Han Fei

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

The eyes of the ancients were shorter than self-seeing, so they looked at the surface with a mirror.Wisdom is shorter than self-knowledge, so correct yourself with the way.Therefore, the mirror has no crime of seeing flaws, and the Tao has no faults of ignorance.If you lose your eyes, you will not be able to straighten the eyebrows, and if you lose your way, you will not be able to know and confuse.Ximen Leopard is impatient, so Pei Wei slows himself down.Dong Anyu's heart is slow, so Peixian is anxious.Therefore, to make up for the deficiency with the surplus, and to continue the short with the long is called the master of clarity.

There are three beliefs in the world: one is that wisdom cannot be established, two is that strength cannot be raised, and three is that strength cannot be defeated.Therefore, even if you have the wisdom of Yao, but without the help of everyone, you will not be able to achieve great achievements.There is the power of black harvesting, but without help from others, it cannot be self-raised.If you have the strength of Ben and Yu, but you don't have magic skills, you won't live forever.There are things that cannot be obtained in the old world, and things that cannot be accomplished.Therefore, Wuhuo weighs his body lightly, not because his body weighs more than the thousand weight, and the situation is inconvenient.It is difficult to get away from Zhu Yi by a hundred steps, and it is impossible to get close by a hundred steps.Therefore, the Ming Lord is not poor and Wuhuo because he cannot lift himself up, and he is not trapped and Lizhu because he cannot see himself.Because of the potential and seeking the way of change, so the effort is small and the fame is established.Sometimes there is fullness and emptiness, things have benefits and benefits, and things have life and death. If the master is happy and angry for the three, the people of gold and stone will be renounced.The attack of the sages is shallow and deep.Therefore, it is important to understand the subject of others, and not to make others observe themselves.Ming Yu Yao could not succeed alone, Wu Huo could not lift himself up, Ben and Yu could not win by themselves, and the way of doing it with the law and defense is complete.

There are seven safety techniques, and six dangerous ways.An Shu: First, rewards and punishments follow right and wrong; second, misfortunes and blessings follow good and evil; third, death and life follow laws; fourth, there are virtuous and unworthy people without love and evil; fifth, there are fools and wisdom without reputation; sixth, there are sizes but no limits. The seventh is to have faith without deceit.

The Way of Danger: One is to cut within the rope, the other is to cut outside the law, the third is to harm others, the fourth is to harm others, the fifth is to endanger people's safety, and the sixth is to love others. Dear, all evil is not neglected.In this way, people will lose the reason why they enjoy life, and forget the reason why they cherish death. If people do not enjoy life, the master will not respect them.

Let the world be extremely intelligent in appearance, try its best in weighing, use movement to win, and use tranquility to achieve peace.Governing the world makes people happy in doing what is right, and loving themselves in doing what is wrong.There are few villains but many gentlemen, so the country will stand forever and the country will be safe for a long time.There is no Zhongni above the running car, and no Boyi under the capsized boat.Therefore, those who give orders are the boats and vehicles of the country.Safety leads to wisdom and honesty, and danger leads to strife and contempt.Therefore, the law of An Guo is to feed when hungry, and to wear clothes when cold, which is not ordered but natural.The former kings put their principles on bamboo and silk, and their way was smooth, so later generations obeyed it.To make people get rid of hunger and cold, although Ben and Yu can't do it.Abolish nature, although it is along the way but not established.What can't be done by strong and brave, can't be safe.If the superiors do not tire of blaming themselves, if they shoot down against the non-existent, if the non-existent, then despise the law, and despise the law for the sake of the country, then the merits will not be established, and the reputation will not be achieved.It is heard that the ancient Bian Que cures his disease by stabbing the bone with a knife.The sage saves the country from danger, and uses loyalty to flick the ears.Bone-piercing, so little pain is in the body and long-term benefit is in the body.Flick the ear, so the little rebellion is in the heart and the long-term blessing is in the country.Therefore, the benefit of the very sick is to bear the pain, and the fierce and resolute king brushes his ears with blessings.Enduring pain, so Bian Que did his best.If you flick your ears, Zixu will not be lost.The art of longevity is also.If you are sick and can't bear the pain, you will lose the skill of flat magpie.If you are in danger but don't brush your ears, you will lose the meaning of a saint.In this way, long-term benefits will not be far away, and fame will not be established soon.

It is fortunate that the people of Yin are as perfect as Bigan, and if they are as good as Bigan, they will not lose at the top and never perish at the bottom.If you don't use your power, you can have a field, but fortunately, your body is as big as Bigan, and the homeland will not be safe.When Yao and Shun were abolished and Jie and Zhou were established, people would not be able to enjoy their strengths and worry about their weaknesses.If one loses one's strengths, the country will have no merit, and if one keeps one's strengths short, the people will not enjoy life. It is not feasible for the people to be equal.In this way, there is no way for the upper to make the lower, and there is no way for the lower to go up.

Safety lies in right and wrong, not in strength or weakness.Survival depends on reality, not on numbers.Therefore Qi, so Wancheng also, but the name and reality are not called, the emptiness in the country is not filled with name and reality, so the ministers can seize the master.Killing the Son of Heaven is also done without right and wrong, rewarding those who have no merit, making slanderous and flattering people, valuing deceit and falsehood, punishing those who are innocent, and making people dissect their own nature.Taking fraud as right and nature as wrong, small things win big.

The Lord of Ming is strong inside, so he does not lose outside.There is nothing that loses the nearness and the righteousness that does not perish in the distance. Therefore, Zhou seized Yin and picked up the relics in the court so that Yin would not be left in the court.The way of the Ming Lord is loyal to the law, and his law is loyal, so when you come to it, you will follow the law, and when you go away, you will think about it.Yao had no covenant to practice Taoism in the present age, and Shun had no place to set an awl to make virtues in later generations.Those who can establish the way in the past #1 and have virtues in the ages are called the masters of the Ming Dynasty.

keep the way
The legislation of the sage king is also enough to reward the good, to conquer the violence, and to complete the law.A minister who governs the world, those who have done a lot of merit are honored, those who are extremely powerful are rewarded generously, and those who are full of love are named and established.The life of good is like spring, and the death of evil is like autumn. Therefore, the people persuade them to do their best and enjoy themselves to the fullest.The up and down benefit from each other, so those who can use power should balance themselves, and be as humble as possible.Soldiers are born and die, but they are willing to be Ben and Yu.Those who guard the way all have a heart of gold and stone, and they are the festival of death.Those who use force are Ren Xiao, fighting like Ben and Yu, guarding as gold and stone, then the ruler and others can rest easy and guard themselves.

The good guards in ancient times forbade the light with what is important, and stopped what is easy with what is difficult.Therefore, both the gentleman and the villain are upright, and the bandit Zhi and Zeng and Shi are both honest.How do you know it?If the husband is greedy and thieves, if he does not go to the stream but picks up gold, if he goes to the stream but picks up gold, his body will be incomplete.If Ben and Yu don't measure up to the enemy, they will have no reputation for bravery;

The lord of the Ming Dynasty guarded the ban, and Ben and Yu saw that what they invaded could not win, and Robber Zhi saw that what they could not take was harm.Therefore, if you can restrain what Ben and Yu cannot commit, and guard what robbers cannot take, then the violent will keep their vows, and the evil will be right.Great courage, great robbers are chaste, equality makes the world fair, and the love of the people of Qi is right.

If the owner leaves the law and loses others, it will be dangerous for Boyi not to take it arbitrarily, and it will not be immune to the ears of Tian Cheng and Robber Zhi.Today there is no Bo Yi in the world, and there are many villains, so legislation measures them.If you measure your trust, Boyi is right, but Robber Zhi is wrong.When the law is clear, the virtuous must not seize the unworthy, the strong must not invade the weak, and the many must not oppress the few.Entrust the world to Yao's law, the chaste men will not lose their points, and the treacherous will not be lucky.If you send a thousand pieces of gold to Yi's arrow, Boyi will not perish, but the robber Zhi will not dare to take it.Yao Ming was able to avoid adultery, so the world is innocent.Yi is clever enough not to lose his hair, so his wealth will not perish.Evil people do not live long, but robbers stop Zhi, so, so the plan does not include Zaiyu, and does not mention Liuqing.I don't know Zixu in the book, and I don't know the husband's difference.Sun and Wu were slightly abolished, and the heart of Robber Zhi fell.The owner is willing to submit to the jade hall, without the danger of glaring eyes and gnashing teeth.People and ministers hang down in the golden city, but there is no disaster of choking, gathering lips and sighing.To subdue the tiger but not use the guard, to ban adultery but not to use the law, to block the fake but not to use the talisman, this is what Ben and Yu suffered from, and Yao and Shun found it difficult.Therefore, the purpose of setting up a guard is not to prepare the rat, but to make the timid and weak to subdue the tiger.Legislation is not for the purpose of preparing past and history, but for making the mediocre master stop the robbers.Because of Fufei, Yuwei was born, so people don't get along with each other.Don't just wait for Bigan's death festival, unfortunately, the rebellious ministers are innocent, they can be subdued by the cowardly, and easy to defend by the mediocre lord.In today's world, Li Mo is good at being a loyal counselor and a virtuous person in the world.Therefore, the ruler has no picture of subjugating the country, and the loyal minister has no picture of losing his body.It is clear that honor and position must be rewarded, so it can make people do their best to balance and die in official positions.If you don't use death to change your life, if you don't use death to change your life, if you don't use money to change your life, then the way of guarding the country is complete.

It is heard that those who make good use of people in ancient times must follow the heavens and obey people and know the rewards and punishments.Xuntian uses little force but accomplishes meritorious deeds, obeys people, saves punishment and enforces orders, and clearly rewards and punishes Bo Yi and Robber Zhi.In this way, white and black are divided.A minister who governs the country serves the country to assume the position, sees that he is capable of being an official, accepts the position, and tries his best to balance and handle things.All people and ministers are suitable for their abilities, surpass their officials, and lighten their responsibilities, but don't spare any effort to their hearts, and don't take the responsibility of being an official.Therefore, there is no chaos inside and no trouble outside.Mingjun makes things irrelevant, so don't sue.Envoys are not concurrently officials, so they are skilled.It makes people different, so don't argue.When disputes and lawsuits are over, and skills are established, then the strength and weakness will not match, and the ice and coal will not fit together.

Yao can't rule a country by interpreting spells and governing his mind.Xi Zhong can't make a round if he abandons the rules and acts recklessly.The size of the waste is different from the short and the long, and Wang Er can't hit it halfway.Let the middle master observe the spell, and the clumsy craftsman observe the rules and sizes, and nothing will be lost.A gentleman who can go where the virtuous and ingenious cannot, and guards what the humble and clumsy do not lose, will exhaust his manpower and achieve fame.

The Lord of the Ming Dynasty sets rewards for what can be done, and punishments that can be avoided.Therefore, the sage persuades and rewards but does not see the misfortune of his son, the unworthy man commits less crimes and does not see his back cut, the blind man lives in peace and does not encounter deep streams, the fool keeps quiet and does not fall into danger.In this way, the favor of the upper and lower ends will be completed.The ancients said: It is difficult to know his heart, and it is difficult to control his joy and anger.Therefore, the eyes are expressed, the ears are drummed, and the heart is taught by the Dharma.The ruler interprets the number of the three changes and acts one of the hard-to-know mind#2, so that anger will accumulate above, and resentment will accumulate below, and there will be two dangers by accumulating anger and resisting accumulation of resentment.

The appearance of the Lord Ming is easy to see, so the agreement is made.Its teaching is easy to understand, so it is used.The law is easy to do, so the order is enforced.The three stand upright without selfishness, and then follow the law and govern the bottom, move by looking at the watch, chop with the rope, and sew because of gathering.In this way, there will be no poison of selfish prestige above, and no punishment of foolishness below.Therefore, the superior ruler is wise and less angry, and the inferior is loyal and less guilty.

Wen Zhi said: "There is no patient in the matter, and Yao can't do it."And there is nothing wrong with the world.A ruler does not despise honor and wealth, is not easy to be rich, and cannot be used to save a country in danger.Therefore, the Ming Lord is strict with integrity and shame, and recruits benevolence and righteousness.In the past, Jie Zitui had no honor and salary, but followed Wen Gong righteously. He couldn't bear to cut his flesh with benevolence.The owner is happy to make people do their best for the public, but it is hard for them to win the prestige by selfishness.People and ministers are safe enough to be able to accept their posts, but they are so miserable that one loses two.It is also called one body and two jobs.Therefore, the master of the Ming Dynasty eliminates the suffering of the people and ministers, and establishes the joy of the master of the people. The benefits of the upper and lower sides cannot be longer than this.Don't look into private affairs, consider important matters lightly, punish more than crimes, complain for a long time, and steal quickly, insult others lightly, and steal momentary pleasure.If one pursues misfortune with virtue, the evildoer should be punished, but instead repays it with virtue.It is to cut off the hand and continue to use jade, so there is a danger of changing the body in this world.

If the person decides to do something difficult but the crime is not enough, then private grievances will be established.When people and ministers lose their strengths and are hard to give, they will end up with grievances.Toil without caress, sorrow without pity.If you are happy, you will praise the villain, and reward both the virtuous and the unworthy.Anger destroys the gentleman and humiliates Boyi and Bandit Zhi.The old minister has betrayed the master.

If the King of Yan hates his people internally and loves Lu people externally, then Yan will not use it and Lu will not attach himself to the people#3.You can't do your best when you see hatred, Lu Jian said that you can't leave your life and kiss another master.In this way, the people and ministers are gaps, and the people are independent.To serve as an independent master with a minister in the gap, this is called a crisis.

Shi Yi's hair is rash, although it is small and medium-sized.Interpret the legal system and get angry, even if you kill, you will not be afraid of treacherous people.Sin begets A, disaster returns to B, and resentment is the end.Therefore, in the most governed country, there are rewards and punishments but no joy or anger, so the saints are extremely.There is a criminal law to die, and there is no sting poison, so the adulterer takes it.Those who hit the arrow will be rewarded and punished as talismans, so Yao will be resurrected and Yi will be reborn.In this way, there will be no troubles of Yin and Xia at the top, and no disasters of incomparable dryness at the bottom.

The madam does not fill the gaps, but works hard on the chalk, and the heavy rain and wind will destroy it.Don't get rid of the misfortune of the eyebrows, but the death of Mu Ben and Yu, don't care about the trouble of Xiaoqiang, but fix the golden city in the distance.Don't use the advice of close sages, but make friends with thousands of miles away.Once the wind blows, it will be too late to save Ben and Yu, and the diplomacy will not be able to reach it, and there is nothing worse than this.In today's world, those who are loyal to the masters of the people will not make the king of Yan talk about Lu people, they will not make the modern world admire the sages of the past, and they will not think of Yue people to save the drowning in China.In this way, the upper and lower relatives will achieve internal merit and external fame.

There are four reasons why Mingjun has made great achievements and become famous: one is the weather, the other is the heart, the third is the skill, and the fourth is the position.Even if it is not the right time, even ten Yao cannot grow an ear in winter.Against people's hearts, although Ben and Yu can't do their best.Therefore, if you get the right time, you will be self-sufficient; if you get the people's hearts, you will not be interested and you will persuade yourself; if you are not in a hurry, you will get sick because of skills;Like the flow of water, like the float of a boat, keep the way of nature, and follow the endless orders, so it is called Mingzhu.

A husband has talent but no power, although he is virtuous, he cannot control the unworthy.Therefore, if you stand a foot of wood on top of a high mountain, you will be next to the stream of Qianren. The wood is not long, but high.Jie is the son of heaven, able to rule the world, he is not a virtuous person, but has great power.Yao was an ordinary man, and he couldn't straighten the three families. He was definitely unworthy and inferior.If the boat is won by a thousand weights, it will float, but if the boat is lost by a coin, it will sink.Therefore, the short and high are also based on the position, and the unworthy are also based on the power.The owner of the people, the world will carry it together, so it is safe.one mind
Establish it, so respect it.People and ministers keep the director and do their best, so they are loyal.By respecting the Lord and controlling loyal ministers, Changle will be born and become famous.The name and the truth are formed by treating each other, and the form and shadow are established in accordance with each other.The master's trouble lies in Mo Zhiying, so it is said: clap alone with one hand, even though it is sick, there is no sound.The worries of people and ministers are not one, so it is said: draw a circle with the right hand, and draw a square with the left hand.Therefore, it is said: In a state of perfect governance, the ruler is like a drum, the ministers are like drums, skills are like chariots, and affairs are like horses.The old man is easy to respond if he has spare strength, but it is easy to #4 handle things if he has spare skill.Those who have done meritorious service are not enough for strength, those who are close are not enough for trust, and those who are famous are not enough for power.Those who are close have been married, but those who are far away have not married, so the name is not true.A sage is like Yao and Shun in virtue, and like Boyi in conduct, but if his position is not recorded in the world, his merits will not be established and his name will not be fulfilled.Therefore, in ancient times, those who were able to achieve fame and fame were helped by everyone, those who were close to them were able to achieve success, those who were far away praised them for their names, and those who were respected carried them with power.In this way, the merits of Mount Tai have long been established in the country, and the names of the sun and the moon have long been known in the world.This is the reason why Yao kept his name from the south, and the reason why Shun was from the north to serve him.

generally speaking
In ancient times, those who looked at the sky and the earth, looked at the river and the sea, because of the valleys, the sun and the moon, and the four seasons, the clouds and the wind.Don't tire your heart with wisdom, don't tire yourself with selfishness.Giving chaos to spells, entrusting right and wrong to rewards and punishments is a matter of weight rather than balance.Don't go against the law of nature, don't hurt your temperament, don't criticize hairs and find small flaws, don't wash away dirt and find it difficult to know.Don't lead the rope, don't push the rope, don't rush the method, don't delay the method.Conservation of principles, because of nature, misfortune and good fortune come from Taoism, not from love and dislike.The responsibility of honor and disgrace lies with oneself, not with others.Therefore, in the most peaceful world, the Dharma is like the dew in the morning, simple and undisturbed, with no grudges in the heart, and no annoying words in the mouth.Therefore, chariots and horses do not tire on long roads, banners do not clutter in Daze, people do not lose their lives in warlords, heroes do not live long in flags, heroes are not famous in books, merits are not recorded in pans, and records of years are recorded. emptiness.Therefore, it is said: Li Mo is longer than Jane, and Fu Mo is longer than An.Let the craftsman Shi hold the hook with a thousand years of life, observe the rules, lift the rope and ink, and head straight to Mount Tai.Make Ben and Yudai Ganjiang#5 and Qi Wanmin, although they try their best to be ingenious, they are extremely prosperous in longevity.Therefore, it is said: Those who herd the world in ancient times did not use craftsmen and stones to be extremely skillful to defeat the body of Taishan, and did not use Ben and nurturing to harm the nature of the people.Because of the Tao and the law, the gentleman is happy to stop the big rape, calm and quiet, and because of the destiny, he upholds the general principle.Therefore, people will not have the crime of departing from the Dharma, and fish will not suffer from the misfortune of losing water.In this way, so the world is indispensable.

If there is no sky above, there will be no coverage below, and if the heart is not on the ground, there will be no need to carry things.Taishan does not have likes and dislikes, so it can become its height.Jiang Hai does not choose small helpers, so he can become rich.Therefore, adults place their form in the heaven and earth and everything is ready, and their hearts are in the mountains and seas to make the country rich.There is no poison of anger at the top, and no trouble of grievances at the bottom.Therefore, long-term profit accumulation, great meritorious service, fame comes first, virtue comes later, and governance is perfect.


#1 The word "name" is derived here, which was deleted according to the Yuanping version and Ling Yingchu's version.

#2 The word "heart" is removed here, and it is supplemented according to the Yupingben and Ling Yingchuben.

#3 The word "people" is removed here, and it is supplemented according to the Yuanping version and Ling Yingchu's version.

#4 The word "Yi" is removed here, and it is supplemented according to the Yupingben and Ling Yingchuben.

#5 "Thousand Generals" is obviously a mistake of "Generals", so it should be corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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