Han Fei

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Man begins with birth and dies with death.The beginning is called going out, and the ending is called entering, so it is said: birth goes into death.The human body has 360 joints, four limbs and nine orifices, and its great features.There are three out of ten limbs and nine orifices, and the movement and stillness of three out of ten belong to life.The genus is called a disciple, so it is said: There are three out of ten disciples who are born.When it dies, there are three out of ten people who return it and belong to the dead, and there are also thirteen people who die, so it is said: three out of ten people are alive, and three out of ten people are dead.All the people are living and living, and if they are alive, they are always moving. If they move to the end, they will be damaged. If the movement is not stopped, if they are damaged, they will not stop.Therefore, it is said: The life of the people is born to move, and all moves lead to death. There are three out of ten.It is because the sage loves the spirit and keeps the place quiet, which is far greater than the harm of the tiger.Husbands and tigers have domains, and there are times when there is movement and stillness. If you avoid their domains and save time, the rabbits and tigers will be harmed.The people only know that tigers have claws and horns, but they don't know that all things have claws and horns, so they don't do harm to all things.Why?When the rain falls and gathers, the wilderness is quiet, but when the mountains and rivers are violated in the dusk and morning, the tiger's claws and corners will kill it.Infidelity in matters, lightly breaking the ban, will be harmed by the claws of the criminal law.If you are not restrained in your hometown, if you hate and love too much, you will be harmed by the claws and horns of fighting.Unlimited appetite, indiscretion in movement and stillness, the claws and corners of acne will harm it.If one uses one's selfish wisdom and abandons reason, the claws and corners of the snare will harm it.The tiger has its territory, but all harms have its origin. If you avoid its territory and block its origin, the rabbit will be in danger.

Those who fight against soldiers should be prepared for harm.Even if the reborn person joins the army, he will not have the heart to fight, and if he does not have the heart to fight, he will have no preparations for rescue or harm.This is not unique to the army in the wild. The sage travels around the world without the intention of harming others. If he has no intention of harming others, no one will be harmed.When you enter the mountains, you don't rely on preparations to rescue people, so it is said: When entering the army, you will not be attacked by armored soldiers.It is far away from all kinds of harm, so it is said: There is nothing to throw its horns at, a tiger has nothing to miss its claws, and soldiers have nothing to hurt with its blade.It is the principle of heaven and earth that there will be no harm without equipment.It embodies the way of heaven and earth, so it is said: There is no death.There is no dead ground in motion, and it is called good health preservation.

Those who love their sons are merciful to their sons, those who are reborn are merciful to their bodies, and those who value meritorious deeds are merciful to their deeds.A loving mother is also for the weak, to make her happy, to make her happy, to eliminate her misfortune, to eliminate her misfortune, to think carefully, to think well, to get the reason, to get the reason, then she will succeed, and if she succeeds, she will not do it. Doubt, no doubt is courage.The sage is in everything, just like a loving mother who cares about the weak, so he sees the way that must be done.Seeing the way that must be done will make you clear, and you will not doubt what you do, and it is brave to not doubt.No doubt is born of compassion, so it is said: Compassion leads to courage.The Duke of Zhou said: If the winter is closed and frozen, the vegetation will not be luxuriant in spring and summer.Heaven and earth can't be extravagant and expensive, let alone human beings?Therefore, all things must have their ups and downs, all things must have relaxation, the country must have civil and military affairs, and the government must have rewards and punishments.Therefore, the wise man uses his wealth frugally to make the family rich, the sage loves treasures and his spirit is prosperous, and the king fights hard and his soldiers make the people prosperous.The people make the country broad, so it is said: frugality makes it broad.

All tangible things are easy to cut, easy to cut.Why?If there is form, there are short and long; if there is short and long, there are small and large; if there are small and large, there are square and round;Short and long, large and small, square and round, hard and brittle, light and heavy, white and black are called principles, and things are easy to cut when they are logical.Therefore, discuss it in the big court and then make a statement, and those who have the power to discuss it will know it.Therefore, if you want to be square and round and follow the rules, everything will work.And there are rules in everything, and people who talk about it will also follow the rules.The sage follows the rules of all things, so he said: dare not be the first in the world.If you don't dare to be the first in the world, you can do everything, and you can do everything, but the discussion will be overwhelming. If you want to have nowhere to be a big official, can you get it?It is said that the senior officials are the chief of success, so they say: they dare not be the first in the world, so they can be the chief of success.

Those who are kind to their children dare not give up food and clothing, those who are kind to their body dare not leave the law, and those who are kind to their surroundings dare not abandon the rules.Therefore, when approaching soldiers and being kind to the officers and officials, the enemy will be defeated, and being kind to the equipment will make the city strong.Therefore, it is said: Compassion leads to victory in battle, and discipline leads to solidification.Those who can be self-sufficient and follow the principles of all things must be born.Those who are born with heart also have heart.Therefore, the way of the world is exhausted, and life is also if it is protected by kindness.Everything must be perfect, and if there is nothing wrong with it, it is called a treasure.Therefore, it is said: I have three treasures, hold them and treasure them.The so-called Dao in the book is also true.The so-called people who give appearances are evil ways.The so-called big diameter is also beautiful.Beauties are also divided into evil ways.Those who are even removed from the court will suffer from numerous lawsuits in prisons.If prison lawsuits are numerous, the fields will be barren, and if the fields are barren, the mansion will be empty. If the mansion is empty, the country will be poor. If the country is poor, the people will be extravagant. Skillful deceit is to know how to collect literature, and knowing how to collect literature is called convincing literary talent.Prisons are full of lawsuits, warehouses and granaries are empty, and prostitution and extravagance are commonplace, and the wounds of the country are like stabbing with a sharp sword.Therefore, it is said: Bring a sharp sword.Those who pretend to be wise so as to harm the country, their private households must be rich, and their private households must be rich, so it is said: There is a surplus of capital and goods.If the state is so, the foolish people will not be able to imitate it without skill, and if it is imitated, thieves will be born.From this point of view, the big traitor will follow the little thief, and the big traitor will sing and the little thief will make peace.The yu is also the elder of the five tones, so when the yu is sung first, the bells and zithers will follow, and when the yu is sung, all the music will be in harmony.Today's big traitors are sung by the vulgar people, and the vulgar folk songs are bound to make peace with the small robbers. Therefore, those who obey literary talents, carry sharp swords, hate food and drink, and have a surplus of goods and goods are called thieves.People are not foolish and wise, and they all tend to give up.Calm and peaceful, no one knows the origin of misfortunes and blessings.Obtained by likes and dislikes, feared by pornography, and then chaos.Therefore, it is good to lead from foreign objects and mess with playing.Tranquility has the meaning of tending to give up, and peace has the meaning of knowing misfortune and fortune.Nowadays, I also like to change it, attract it with foreign objects, and lead it to go, so it is called: pull #7.The most sage is not like that, as soon as he builds up his house, even though he sees what he likes, he can't attract it, and if he can't attract it, he will not pull it out#8.On the one hand, although there are desirable things, the spirit does not move, and the spirit does not move, which is called displeasure.Those who are descendants of the people embody this way to keep the ancestral temple, and the ancestral temple is immortal, which means that there will be no end to sacrifice.Accumulation of essence is the virtue of the body, wealth is the virtue of the family, and the people are the virtue of the country and the world.Now when governing the body, external objects cannot disturb the spirit, so it is said: the virtue of cultivating the body is true.The real one is solid with caution.In governing the family, if useless things cannot be used for planning, then there will be surplus funds. Therefore, it is said: To cultivate a family, there will be surplus virtue.Those who rule the countryside will practice this festival, and those who have a surplus in the family will benefit the public. Therefore, it is said: The virtues of a cultivated village are long.Those who govern the country will practice this festival, and the virtuous people in the village will benefit the people. Therefore, it is said: To cultivate a country, its virtue will be abundant.Those who come to the world and practice this festival will benefit the lives of the people, so it is said: The virtues of cultivating the world are universal.Those who cultivate themselves use this to distinguish gentlemen and villains, and those who govern the country and the country to govern the world all use this subject to observe energy and consumption, so they will never lose oneness. Viewing the state, viewing the world from the world, I also use this to understand the nature of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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