Wu is not ill.Therefore, it is said: The reason why a sage is not sick is because he is not sick, because he is not sick.

In the Song Dynasty, I got uncut jade and offered it to Zihan, but Zihan didn't accept it, so I said: "This is also a treasure."It should be used by a gentleman, not by a small person.Zihan said: You take jade as your treasure, and I take jade as your treasure.It is a humble person who desires jade, but Zihan does not desire jade.Therefore, it is said: If you want what you don't want, you don't value hard-to-find goods.

Wang Shou walked with the book on his shoulders, and saw Xu Feng Yu Zhou Tu, Feng said: "Those who do things, do it."To be born in time, the knower is impermanent.Books, words also.Words are born of knowledge, and those who know do not collect books.How can the son do it alone?So Wang Shou was punished for burning his books.Therefore, those who know do not use words to teach, and those who are wise do not use books and boxes.What has happened in this world, and Wang Shoufu, is learning but not learning.Therefore, it is said: To learn without learning is to return to the mistakes of everyone.

Husband things have constant capacity, because they are multiplied and guided, because they follow the capacity of things.Therefore, quietness builds virtue, and movement conforms to Tao.There was a person in the Song Dynasty who used elephants as mulberry leaves for his king, and it took three years to complete.Feng kills the stems and leaves, but there is nothing to flourish, among the chaotic mulberry leaves, it cannot be separated.This person was rewarded by the state of Song with meritorious service.Liezi heard it and said: If the heaven and the earth form a leaf in three years, there will be few things with leaves.Therefore, to carry a person's body without taking advantage of the resources of heaven and earth, and to learn a person's wisdom without following the number of principles, these are all the actions of a single leaf.Therefore, Hou Ji cannot envy the harvest of winter plowing.Zang Huo can't be evil in the harvest of big crops in a good year.With one manpower, the Houji is not enough.If you follow nature, you will gain more than enough.Therefore, it is said: rely on the nature of all things and dare not do anything.Those who are hollow are the households of the gods.The eyes and ears are exhausted by sound and color, and the spirit is exhausted by appearance, so there is no master in it.If there is no master in the middle, misfortune and good fortune are like hills and mountains, and there is no way to know it. Therefore, it is said: You can know the world without going out of the house.You can know the way of heaven if you don't peek into the sky.This statement is inseparable from the gods.

Zhao Xiangzhu#12 Learned from the prince's period, and competed with Russia in the period, and changed horses three times to become the queen.Xiangzhu#13 said: You have not finished teaching me the art of imperialism.Confrontation: "The technique is exhausted, and if you use it, you will pass it."The most important thing is that the body of the horse is in the car, and the heart is in the horse, so that you can go fast and go far.Now the king and the queen want to arrest the ministers, but the first is afraid of arresting the ministers.Husband lures the way to fight for the distance, if it is not the first, then the last.And the heart of success is all in the subject, why the superior is adjusted to the horse, and the reason why the monarch is inferior.

Bai Gongsheng was concerned about the chaos, so he turned his staff upside down and thrust his sword sharply, the blood flowed to the ground without knowing it.The people of Zheng heard it and said: "If you forget it, what is it to forget?"Therefore, it is said: Those who go farther away will have less wisdom.The wisdom of this statement is far away, but what is left is near. This is why the sage does not do things forever.Ability and wisdom, so it is said: Know without doing.They can see together, so it is said: see without seeing.At any time, you can do something, make meritorious service because of capital, and use the energy of all things to benefit from it. Therefore, it is said: You can't do it.King Zhuang of Chu has been in power for three years, but he has no orders and no government actions.The right Sima Yu sat down and said to Wang Yin: "There is a bird that lives in the south of the monastery. For three years, it has not winged or flew or sang, and it is silent. What is it called?"The king said: If you don't have wings for three years, you will grow wings.If you don't fly or sing, you will follow the rules of the people.Although there is no flying, flying must soar to the sky.Although there is no sound, the sound will be amazing.The son released it, but he didn't know it.After half a year, he listened to the government himself. Ten people were abolished, nine were raised, five ministers were punished, six officials were promoted, and the state was governed.Raise troops to punish Qi, defeat Xuzhou, win Jin in Heyong, unite princes in Song Dynasty, and dominate the world.King Zhuang did not harm the good for small things, so he has a great name.If you don't see the fleas, you will have great merit.Therefore, it is said: the great instrument is late, and the great sound is rare.

King Zhuang of Chu wanted to attack Yue, Du Zi remonstrated, saying: "Why is the king attacking Yue?"Said: The government is chaotic and the army is weak.Du Zi said: I suffer from it.Wisdom is like the eyes, which can see a hundred steps away, but cannot see the eyelashes by itself.The king's soldiers were defeated by Qin and Jin, and they were lost for hundreds of miles. This soldier is also weak.Zhuang Yu stole in the territory, but the officials could not stop it, and the government was in chaos.The king's weakness and chaos are not under the Yue, but he wants to conquer the Yue, this wisdom is like the eyes.Wang Naizhi.Therefore, the difficulty of knowing lies not in seeing others, but in seeing oneself.Therefore, it is said: Self-seeing is called clarity.When Zixia saw Zeng Zi, Zeng Zi said, "Why are you so fat?"Confrontation: Defeat the fat.Zeng Zi said: What do you mean?Zixia said: "When I see the righteousness of the former kings, I will be honored. When I go out, I will see the joy of wealth and honor. I will be honored. The two are fighting in the chest. I don't know the outcome, so Yao."Today the righteousness of the former king is victorious, so he is fat.Therefore, the difficulty of ambition is not to win others, but to win yourself.Therefore, it is said: Self-victory is called strong.

There was a jade plate in the Zhou Dynasty, and Zhou ordered Jiaoge to ask for it, but King Wen refused to grant it. Fei Zhong came to ask for it, and he gave it.It is Jiao Gexian and Fei Zhong has no way.The success of Zhou's evil sages is also, so I give it to Fei Zhong.King Wen raised the Taigong to Weibin, which is very expensive.And those who pay for the Zhongyu version are those who love it.Therefore, it is said: Don't value your teacher, don't love your resources, even though you know the big mystery, this is called the key.


#1 The word "Yi" is removed here, according to Chen Qiyou's explanation.

#2 The character "Yi" should be the character "Zhi", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou.

#3 The word "Pu" is removed here, and it is added according to Chen Qiyou.

#4 The word "日" is a mistake of "日". According to Chen Qiyou, it was changed.

#5 The word "yan" is a mistake of "fang". According to Chen Qiyou, it was changed.

#6 The word "and" is derived here and should be deleted.

#7 "School" is a mistake of "pull", according to Chen Qiyou's suggestion.

#8 "Cheng" is obviously a mistake of "City", so it should be corrected.

#9 "Official" is obviously a mistake of "eunuch", so it should be corrected.

#10 "Wang" is obviously a mistake of "Lord", it should be corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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